Bash piping output and input of a program - bash

I'm running a minecraft server on my linux box in a detached screen session. I'm not very fond of screen very much and would like to be able to constantly pipe the output of the server to a file(like a pipe) and pipe some input from a file to the server(so that I can input and output to the server from remote programs, like a python script). I'm not very experienced in bash, so could somebody tell me how to do this?
Thanks, NikitaUtiu.

It's not clear if you need screen at all. I don't know the minecraft server, but generally for server software, you can run it from a crontab entry and redirect output to log files.
Assuming your server kills itself at midnight sunday night, (we can discuss changing this if restarting 1x per week is too little or too much OR you require ad-hoc restarts), but for a basic idea of what to do, here is a crontab entry that starts the server each monday at 1 minute after midnight.
01 00 * * 1 dtTm=`/bin/date +\%Y\%m\%d.\%H\%M\%S`; export dtTm; { /usr/bin/mineserver -o ..... your_options_to_run_mineserver_here ... ; } > /tmp/mineserver_trace_log.${dtTm} 2>&1
consult your man page for crontab to confirm that day-of-week ranges are 0-6 (0=Sunday), and change the day-of-week value if 0!=Sunday.
Normally I would break the code up so it is easier to read, but for crontab entries, each entry has to be all on one line, (with some weird exceptions) AND usually a limit of 1024b-8K to how long the line can be. Note that the ';' just before the closing '}' is super-critical. If this is left out, you'll get un-deciperable error messages, or no error messages at all.
Basically, you're redirecting any output into a file (including std-err output). Now you can do a lot of stuff with the output, use more or less to look at the file, grep ERR ${logFile}, write scripts that grep for error messages and then send you emails that errors have been found, etc, etc.
You may have some sys-admin work on your hands to get the mineserver user so it can run crontab entries. Also if you're not comfortable using the vi or emacs editors, creating a crontab file may require help from others. Post to to get answers for problems you have with linux admin issues.
Finally, there are two points I'd like to make about dated logfiles.
Good: a. If you app dies, you never have to rerun it to then capture output and figure out why something has stopped working. For long running programs this can save you a lot of time. b. keeping dated files gives you the ability to prove to you, your boss, others, that It used to work just fine, see here are the log files. c. Keeping the log files, assuming there is useful information in them, gives you the opportunity to mine those files for facts. I.E. : program used to take 1 sec for processing, now it is taking 1 hr, etc etc.
Bad: a. You'll need to set up a mechanism to sweep old log files, otherwise at some point everything will have stopped, AND when you finally figure out what the problem was, you discover that your /tmp OR whatever dir you chose to use IS completely full.
There is a self-maintaining solution to using dates on the logfiles I can tell you about if you find this approach useful. It will take a little explaining, so I don't want to spend the time writing it up if you don't find the crontab solution useful.
I hope this helps!


Makefile: store warning count into variable without using temp file

I would like to improve an existing Makefile, so it prints out the number of warnings and/or errors that were encountered during the build process.
My basic idea is that there must be a way to pipe the output to grep and have the number of occurences of a certain string in either stderr or stdout stream (i.e. "Warning:") stored into a variable that can then simply be echo'ed out at the end make command.
Requirements / Challenges:
Current console output and exit code must remain exactly the same
That means also without even changing control characters. Dev's using the MakeFile must not recognize any difference to what the output was prior to my change (except for a nice, additional Warning count output at the end of the make process). Any approaches with tee i tried so far were not successful, as the color coding of stderr messages in the console is lost, changing them to all black & white.
Must be system-independent
The project is currently being built by Win/OSX/Linux devs and thus needs to work with standard tools available out-of-the-box in most *nix / CygWin shells. Introducing another dependency such as unbuffer is not an option.
It must be stable and free of side-effects (see also 5.)
If the make process is interrupted (i.e. by the user pressing CTRL+C or for any other reason), there should be no side-effects (such as having an orphaned log file of the output left behind on disk)
(Bonus) It should be efficient
The amount of output may get >1MB and more, so just piping to a file and greping it will be a small performance hit and also there will be additional the disk I/O (thus unnecessarily slowing down the build). I'm simply wondering if this cannot be done w/o a temp file as i understand pipes as sort of "streams" that just need to be analysed as the flow through.
(Bonus) Make it locale-independent w/o changing the current output
Depending on the current locale, the string to grep and count is localized differently, i.e. "Warning:" (en_US.utf8) or "Warnung:" (de_DE.utf8). Surely i could have locale switch to en_US in the Makefile, but that would change console output for users (Hence breaking requirement 1.), so i'd like to know if there's any (efficient) approach you could think of for this.
At the end of the day, i'd be able to do with a solid solution that just fullfills requirement 1. + 2.
If 3. to 5. are not possible to be done then i'd have to convince the project maintainers to have some changes to .gitignore, have the build process slightly take up more time and resources, and/or fix the make output to english only but i assume they will agree that would be worth it.
Current solution
The best i have so far is:
script -eqc "make" make.log && WARNING_COUNT=$(grep -i --count "Warning:" make.log)" && rm make.log || rm make.log
That fulfills my requirements 1, 2 and almost no. 3: still, if the machine has a power-outage while running the command, make.log will remain as an unwanted artifact. Also the repetition of rm make.log looks ugly.
So i'm open on alternative approaches and improvements by anybody. Thanks in advance.

