Can we use other path intead of usr/bin? - ftp

Im using wallpaper script in my site and it need ImageMagic or Gdlibrary to be installed on server.Server path should be usr/bin/imagemagic or usr/bin/gdlibrary. those scripts must be intalled by server administration but when i informed them they say currently they do not install other scripts/softwares on the server! Now i want to know is there any way to install without using usr/bin path. Is there any way to intall it myself i have access to ftp but there's no path called usr/bin..please help me! Thank You!

compile the source code yourself, and specify the --prefix=/the/path/you/want


How to install Indy10 for BCB6?

I'm new here and I want to use Indy10 on C++Builder6. I tried to run Fullc_6.bat to compile, but it doesn't work. I thought it was because there was a space in my BCB6 installation path, so I modified SetEnv.bat with the subst and removed the commands to create and delete setenv.bat from the bat. It says IndySystem60.lsp not found. I didn't find any useful information about this file on the web. I can't find this file using Everything.
I don't know much about Indy and C++Builder. I would like to know how to compile and install Indy10 to BCB6. and if there is an easier way to install it here.
Does anyone here use BCB6? and how to install Indy10 on BCB6?

How to install python without executable file on Windows?

I am just starting with Python, and I need to install Python 3.8 version. I assume this is the right place to get it:
After extracting .tar I get these files: screenshot of folder
but I don't know what to do next.
I searched for the answer and then I tried installing it from command line, however - without success.
I would be grateful if you could help me with such a basic but essential issue.
Thank you!
Read this Using Python on Windows

Full installation instruction of youtube-dl in windows

I have just downloaded the youtube-dl-2014.07.15.tar_2.gz in my windows. At first I want to tell I don't know anything about python. And I already have installed python 2.7. Can anyone give me instruction to execute these scripts?
I have already tried to run...but there is some error like these. "No mudule named youtube-dl"
I want a fresh start. Now I am using windows 8.1 and I have also tried youtube-dl.exe. And there is also problem like screenshot
If I want to get worked both script and program what will I do?Any helps will be appreciated. If you give me instruction from scratch that will be better.
To install youtube_dl in Python on Windows (command from their github):
Tested with Python 3.9 on Windows 10
pip install --upgrade youtube-dl
Now when using it, notice that the name of the Python module is with an underscore.
Because it is a Python module, use it like so:
py -m youtube_dl <video url>
Of course video url is the video you want to download
This seems to be caused by a limitation of py2exe. You may want to file a youtube-dl bug report for moving to a cxfreeze, which should not have that problem. In any case, simply moving the youtube-dl.exe file into another directory such as C:\Users\Shamim should fix the problem.
you need just to put the youtube-dl.exe file in in your home directory or any other location on your PATH.
You can see your PATH in your "Envirenment Variables"

npm global install does not add packages to PATH on Windows 8.1

When I run npm install -g <package> it installs the packages in my user/AppData/Roaming/npm/npm_modules/ folder. This sub-folder is not in my PATH so if I try to run the package without explicitly calling the entire path the call fails with a '<package>' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.
What can I do to fix this?
I'm using win8.1 and I found that the nodejs installer didn't add the path to global node modules to the system PATH. Just add %AppData%\npm; to the user variable(since %AppData% dir is depending on user) PATH to fix it.
You will need to log out then log back in for the change to your PATH variable to take effect.
SET PATH=%AppData%\npm;%PATH%
You have to run this line SET PATH=pathtonodejs;%PATH% (where pathtonodejs is where you installed nodejs) once the installation for nodejs is complete and it should work.
It turned the problem was a change in behavior of the module I was using.
I'd been following old tutorials for using Express.js. The old tutorials assumed Express would be in my path after installing it globally, but as of Express v4.0 there's a separate Express module you have to install in order to get it in your path

Installation of CRF++: the command. / configure does not work

I want to install CRF++ toolkit on windows. But, I have a problem with the command ./configure. It doesn't work.
Is there anyone who could help me. Thanks
You can't use ./configure on windows, becouse this is a Linux command. For windows, you need to download the right version(of course, win cfrpp) of CRF++. You can see 3 main files :crf_learn.exe, crf_test.exe and libcrfpp.dll. Please find cfrpp usage For futher infomation.
