mix-blend-mode scroll lag issues - performance

Just using 'mix-blend-mode:overlay' on a text element and it causes my browser to scroll really slow while the text is in the screen view. As soon as you scroll past the text item, the scroll goes back to butter smooth.
The lag effect, which affects both chrome and firefox is solved if I remove the mix-blend-mode.
Has anyone else had a similar problem with mix-blend-mode?

Not sure if this will help you in your case, but I had a 'transform: scale(-1);' set on element that had 'mix-blend-mode' enabled. When I removed the transform the performance was silky smooth! So, if you're using any sort of 'transform' I'd remove it and look for an alternative solution if possible.
It may also help if you set 'isolation' property to the layer beneath, as per example here: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/mix-blend-mode#HTML_example


Why do AxWindows Media Players affect Full Screen Generation in Visual Studio?

I'm using many AxWindows Media Players (AxWMPLib) to play sound in my piano application on Visual Studio. I'm not using them for video, and so they are all invisible. I also want to play my application in full screen mode. The full screen mode works fine with no media players, all the anchors work correctly as I want. This is the full screen without the Media Players and it is all good
However, as soon as I add one media player, it then looks like this? The anchors break and the full screen mode completely alters? I don't know why this happens, and I am really stuck as to why adding an AxWMPLib breaks the anchors like this, without altering the AxWMPLib at all.
Does anyone know why this is the case and how to fix it?
Thank you in advance :D
I have found an answer to this problem! I hope my solution below will help anyone in the future. If you are using AxWMPLib and want the form to be fullscreen, all the elements might not anchor correctly, and stay in the top left corner of the screen (like the screenshots in the question).
I found this to be caused by the WindowState Property in the Layouts section. Rather than setting the WindowState Property as Maximised, keep it as Normal, and then change the WindowState Property programmaticly in the Form_Load Sub, with the following code:
Me.WindowState = FormWindowState.Maximised
And then hopefully when you run the form, the form will still be fullscreen but the AxWMPLib won't cause it to go wrong, and everything should be anchored correctly.

How to emulate mouse position in FireFox?

I'm trying to figure a lot of hover/mouseover related CSS/Javascript on a webpage.
To do so, I use Firefox+firebug inspectors.
The problem, is that whenever I move the mouse out of an element I'm inspecting, all the "hover reactions" are lost.
Is there a way, to fix the mouse position firefox sees so I can freely use the mouse withouth concern about weiter it actually hovers some elements or not?
Well, it is not fixing the mouse position, but when you right-click on an element in the Inspector in the regular Developer Tools, you're offered a :hover menu item (along some other things). Selecting that will put the element into permanent :hover state. That at least should cover the CSS-part of your question. I'm sure Firebug offers something similar.
For the JS-part, I'd just set a breakpoint somewhere.

Show hide symbol in Adobe Edge

Just trying to get my head around Adobe Edge. What I want to achieve sounds simple but having real trouble. I have a button element, that when mouseover, displays an animated symbol I have.
Currently my code,on the button is Mouseout:
and mouseover:
This doesn't seem to be working. I can achieve the result if, I turn off the movie symbol, and use this code on the button
The trouble is of course it doesn't replay the animation every time you mouse over, and all the while it's hidden it's playing the animation.
I see its been a month since you posted this. Hopefully you solved your issue. Your code for hiding and showing looks right. One thing I have had happen in some of my projects is that I inadvertently placed an object or symbol with 0% opacity on top of a button or something I had a mouse over event. Make sure that the button you have does not have anything layered on top of it. Another thing would be to turn off autoplay of your symbol, and add sym.$("pgicatext2").play(); into your mouse over. I know those are pretty obvious answers, but sometimes it is easy to forget the obvious.
Please get through following steps:
Check if the button is over all other visible layers ('Elements'
tab). Maybe setting cursor to 'pointer' will help to check it.
Use 'Mouseenter' and 'Mouseleave' instead of 'Mouseover' and
'Mouseout'. The difference is explained here.
Make sure that your animated symbols 'autoplay' option is off. If
you did not tick it off while creating the symbol, just set Playback
to 'Stop' on Stage at the very beginning of the timeline
Lets do some coding. Lets assume that your animated symbols name is
"film". You need to set following actions to your button element:
this basically shows up your 'film' element and plays 'film' symbol
this one hides your 'film' element and stops 'film' symbol at the beginning of animation (0ms)