Monitor A File For Additions And Get Last Added Line

I'm having trouble monitoring a file for changes. I need to be able to know when a file changes, and when it does, I need the new line that was added. I intend to parse each line and find ones that match certain criteria, and act on information in those lines. I know the expected number of matching lines ahead of time, but I do not know how many lines in total will be added to the file, or where the matching lines will be.
I've tried 2 packages so far, with no avail.
As fas as I can tell, fsnotify can only tell me when a file is modified, not what the details of the modification was. Since I need to know what exactly was added to the file, this is no good for me.
(As a side-question, can this be run in a loop? The example that I tried exited after just one modification. I need to monitor for multiple modifications.)
This package tries to mimic the Unix tail command, but it seems to have its own issues. The output that I get includes timestamps and other data - I just want the added line, nothing else. Also, it seems to think a file has been modified multiple times, even when it's just one edit. Further, the deal breaker here is that it does not output the last line if the line was not followed by a newline character.
Delegating to tail
I came across this answer, which suggests to delegate this work to the tail command itself, but I need this to work cross-platform (specifically, macOS, Linux and Windows). I don't believe that an equivalent command exists on Windows.
How do I go about tackling this?
Usually changed diff is out of scope of file watchers' functionality, because, you know, you could change an image, and a watcher would need to keep a track several Mb of a diff in memory, and what if we have thousands of files?
However, as bad as it sounds, this may be exactly the way you want to implement this (sure, depends on your app, etc. - could be fine for text files), i.e. - keeping a map of diffs (1 diff per file) since last modification. Cannot say I like it, but sounds like fsnotify has no support for changes/diffs that you need.
Also, regarding your question about running in a loop, maybe you can get some hints here:
Its a framework that allows to build a server that watches for TypeScript file changes. So sounds similar to your case/question.

Check status of a forked process?

I'm running a process that will take, optimistically, several hours, and in the worst case, probably a couple of days.
I've tried a couple of times to run it and it just never seems to complete (I should add, I didn't write the program, it's just a big dataset). I know my syntax for the command is correct as I use it all the time for smaller data and it works properly (I'll spare you the details as it is obscure for SO and I don't think that relevant to the question).
Consequently, I'd like to leave the program unattended running as a fork with &.
Now, I'm not totally sure whether the process is just grinding to a halt or is running but taking much longer than expected.
Is there any way to check the progress of the process other than ps and top + 1 (to check CPU use).
My only other thought was to get the process to output a logfile and periodically check to see if the logfile has grown in size/content.
As a sidebar, is it necessary to also use nohup with a forked command?
I would use screen for this purpose. see the man for more reference
Brief summary how to use:
screen -S some_session_name - starts a new screen session named session_name
Ctrl + a + d - detach session
screen -r some_session_name returns you to your session

