Process Management w/ bash/terminal - bash

Quick bash/terminal question -
I work a lot on the command line, but have never really had a good idea of how to manage running processes with it - I am aware of 'ps', but it always gives me an exceedingly long and esoteric list of junk, including like 30 google chrome workers, and I always end up going back to activity monitor to get a clean look at what's actually going on.
Can anyone offer a bit of advice on how to manage running processes from the command line? Is there a way to get a clean list of what you've got running? I often use 'killall' on process names that I know as a quick way to get rid of something that's freezing up - can I get those names to display via terminal rather than the strange long names and numbers that ps displays by default? And can I search for a specific process or quick regex of a process, like '*ome'?
If anyone has the answers to these three questions, that would be amazingly helpful to many people, I'm sure : )

Yes grep is good.
I don't know what you want to achieve but do you know the top command ? Il gives you a dynamic view of what's going on.
On Linux you have plenty of commands that should help you getting what you want in a script and piping commands is a basic we are taught when studying IT.
You can also get a look to the man of jobs and I would advise you to read some articles about process management basics. :)
Good Luck.

ps -o command
will give you a list of just the process names (more exactly, the command that invoked the process). Use grep to search, like this:
ps -o command | grep ".*ome"

there may be scripts out there..
but for example if you're seeing a lot of chrome that you're not interested in, something as simple as the following would help:
ps aux | grep -v chrome
other variations could help showing each image only once... so you get one chrome, one vim etc.. (google show unique rows with perl or python or sed for example)
you could use ps to specifiy one username... so you filter out system processes, or if more than one user is logged to the machine etc.
Ps is quite versatile with the command line arguments.. a little digging help finding a lot of nice tweaks and flags in combinations with other tools such as perl and sed etc..


Limiting number of CPU cores used for indexing

Is there a way to limit how many CPU cores Xcode can use to index code in the background?
I write code in emacs but I run my app from Xcode, because the debugger is pretty great. The problem is that in emacs I use rtags for indexing, which already needs a lot of CPU, and then Xcode wants to do the same. Basically whenever I touch a common header file, my computer is in big trouble...
I like this question, it presents hacky problem-solving :)
Not sure if this would work (not sure how to force Xcode to index) but here are some thoughts that might set you on the right track: there's a tool called cpulimit that you can use to slow down processes (it inserts a sleep or something into a given process, I used it when experimenting with mining crypto).
If you can figure out the process ID of the indexing daemon, maybe you can cpulimit it!
I'd start by running ps -A | grep -i xcode before and after indexing occurs to see what's changed (if anything), or using Activity Monitor to see what spikes (/Applications/ looks interesting)
There is a -i or --include-children param on cpulimit that should take care of this, but not sure how well it works in practice.
I made a script /usr/local/bin/xthrottle;
PID=$(pgrep -f Xcode | head -n 1)
sudo renice 10 $PID
You can play with the nice level, -20 is least nice, 20 is nicest for your neighbour processes.

Jenkins and shell script input

I've got automated package configuration test that should also run eula and some other shell user interactions, all y/n style stuff.
I've googled this a quite bit now, however I haven't found anything quite useful yet. Also the parametrized build doesn't seem to be the resolution either (what little I understand about Jenkins). So far I've used free style project with several execute shell steps.
I've tried now like this:
/path/to/my/ < input.txt
with input.txt containing few echos containing " \n"(to scroll down the eula) and "y" (to accept the eula).
Problem is that script in question calls second script that should be the recepient of the input. But now the whole input.txt is outputted before the eula starts and therefore it's not handled.
Is there better way of handling this sort of user input situations? My Jenkins experience is rather limited.

How do I watch the progress when doing searching or find in Unix/CMD

Is there any functional keyword which able to display the progress in percentage when I do "find" or "grep" command? For example, when I do "wget" command, I can see the percentage when downloading.
There is the great pv ("pipe viewer") which you can inject into a pipe to monitor progress.
However, as #chepner points out there is probably little point in using it with find or grep since you have no size to relate to.

