Slick Grid Column Selector - slickgrid

Just make sure i'm not reinventing something..
I would like to have a column selector dialog that allows the user to select which columns are shown/hidden. Has anyone done a dialog that working with slickgrid?

Yes, example4-model in the SlickGrid download package shows an easy way to implement this. Using this code worked fine for me.


Drag and drop in datatables

Hope you are doing well. Kindly help me out here. I am using Yajra data tables in laravel 5.3. I need to implement UI sorting ( drag and drop ), like when showing some records in datatable, i want to change the order of records and then save it back to data base through drag and drop. If there is any package or some useful links, kindly let me know. Thank you.
I don't know much about Yajra, but it looks like it makes Jquery datatables ( that seem quite sortable already.
For the drag and drop you might want to have a look at jquery sortable (
Hope that helps you find the way!
Please check with below link,
I had tried this and it is working with me. Multiple options are there with drag, drop and sort.

Setfocus to Textbox in adempiere

I have tired set focus to text box in adempiere. its not working for me. Can you please tel me how to achieve this?
How to set the cursor focus to a textbox in adempiere.
If you have this problem in Form, the default java statements can be used to set the cursor focus. That is
myComponent.requestFocus();//or inWindow
Can you please briefly explain what was the exact problem? Do you need callout ?
we need to modify the core classes of Framework for Field focus change purpose.

Abbyy Flexicapture - Dropdown

I am trying to create a dropdown in AbyyFlexicapture.
The dropdown should be filled from database (i have external DLL ready to do the job) or with fixed values. The problem is I cant find the appropriate element for the job. All i found (the closest) was checkbox group, but I dont know how to use it (add items programaticaly). The documentation on this is very poor ...
Any help would be appreciated!
Figured it out. You just push data to textbox with query and it gets auto-converted to dropdown. But theres no way (at least known to me) how to set up default selection...
Look at the IField.Suggest() method.

Adding checkbox inside a listview in dhtmlx

How can i add check box inside combo box within the grid view.
As far as I know - it impossible, but they have similar editor type - "clist", check
You can outside the grid view, like this link suggest (from the official dhtmlx forums).
But inside the grid you cannot.
The closest answer I found on the official dhtmlx forums said:
There is no special integration of combo with checkboxes and dhtmlxgrid.
"combo" column type purposed to be used with plain combobox mode only.
Technically it possible to change it , so it will render as list with checkboxes, but checked values will not be accessible through grid's API
I hope this answer could help you. If not, you should ask the dhtmlx team directly, as it does not seem to be possible without imperfect workarounds.

jqGrid Insert New Row Custom

I have looked around and have yet to find a decent answer.
I wish to add a new row into my grid from my own custom button, without using their add buttom or edit forms.
Something like:
I want to be able to programatically insert new rows and not have to use their form.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Why do you not use addRowData method (see Do you want do something more as to add the data?
