jScrollPane in Firefox - Dragger fills entire bar and doesn't scroll - firefox

My jScrollPane (division) works well in IE and Chrome. It may be of some significance that I am also running JQuery MouseScroll and hoverintent. Again, these functions work fine in IE and Chrome.
The division is displayed properly in Firefox, as is the vertical scrollbar. There's about 50 lines to scroll down through.
In Firefox, the dragger fills the entire length of the vertical bar and doesn't move. The dragger and the arrows do respond to mouseover, but the functions don't work.
Perhaps the scrolling action is functional, just that there is no space to scroll, because the dragger fills the entire region. I am unsure whether my jScrollPane works or doesn't in Opera or Safari.
I checked Google and found little directly associated advice, just to:
"Ensure that the division has a height specified (it does) and to try refreshing (no luck) in case the content (only text) needs to pre-load."
I wonder whether anyone can suggest any checks for me to make from their previous experience before I post any code to wade through.
This is only the second question tagged with jScrollPane & Firefox, so perhaps no-one will be familiar with this 'bug'. In which case I will create and post some reduced code which generates this bug in Firefox but not IE or Chrome.
Update: I created a 'test' scrollbar webpage to see if the bug would be replicated, and that works fine - so no need to post that for error-checking.
The problem must lie somewhere within my code on the site I'm working on.
So far I have identified that all the JavaScripts work and my custom jScrollPane CSS is fine. So it's just a process of elimination through each of the stylesheets now. I have a feeling the source of the bug may be in my custom reset CSS.
I'm confident I'll fix the bug, and will let you folks know either way.

The bug was in the CSS reset as suspected. Specifically, with the rule for column-count.
I had defined them (moz-/wekbit-/column-count) as '1' instead of the defining as 'auto' / not defining it at all.
This was from when I was experimenting with (CSS3) multi-column text. Presumably jScrollPane requires multiple columns. Not enough support yet for multi-column text to be worth implementing yet IMO.


is it possible to scroll to specific position in browsing?

I am no programmar nor tech savvy person myself.
I just wanna know if it's possible to achieve this goal:
The default behavior of the browser(e.g. chrome) is it sends one page up or page down depending on where I click(above or below scroll thumb).
But when clicking somewhere on the scroll track, I wish it navigates right through the target position in the web page.
for better understanding, here's the screenshot of cnn.com main page for reference:
(In first screnshot, I highlighted where I will click.
Second screenshot is the default behavior of the browser as a result.
Third screenshot is what I want realize for my own convenience. it's useful when navigating through long articles.)
I think it is almost impossible to do this on my part because maybe it's hardcoded in browser's engine level or something, but I wanted to make sure it really is.
or any workaround like making autohotkey script or something?
thank you so much!
There seems to exist a trick with Shift, but it doesn't work in browsers.
However, you are manipulating a browser, and browsers have a built-in scripting language — JavaScript. Here's the setup you need to do:
Go to the place on the page you want to scroll to.
Open the developer console (Ctrl+Shift+I and then click on the "Console" tab). This shouldn't interfere with the scroll position.
Type window.scrollY and press Enter.
After that, the console will output the amount of vertical scrolling. In the following AutoHotkey code I'll use 12345 as an example; replace it with the value you have. Note that it also scrolls to the left margin.
Send {F6}javascript:window.scrollTo(0,12345)`%3Bvoid`%200{Enter}
It appears that, due to a bug, this doesn't work in Firefox.
I know your problem, I think chrome must have this config, you can type in the address bar "chrome://chrome-urls" for searching

mix-blend-mode scroll lag issues

Just using 'mix-blend-mode:overlay' on a text element and it causes my browser to scroll really slow while the text is in the screen view. As soon as you scroll past the text item, the scroll goes back to butter smooth.
The lag effect, which affects both chrome and firefox is solved if I remove the mix-blend-mode.
Has anyone else had a similar problem with mix-blend-mode?
Not sure if this will help you in your case, but I had a 'transform: scale(-1);' set on element that had 'mix-blend-mode' enabled. When I removed the transform the performance was silky smooth! So, if you're using any sort of 'transform' I'd remove it and look for an alternative solution if possible.
It may also help if you set 'isolation' property to the layer beneath, as per example here: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/mix-blend-mode#HTML_example

Page items sliding in in metro style apps

I'm experimenting with creating a metro style app with Visual Studio 2012, I am not the most experienced designer but one thing with my applications is confusing me.
I have been working with 'basic pages' instead of blank ones for the different pages in my application for design consistency, however it seems that these 'basic pages' have a strange behaviour. Every item I place on the page (buttons, text boxes, etc) will all slide in one by one when the page opens. For example if I run the application and navigate to a page with 10 buttons, it will do a brief animation where each button will slide in from the right side to the left side. When dealing with a large number of items on one page this can take a lot of time as each item slides in seperatley.
Looking at the properties for each item I have been able to change the direction it slides in while loading the page by changing the flow direction. Also with a bit of research I am thinking it could potentially be due to either the metro style 'enterPage' or 'enterContent' animations, though I can not be certain.
I have tried to experiment and figure this out, and search to find out what causes this so I can modify it (Ideally I would like to just group items together to slide in with each other) however it's kind of a difficult thing to search with vague words, so I'm asking here.
What is causing this and how might I go about modifying it?
EnterPage shouldn't be sequencing the animations. They do offset some of the animations of a number of elements, but it shouldn't be each one sequentially.
Are you using WinJS navigation?
Well after a bit of experimentation I figured out that putting all my page content inside a grid made them all come in at once like I wanted. I probably should have tried that earlier but everything was already inside an outer grid for the page, so I thought that woulda handled it.
I don't quite understand it fully, but that works for now.

Is it no longer possible to resize a Firefox window below a certain threshold width?

I'm using the latest Firefox testing a fluid layout.
Somehow after the last update of FireFox, I seem to no longer be able to shrink the page width below a certain threshold level (in my case 348px). Even if I delete all elements on the page, I'm still at 348px.
I have tried to hide all toolbars and Firefox buttons, but still no change.
If check a page in Chrome, the HTML width gets reported correctly = whatever my browser window is resized to.
Is this a new "feature"/setting? If so, can I turn this off... It's annoying for sure.
Firefox 14 (if I remember correctly) should have a responsive layout tool - you might want to check that out.

vertical scrollbar jumps in firefox

to perfectly describe the problem look at (in firefox, my version=3.0.10!!):
when you click through the portfolio, apparently the scrollbar jumps to the bottom?
In Safari, Opera it wont, it stays at the top, which is what I want.
Is there a workaround or how can a tackle the problem?
The scrollbar (the page actually) jumps, because Firefox jumps to an anchor.Your links in your <li>-list e.g. point to URL#p05 - is there a reason for using those anchors?
There's no real way to prevent this but a solution has been posted here
Prevent default hash behavior on page load