command line wisdom for 2 panel file manager user

Want to upgrade my file management productivity by replacing 2 panel file manager with command line (bash or cygwin). Can commandline give same speed? Please advise a guru way of how to do e.g. copy of some file in directory A to the directory B. Is it heavy use of pushd/popd? Or creation of links to most often used directories? What are the best practices and a day-to-day routine to manage files of a command line master?
Can commandline give same speed?
My experience is that commandline copying is significantly faster (especially in the Windows environment). Of course the basic laws of physics still apply, a file that is 1000 times bigger than a file that copies in 1 second will still take 1000 seconds to copy.
..(howto) copy of some file in directory A to the directory B.
Because I often have 5-10 projects that use similar directory structures, I set up variables for each subdir using a naming convention :
You can make this sort of thing as spartan or baroque as needed to match your theory of living/programming.
Then you can easily copy the cfg from 1 project to another
cp -p $NM_cfg/*.cfg ${altM_cfg}
Is it heavy use of pushd/popd?
Some people seem to really like that. You can try it and see what you thing.
Or creation of links to most often used directories?
Links to dirs are, in my experience used more for software development where a source code is expecting a certain set of dir names, and your installation has different names. Then making links to supply the dir paths expected is helpful. For production data, is just one more thing that can get messed up, or blow up. That's not always true, maybe you'll have a really good reason to have links, but I wouldn't start out that way, just because it is possible to do.
What are the best practices and a day-to-day routine to manage files of a command line master?
( Per above, use standardized directory structure for all projects.
Have scripts save any small files to a directory your dept keeps in the /tmp dir, .
i.e /tmp/MyDeptsTmpFile (named to fit your local conventions) )
It depends. If you're talking about data and logfiles, dated fileNames can save you a lot of time. I recommend dateFmts like YYYYMMDD(_HHMMSS) if you need the extra resolution.
Dated logfiles are very handy, when a current process seems like it is taking a long time, you can look at the log file from a week ago and quantify exactly how long this process took, a week, month, 6 months (up to how much space you can afford). LogFiles should also capture all STDERR messages, so you never have to re-run a bombed program just to see what the error message was.
This is Linux/Unix you're using, right? Read the man page for the cp cmd installed on your machine. I recommend using an alias like alias CP='/bin/cp -pi' so you always copy a file with the same permissions and with the original files' time stamp. Then it is easy to use /bin/ls -ltr to see a sorted list of files with the most recent files showing up at the bottom of the list. (No need to scroll back to the top, when you sort by time,reverse). Also the '-i' option will warn you that you are going to overwrite a file, and this has saved me more than a couple of times.
I hope this helps.
P.S. as you appear to be a new user, if you get an answer that helps you please remember to mark it as accepted, and/or give it a + (or -) as a useful answer.

Why is this Perl require line taking so much time?

I have a Perl script that runs via a system() command from C. On a specific site (SunOS 5.10), when that script is run, it nearly always takes 6 seconds or more. On other sites, it runs pretty much instantly (0.1s). If I run the script manually, i.e. not from the C code, it also runs instantly. I eventually tracked the slowness down (by spitting out the time a whole bunch in a lot of different places), to a single require line. The file that it is requiring is another Perl script we wrote. The script consists of a single require (this file here), 3 scalars that are assigned integer values, and a handful of time/date conversion routines. The file ends with a 1;. That single require appears to take as much as 6 seconds on occasion, but as I said, not always even on the same machine. I'm absolutely stumped here. My only last thought is to turn on profiling, but the site doesn't have Devel::Profiler and my only other option (that I know of) would be to add it to the Perl command which would require me altering and recompiling the C code (doable but non-trivial).
Anybody have ANY idea what could be going on here? I don't think I can/want to put the entire that is being required, but it's pretty much exactly as I described; I could answer any questions about it that you have.
Thanks in advance.
You might be interested in A Timely Start by Jean-Louis Leroy. He had a similar problem and tracked it down to a long and deep module search path where perl usually found the modules in the last entries in #INC.
Six seconds is a long time. Have you checked what your network is doing during this?
My first thought was that spawning the new process when using the system() command could be the problem, but six seconds is too long.
I don't know much about perl, but I could imagine that for any reason, the access of the time module could invoke a call to a network time server. Just to get synchronized. Maybe this takes so long or maybe it is getting a time out.
It could be that this only happens for a newly spawned process -- hence only when you use the system() command.
just wild guessing...
So, this does nothing to answer your question directly, but please tell me that you're not actually running on perl 4? Assuming you're on perl 5, you could remove the entire file and replace the require with use POSIX qw(ctime) to get the version that comes with Perl.
If you do have to support perl4, I'll merely grumble something about version 5 being fifteen years old now and go away. :)
