Install other applications in a WP7 application Programatically - windows-phone-7

What the WP7 application needs to do?
- download some others applications and install them automatically on the device.
The device will send first a request to a web server with some rules and will receive an answer containing the links to the applications that need
to be downloaded and installed on the device.
As far as I read, the Marketplace is the only way to get apps on a Windows Phone 7 device, so let's suppose that the applications I want to
install are already on the Marketplace and I can refer to each one by their links (according to this post).
Can I download programmatically an application from the MarketPlace (having the link to it) in another application and install it
on the device?
I do not want to open the app link in browser because this opens the Marketplace hub and points me to the application location.
Just for my curiosity: every time you want to install an application from Marketplace you need to sign in with a Windows Live ID?
Thanks & Regards,

You cannot dynamically download or execute code or install applications on WP7. The closest you can get is launching a MarketplaceDetailTask which directs the user to a page on the marketplace where they can choose to download the application.
The user's Live ID remains signed in until they sign out from Settings so, no, they don't have to sign in more than once.


Submit a Unity app to Windows store

I have a unity app built for Windows desktop. Client wants this to be distributed through Windows 10 Store. This is just a desktop app and has no support to tabs or phones.
But looks like with Windows 10 there is no desktop only option.
Is there any documentation on what are the steps I need to follow to submit the unity built app to Windows store?
I did some reading and looks like this is what I will have to do.
But want to get a confirmation from some one who has already done that. As I don't have a Windows developer account right now to try that out.
Is there any documentation on what are the steps I need to follow to submit the unity built app to Windows store?
The steps of publishing a unity app is similar to UWP app. You can refer to App Submissions for more details.
After your packages have been successfully uploaded, you will find the Device family availability section that indicates which packages will be offered to specific Windows 10 device families.
For your requirement, you could check Windows 10 Desktop device option, as the follow picture shows:
For more info, you could refer to Device family availability official document.

Windows app store download permissions

I developed an app for Windows phone. Now I want to deploy it on Windows app store and wants to put restriction.I want only specific people will able to install it. How can I do that. Any suggestion will be appropriated.
Well that depends on who these specific people are. You can set age restrictions and region restrictions, and that's about it.
If you mean you want to hand-pick users that can use your app, then provide a login screen where you manually authorize your registered users.
If you mean that only users you choose can download the app, then you can't use the Store; you'll need to use sideloading.
You can control distribution in the Distribution and Visibility section of your app submission on the developer dashboard.
There are three basic options (for Windows 10 - two for Windows Phone 8.x):
Hide this app and prevent acquisition. Customers with a promotional code can still download it on Windows 10 devices
Give codes to the people you want to be able to use the app. This is Windows 10 only.
Hide this app in the Store. Customers with a direct link to the app’s listing can still download it, except on Windows 8 and Windows
Send links to the people you want to use the app. This will work on Windows Phone 8.1 as well as Windows 10. Anybody with a link can download it though, so it won't truly limit to just the people you want to use the app.
Hide this app and make it available only to the people you specify below, who can download this app on Windows Phone 8.x devices. A
promotional code may be used to download this app on Windows 10
This is the classic beta-mode for Windows Phone 8.x. You can specify which Microsoft Accounts have access to the app.

create exe file from windows universal app

I have created a windows universal app with WinJS in visual studio 2015. Now I can run it from my visual studio. How can i make an exe file of the app so that i can distribute it to my friends? Is it only possible to upload in windows store?
I guess you're talking about an app for Windows 10!?
There are several ways to get this done.
The best way is to distribute it via Windows Store. You can hide the app there so that it is only visible to people who have the direct link to the app.
Your friends can download it directly from the store.
Another option is to provide the live IDs of your friends in the store. Then your friends get an email with a direct link.
The option you might actually be looking for which doesn't involve the store at all is to create an app package and to deploy this package to your friends. (See screenshot)
For Windows Store Apps you won't create an .exe-File, you only create .appx Packages.
Choose not to upload to the store in the next dialog. Then click create.
In the output directory you will find the *.appx file (not an *.exe)
You can distribute the appx via sideloading. Simply copy the content of the output folder to your friends's machine and run the ps1 script in Powershell. This will start the installation of the app.
Little hint: This requires your friends PCs to be enabled for sideloading.
You can set this in the settings dialog. See Screenshot.
In Current Windows Dev account, you can use Promotional codes to distribute the app to your friends instead of using side load.If the app is company app, I recommend by using sideload method.

How I can download my beta test release from app hub? I have zune url but... - wp7

This is a simple questions:
I've developed my first app for windows phone 7 (Mango). I have created a new release in the marketplace for beta test.
I have received one confirm email about this process. All is ok. But now, in this email, there is a Url like this:
In theory, I have to send this url to beta testing people of my list. But Where I or they have to write this url for download the app?
In zune? In the marketplace? I don't know what I have to do with this url....
Thanks guys,
When you submitted the app for beta testing, you needed to specify the live ids of some testers. This link (zune://) can be used to install the application through Zune. You need to send this link to those testers whose live ids you entered there. Just paste the link in any browser and it will open with Zune.
The link will not work for anyone else, but for the specified live ids.
If your live id is not in the beta tester live ids list, I am not sure that you can test the app with your live id. I'd suggest to add your live id to the list.
And by the way, you cannot access a beta app through the Marketplace, the only way is through Zune with the given link.
I hope it will work for you.
I have found in most cases the beta links only work when opened from a Windows 7 device, opening the link on a PC through Zune either gets a "app not available" or "app not available for your country".
There doesn't seem to be any setting in the marketplace to get around this so it may be by design.
No word yet on if this is fixed with the web marketplace but I doubt it since the Beta apps only give a Zune link

launch an app from a URL on Windows Phone 7

I know that on the iPhone you can register a URL prefix such as myapp://blah which, when opened in safari, will open up your application.
Is there anything like this for Windows Phone 7?
Unfortunately not, applications can only be launched by the user from the application list or home screen. I suspect that the hooks are there in the operating system because the YouTube application is launched when attempting to view a video on the YouTube website from the browser and the user is prompted to install the app if they haven't already got it installed. But unfortunately, this approach isn't publicly available.
You may give Receive Push Notifications in an Application for Windows Phone a try.
