Automatic file upload - ftp

Is there any way, any free software capable of automatic file upload? Let's say I edit php code on my local computer with my favorite IDE. I won't change my IDE, it's great. I want something that would detect a file is changed in my project directory and upload it with FTP/SFTP onto remote server. That's it - just that simple.
What I've already tried:
FTPDrive + FileSync Eclipse Plugin - it's quite slow, uploads ALL the files way to often, works buggy under Vista and Windows 7.
WinSCP automatic synchronization - bugs again, refuses to upload files randomly. Would be the best if it worked right.
Eclipse's native SFTP support - it's USELESS! You cannot use PDT projects with this feature. PDT without projects is no better than Notepad++.
Aptana FTP feature. It's worse than manual! Gawd, it sucks!
Running my own PHP/MySQL server under windows. First, it took me ages to set it up, then, it didn't work EXACTLY as my production environment - I hadn't been able to test my code correctly.
How it should work? I change file here, and it's uploaded there. It would be best, if it sit quietly in tray and bother me only if upload error occured.
Ok, if it's not free, maybe there's something cheap at least?
If there's nothing like it, is there something like FTPDrive?

rsync does exactly what you're asking.
Well, almost: it doesn't watch your filesystem and automatically upload files - you'd have to set up a task to run it every minute or whatever. But it does efficiently upload only the changes. If you're on Linux, lsyncd does the watching part and drives rsync to do the efficient upload part.

In the rails world, we tend to use source control and a deployment tool like vlad or capistrano. It's a bit safer and more consistent than FTP. This is a guide on how to use it with svn and php
You really should try to get your development server running on your personal machine. It's a much better way and it is worth the initial pain of trying to make it work. There are good tutorials on that out there somewhere.

You can use WebDrive or ExpanDrive, mount a complete remote directory as a local disk drive and directly edit your files on the server. However this highly depends on your connection and how your tools are written. Another approach could be to use one of these tools and with another tool sync all the changes asynchronously.


monitor a directory and pull new files as they appear - bash script

I need to pull log files from a Windows server. The log files appear every minute and I am trying to ftp to the server pull the file back to the linux box and process it. I have been looking around and found about inotify, I am not sure how to use it in a bash script after ftp to the Windows server. I am open to other implementation it does not have to be ftp/inotify but I am not sure how this could be done.
any ideas??
Two products come to mind depending on how you plan to approach the solution.
I personally use Splunk on a variety of platforms (Windows & Linux servers/local Linux & OSX dev environments). It is a real-time log aggregator that features an API and the ability to query. Even if this doesn't solve your problem, the free version has some very robust features that you should consider:
The second approach would be synchronization of your web directories using something like RSync. I've used RSync on Linux boxes and always appreciated what it can do. I even see it now has a Windows port:

Moving files across a computers connected by LAN

I am needed to move entire directories from one computer in the network to the other (In a platform independent way). Basically I am working on some automation tool to help the developers do Build Verification Tests, for this; I am directed to automate the installation and un-installation of the product on multiple platforms. So, I will need to first copy the files!
And this is where I needed some help in both conceptual and practical knowledge.
Firstly, let me mention that using something like FileZilla or WinSCP is out of the question since I need things to happen automatically and not through button clicks. But please let me know if these tools have any command line utilities!
I tried Perl's NET::FTP, and while it looked promising, I was wondering whether it was the best way to go. Also, I want to know what are the pre-requisites before I can run FTP, I mean would I need perl installed on the other end as well ? I constantly read that the commands from perl's FTP actually try to connect to a FTP host, does this mean its not going to work if I haven't configured the remote host in some way? And if I am right, then what is this extra piece of configuration to be done?
Apart from this, is there any other way I could solve my problem ? I mean I am looking for API's here that would help me do platform independent file transfers. But once again, I cannot use tools that would need button clicks and stuff, because I am doing automation and everything needs be dome programmatic-ally and automatically.
Also, I think this is a very generic problem-statement: "Moving files across a computers connected by LAN"; So, it would be wonderful if we can have a list of (possibly) many options (ways to solve the problem) in the form of answers to this post.
Thanks in advance for any help that you wish to provide.
If nearly all of the files in your directory have changed, creating an archive, sending it over the network, and unarchiving makes sense. Actually, if your LAN is fast enough, though, it may be faster not to compress the archive--just use tar.
If only some of the files have changed, rsync, a command line tool, will only download the changes. It can be used with ssh like this:
rsync -ae ssh username#hostname:/path/to/files /store/here/locally
On Linux and OS X, cron and crontab allow you to schedule scripts to run periodically. Windows provides the Windows Task Scheduler.
FTP is fine if you don't care about encryption over your LAN. Otherwise, SSH would be preferable.
rsync is available on OS X and Linux, but I think you can use it on Windows through Cygwin.
I suggest making an archive (e.g. a .tar.gz file) on the source host, transferring it with scp, and unarchive it on the target host.
You could also use unison or rsync
I would suggest you to develop your own FTP client in .NET. This way you will have complete control over the application, and instead of button-clicks you can schedule it using windows-scheduler. Here is an article about how to create your own FTP client in VB.NET:

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How do you do the "remote" part of your question? SSHFS? FTP?
If you use FTP (Transmit or Cyberduck) there is at least one way but I think it's extremelly convoluted. I used to want it badly when I started to use TextMate but I soon learned about Subversion and then Git and now, I almost never use an FTP client for development work at all.
Both versioning systems are extremelly well integrated with TextMate and the whole concept of working on a local copy and pushing only valid changes is vastly superior to using an FTP client to download a whole file in a temp folder, opening it with a local editor, saving the temp file, uploading it to the server.
If you use SSHFS or some other ways to mount the remote server you can use it as you were working with local file with the caveat that the whole thing can be maddening slow.
Did you try to edit the files within an SSH session in the terminal? Using Vim like that is actually very fast but it can lead to somewhat unpleasing situations when not done correctly.
I found myself:
Use Transmit 4+
Mount the server as image
drag the entire mount icon in textmate

Best way to interface between Windows dev platform and Linux test platform?

my project is a PHP web application. This applies to my test server (local), not production server! I am also the solo developer on this project (however, that may change in the very far future). Also, all my source code is committed to a repository and the production server gets the source code from the repository.
I do my development in Windows while my test server runs on Ubuntu (perhaps you can also recommend me another distro that is easy to use and can serve as a good web server). I need an elegant way to interface between the two environments. Currently, I do my coding in Windows and then FTP the changed files to the test server. However, this is quite cumbersome and tedious since I have to manually go to my FTP client each time. Suggest me something elegant please! Perhaps FTP sync? or OpenVPN (where the root www directory on test server is acts like a folder in Windows)? Thanks for your awesome time!
Easiest would be in Ubuntu, right click a folder then click "Sharing Options", then share the folder. In Windows, connect to the share, and work on that copy.
If you're using version control, using continuous integration like Hudson ( ) would help if you create a task that builds/exports the website for the testing server. This approach would be better in the long term, but you'll waste a day setting it up initially.
I prefer SFTP to FTP.
That said, ExpanDrive lets you map SFTP servers to local drive letters, which then means you can use any text editor to access your files directly on the test server, or use other mechanisms to keep the files in sync. Since they show up as two local drives, you can use just about any product out there.
If you want to use FTP, you can just map the drive in Windows Explorer. If you open up My Computer, then go to Tools > Map Network Drive, you can map a FTP server folder to any local drive. Just type in the address as the folder, ie. ftp://mscharley#
This will atleast save you a trip to the FTP client...
Is there any reason you couldn't just test on your local computer? At my job, we all develop and do developer testing locally, most of us using Windows. Our production and test servers are all linux based. Working locally is really nice, because you don't need to worry about making changes on the server with every small change.
Another option would be to create a checkout or working copy of your code on the server, and then run svn up or svn export (or equivalent using your version control software) each time you change the code on the server (assuming you are sshd into the server). This is kind of slow, but it's easy. The other option would be to write a script that goes through the svn logs for the recent commit and only exports or updates the ones that changed. This is much faster, and for all I know, there is already something out there that this.
Finally, some IDEs allow you to edit files live over ftp\sftp. Basically the IDE downloads a copy of the code and then reuploads it when you save.
Currently I develop on windows (PHP) as well and deploy on a Linux box for testing and production. This is how I do it.
Set up a local development server with e.g. WAMP.
Set up your code base in version control, e.g. Subversion.
Checkout your code base onto the testing/staging server, not just only on your local dev. environment.
In the early stages of development you want to deploy to the testing environment A LOT to sort out any discrepancies between your windows and linux environments. When your programming efforts turn more into program flow type programming this constant testing will probably slow down. But still take the effort to test on a regular basis.
To test your code base on staging do an svn update. I just log in with an SSH session to do this. A key thing here to note is that you do not have to make any config changes to your code base. If you do need to make config changes to your environment on staging it worth while spending the time to SCRIPT this process rather than this being a manual process.
Do the same for production. I use an Subversion check out on production as well. Make sure you set you .htaccess file to deny access to your hidden .svn folders and script the deployment especially if there a config changes necessary.
Some ideas:
Use a server environment under windows (e.g. EasyPHP).
Use a development tool that can save over FTP (e.g. ultra edit).
Use a network drive connected to the remote machine via FTP.
Use a network drive connected to the remote machine via Samba.
Run a linux distro inside a virtualization tool (e.g. virtual box) and write from the windows host to a share directory of the guest host.
Use dropbox to sync files between machines (there is more a hack than an "enterprise" solution).

sync between local and virtual machine

I'm working on a windows platform and want to be able to auto sync my files one way 'on change' to my virtual windows or linux web server - also need to be able to filter file types. i can connect to the remote machine via network drives.
i'm ideally looking for a free, easy to set up solution - a commercial product that does what I need is called ViceVersa but its a little overkill and costs :)
I'd use rsync - simple, easy to setup, and provides the filters you need. Also very low on bandwidth after the first pass.
Here is a link explaining how to get it working in Windows
Whilst rsync doesn't allow 'on-change' auto-syncing, it is very fast when it scans a sync'ed directory (even very large ones), so you could schedule a frequent sync to overcome this.
Edit: You could combine it with a program like this, to trigger an rsync on folder contents change. Cheaper than viceversa
For other users, its worth mentioning lsyncd, it will auto sync on changes between two machines (by default deferring to rsync). Will only work on Linux though, but if thats not a problem it works great.
It also seems that Sparkleshare has finally released some working code (Dropbox clone). Havent tried it myself but does cross-platform synching and you can setup your own server.
