Is it possible to use WatiN 2.1 with MvcContrib.WatiN? - watin

With WatiN 1.3, the IE object constructor throws an exception on my machine. See this question.
WatiN 2.1 doesn't have the same issue. However, I'm using MvcContrib.WatiN which appears to depend on WatiN 1.3. Is it possible to use WatiN 2.1 instead of 1.3 with MvcContrib? If so, how? WatiN 1.3 is a very old version.

Not with the current MvcContrib version. But since it's open source you can always do the leg work yourself to make it work. You'll have to get the latest MvcContrib source code here and modify the WatiN.Core reference on the MvcContrib.TestHelper.WatiN project to use the WatiN.Core.dll v2.1. Then recompile MvcContrib.TestHelper.WatiN (use this new compiled dll in your project).
One caveat: You'll have to rework JavaScriptExecutor.GetWindow() a bit (within the MvcContrib.TestHelper.WatiN namespace) to be able to recompile it. WatiN 2.1 does not have the HtmlDocument class in Document anymore (not sure where that logic went to).


HtmlAgilityPack LoadFromBrowser method not found

I am using HtmlAgilityPack 1.6.2 within a .NET Core 2.0 Console application. HtmlWeb.Load function works fine but LoadFromBrowser function is not available. I got a compiler error. The testing code is copied from the tutorial page so it should be correct. Please advise how to use the API.
The LoadFromBrowser method requires the WinForm WebBrowser to work.
Since there is not WebBrowser in .NET Core 2.0, this method is not available.
This method could be available in the future by replacing the WebBrowser by an open source browser but there is currently no short-term plan for it.
EDIT: Answer comment
Is there still no solution for this?
I didn't try it, but some package support web browser for .NET Standard such as :
So perhaps if you use this package to retrieve the HTML and use it with HAP, that will work.
I have the same prob, installed Selenium.WebDriver, but don't know how to use it with HAP to wait until JS is loaded.

how to use CKEditor 4.5.7 in a project

i am highly confused why i cannot intergrate the latest version of CKEditor in a website. Which coding technologies is the 4.5.7 version comapible with (ie: php/jsp/ect)?
Isnt CKEditor for any HTML page?
Currently the latest version is 3.6 which lacks support from many new plugins.
I made a quick test:
download and decompress the .Net package from CKEdit site (3.6);
download the latest version of the javascript files (4.5.7);
check that the samples provided with the .Net package work fine;
rename the ckeditor folder in the solution and copy the new one downloaded from the site;
clean the solution and rebuild the projet, and check if it works fine;
replace the occurrences of the "kama" skin to the newer "moono" as the former one is replaced by the other in the 4.x version;
like this, it seems to be working just fine
Do you have specific issues I can look into?
You add CKeditor.js javascript to your pages and call CKEDITOR.replace('id-of-textarea-here');
You don't need any ASP.NET specific packages.

MvcMiniProfiler.dll vs MiniProfiler.dll

In a C# prject, What is the difference between MvcMiniProfiler.dll (version 1.7) and MiniProfiler.dll (2.1) ?
They are both the same thing, MiniProfiler.dll (2.1) is the latest version. The project got renamed from MvcMiniProfiler to just MiniProfiler around the 2.0 time; because it is also usable on Ruby now (i.e. it's not just an 'mvc' profiler anymore).
See here, specifically the section "No longer MVCMiniProfiler"

Upgrading custom iOS plugins from Cordoba 1.7 to 2.1, how can I find out why they are never loaded?

I've got my plugins converted, or so I think, and registered in Cordova.plist. The method signatures are correct, according to this guide. Nothing has changed on the js side, yet they don't load and just fail silently. Cordova itself is working, onDeviceReady is firing, but my plugins just never get executed. Everything worked fine with 1.7...
I'd like some help to get started on figuring out where they are supposed to be loaded and/or called from js on the obj-c side. Where can I set a breakpoint in the Cordova source to see why it's not executing my plugin?
Where should I begin to look?
I just did exactly this migration. All I can say is that it worked for me if you follow the steps. You also need to follow the steps from the 1.9>2.0 migration.
Since Cordova 2.0, the framework had big changes.
Maybe is better you implements again using the 2.0 rules and, after, only override selector signature. Thus you learn how do plugin in new versions, updating your Cordova skills. :)
Single big change between 2.0 and 2.1 (for plugins)
Support a new plugin method signature (old signature is deprecated):
The new signature is:
- (void) myMethod:(CDVInvokedUrlCommand*)command;
The old (deprecated) signature is:
- (void) myMethod:(NSMutableArray*)arguments withDict:(NSMutableDictionary*)options;

No autocompletion on required classes in Rubymine

I am requiring the date library and I would expect the methods from this library to appear in the code completion list (and hence get the documentation inline). However nothing appears. Why so?
What RubyMine and Ruby version are you using? Please try 4.5 Release Candidate, everything works fine for me in that version