Adding commands in shell scripts to history?

I notice that the commands I have in my shell scripts never get added to the history list. Understandably, most people wouldn't want it to be, but for someone who does, is there a way to do it?
Sorry about the extremely late reply.
I have a script that conveniently combines some statements that ultimately result in lynx opening a document. That document is in a dir several directories below the current one.
Now, I usually end up closing lynx to open another document in the current dir and need to keep switching back and forth between the two. I could do this by having another window open, but since I'm mostly on telnet, and the switches aren't too frequent, I don't want to do that.
So, in order to get back to lynx from the other document, I end up having to re-type the lynx command, with the (long) path/filename. In this case, of course, lynx isn't stored in the command history.
This is what I want added to the history, so that I can get back to it easily.
Call it laziness, but hey, if it teaches me a new command....
As #tripleee pointed out, which problem are you actually trying to solve? It's perfectly possible to include any shell code in the history, but above some level of complexity it's much better to keep them in separate shell scripts.
If you want to keep multi-line commands in the history as they are, you might want to try out shopt -s lithist, but that means searching through history will only return one line at a time.

Bash piping output and input of a program

I'm running a minecraft server on my linux box in a detached screen session. I'm not very fond of screen very much and would like to be able to constantly pipe the output of the server to a file(like a pipe) and pipe some input from a file to the server(so that I can input and output to the server from remote programs, like a python script). I'm not very experienced in bash, so could somebody tell me how to do this?
Thanks, NikitaUtiu.
It's not clear if you need screen at all. I don't know the minecraft server, but generally for server software, you can run it from a crontab entry and redirect output to log files.
Assuming your server kills itself at midnight sunday night, (we can discuss changing this if restarting 1x per week is too little or too much OR you require ad-hoc restarts), but for a basic idea of what to do, here is a crontab entry that starts the server each monday at 1 minute after midnight.
01 00 * * 1 dtTm=`/bin/date +\%Y\%m\%d.\%H\%M\%S`; export dtTm; { /usr/bin/mineserver -o ..... your_options_to_run_mineserver_here ... ; } > /tmp/mineserver_trace_log.${dtTm} 2>&1
consult your man page for crontab to confirm that day-of-week ranges are 0-6 (0=Sunday), and change the day-of-week value if 0!=Sunday.
Normally I would break the code up so it is easier to read, but for crontab entries, each entry has to be all on one line, (with some weird exceptions) AND usually a limit of 1024b-8K to how long the line can be. Note that the ';' just before the closing '}' is super-critical. If this is left out, you'll get un-deciperable error messages, or no error messages at all.
Basically, you're redirecting any output into a file (including std-err output). Now you can do a lot of stuff with the output, use more or less to look at the file, grep ERR ${logFile}, write scripts that grep for error messages and then send you emails that errors have been found, etc, etc.
You may have some sys-admin work on your hands to get the mineserver user so it can run crontab entries. Also if you're not comfortable using the vi or emacs editors, creating a crontab file may require help from others. Post to to get answers for problems you have with linux admin issues.
Finally, there are two points I'd like to make about dated logfiles.
Good: a. If you app dies, you never have to rerun it to then capture output and figure out why something has stopped working. For long running programs this can save you a lot of time. b. keeping dated files gives you the ability to prove to you, your boss, others, that It used to work just fine, see here are the log files. c. Keeping the log files, assuming there is useful information in them, gives you the opportunity to mine those files for facts. I.E. : program used to take 1 sec for processing, now it is taking 1 hr, etc etc.
Bad: a. You'll need to set up a mechanism to sweep old log files, otherwise at some point everything will have stopped, AND when you finally figure out what the problem was, you discover that your /tmp OR whatever dir you chose to use IS completely full.
There is a self-maintaining solution to using dates on the logfiles I can tell you about if you find this approach useful. It will take a little explaining, so I don't want to spend the time writing it up if you don't find the crontab solution useful.
I hope this helps!