SlickGrid vertical scroll bar not displaying properly unless the filter is displayed/hidden to re-size the viewport

I'm just starting to use SlickGrid but I've had a lot of success creating a remote model that can interact with the paging plugin. The only problem I have seems to be a browser issue, but I'm curious if anyone knows a trick that may resolve the issue.
I'm retrieving the data page by page in my model via AJAX and updating the grid with the grid.setData() and grid.render() methods.
The problem I would like to solve is that when the length of data changes the vertical scroll bar gets really confused, unless I change the current visibility of the filter panel (grid.hideTopPanel() or grid.showTopPanel()). By confused I mean that the scroll handle in the scroll bar doesn't change size to indicate the different number of rows that are now current, and if the list grows, the scroll handle size jumps all over the place as I scroll up and down.
I'm assuming the "fix" works because it forces the browser to recalculate the view port height, but is there any way to force that to happen? Or is there a better way to do what I'm trying to do?
Ok mleibman straightened me out, what I actually was looking for was grid.updateRowCount(). I believe he will be adding a call to this in grid.setData(), but for now just make sure the 2 method calls are used together.
Have you tried grid.invalidate() ? Im my experience that forces the grid to recalculate pretty much everything. It may be more heavy-handed than you need but at least you can see if a complete invalidate solves the problem.
I figured it out. You need to call grid.resizeCanvas() after calling grid.setData(). It seems like this should be part of the grid.setData() method because a call to it will change the number of rows. But anyway, that's what you need to do.

jScrollPane in Firefox - Dragger fills entire bar and doesn't scroll

My jScrollPane (division) works well in IE and Chrome. It may be of some significance that I am also running JQuery MouseScroll and hoverintent. Again, these functions work fine in IE and Chrome.
The division is displayed properly in Firefox, as is the vertical scrollbar. There's about 50 lines to scroll down through.
In Firefox, the dragger fills the entire length of the vertical bar and doesn't move. The dragger and the arrows do respond to mouseover, but the functions don't work.
Perhaps the scrolling action is functional, just that there is no space to scroll, because the dragger fills the entire region. I am unsure whether my jScrollPane works or doesn't in Opera or Safari.
I checked Google and found little directly associated advice, just to:
"Ensure that the division has a height specified (it does) and to try refreshing (no luck) in case the content (only text) needs to pre-load."
I wonder whether anyone can suggest any checks for me to make from their previous experience before I post any code to wade through.
This is only the second question tagged with jScrollPane & Firefox, so perhaps no-one will be familiar with this 'bug'. In which case I will create and post some reduced code which generates this bug in Firefox but not IE or Chrome.
Update: I created a 'test' scrollbar webpage to see if the bug would be replicated, and that works fine - so no need to post that for error-checking.
The problem must lie somewhere within my code on the site I'm working on.
So far I have identified that all the JavaScripts work and my custom jScrollPane CSS is fine. So it's just a process of elimination through each of the stylesheets now. I have a feeling the source of the bug may be in my custom reset CSS.
I'm confident I'll fix the bug, and will let you folks know either way.
The bug was in the CSS reset as suspected. Specifically, with the rule for column-count.
I had defined them (moz-/wekbit-/column-count) as '1' instead of the defining as 'auto' / not defining it at all.
This was from when I was experimenting with (CSS3) multi-column text. Presumably jScrollPane requires multiple columns. Not enough support yet for multi-column text to be worth implementing yet IMO.
