Adding checkbox inside a listview in dhtmlx - dhtmlx

How can i add check box inside combo box within the grid view.

As far as I know - it impossible, but they have similar editor type - "clist", check

You can outside the grid view, like this link suggest (from the official dhtmlx forums).
But inside the grid you cannot.
The closest answer I found on the official dhtmlx forums said:
There is no special integration of combo with checkboxes and dhtmlxgrid.
"combo" column type purposed to be used with plain combobox mode only.
Technically it possible to change it , so it will render as list with checkboxes, but checked values will not be accessible through grid's API
I hope this answer could help you. If not, you should ask the dhtmlx team directly, as it does not seem to be possible without imperfect workarounds.


Sitecore page editor dropdown

I would kindly ask for your help :) From couple of days I am trying to achieve "linked" custom field in content editor and dropdown in page editor.
Basically I want to have dropdown in page editor and content editor which are responsible for a same thing.
In my c# code i have enums which represent directions. I created custom field which accepts assembly and class with overridden onload method and successfully populate dropdown values in the content editor. So far so good but i have no idea how to create dropdown which will represent the same functionality inside page editor.
So please give me any ideas...
Judging from your reply to my comment you need to think of the following: How is my field value being rendered onto a page?
If you are always using 1 control to do this then you just need to ensure that this control has 2 different rendering modes depending on the Context.PageMode
But as I understand it you want this dropdown to also appear when someone renders your custom field using a <sc:FieldRenderer>. In this case you'll need to look into the RenderField pipeline of Sitecore. There you find a processor called RenderWebEditing. Possibly through some manipulation here you can get your dropdown appear as you wish.

Telerik MVC3 Grid Differentiating Filtered Column Name

Can anybody suggest me the possibilities to differentiate the filtered Telerik grid column with other columns. Meaning that I can provide different color scheme to differentiate the filtered column.
Speaking as someone who has had to deal with the Telerik MVC grid in a similar manner, I will share with you my solution for doing this:
1) Run the web page that has your grid, and view the source.
2) Find out, by viewing the source, what exactly happens when the filter is turned on (i.e. an attribute change, some function being called, etc.).
3) Using jQuery, set the color scheme of that column when that event occurs.
It's rather annoying that you can't just do it using Telerik's control itself, but this should help you out.

Kendo UI grid - different templates for Edit and Create

We are using Kendo UI grid to display some records. The requirements need us to have a column (Say "File Name")shown as a text box when the user clicks on "Edit".
However, when user clicks on the "Create" button in the toolbar, the same column should be replaced with a File Select control which will allow the user to select a file from his machine. The other columns remain the same.
I have already tried searching through Stack Overflow as well as the Kendo UI Grid forums, but to no avail.
Is there any way to achieve this? Any pointers will be of great help.
Using different editor templates for create/edit is not supported. You need to use the edit event of the Grid to change that text input to file input with JavaScript. To distinguish between edit and create you can use the isNew() method of the model.
//replacement logic
Similar question is covered here.

Which dojo widget should be used for DropDown

I wish to create dynamic dropdown, meaning the value of the second dropdown changes with the change in selection on the first. I was looking through the Dojo docs and it seems there are 3 different widgets that I can use,
Now I am confused as to which one should i use for creating Dynamic DropDowns?
You can choose anyone depending upon what extra features you want. While dijit.form.Select is your normal HTML select, combobox and filteringselect offer more features.
Follow for a comparison between the two. You can also play with them to know how they work.
I had used FilteringSelect in my app for the same behavior as need.
Differences between dojo dropdown :
Select It is simple combobox like select in HTML with no validation
and not provide any search facility inside select options.
ComboBox It is pure form of combobox and name as ComboBox again it
will not provide any default validation but it provide search
facility within its options.
FilteringSelect It is an advance form of select have default
facility of validation and search facility. And it also has property
to take value as input tag take value in HTML.
In dojo you can also try custom validation which is provided inside dojox library. I hope it will help you.

Bind various panaroma/pivot items using MVVM

could someone help me with design/understanding the problem: what I need to achieve is page with Panorama/Pivot control, where its items (panos/pivots) will be set via binding, using standard MVVM pattern. Problem is I need to have different content (different user controls) on each pano/pivot, that means If I define a panorama/pivot item template, I doom all of them to be alike, which is not what I want.
I found this question here already asked: Databound windows phone panorama with MVVM design but its still not clear to me. Many thanks.
If you have a dynamic page count on panorama/pivot you could use selector to choose what template is right according to your content.
Implementing DataTemplateSelector
Also, Data Binding Pivot to MVVM may help you too
You could add a dependency property to the user control that you want to use as a data template, a dependency property named "Type" for example and depending on that property you can change the layout of your user control (data template) - for example you could have multiple grids inside your user control and you could show and hide them depending on the type.
