How to install python without executable file on Windows? - installation

I am just starting with Python, and I need to install Python 3.8 version. I assume this is the right place to get it:
After extracting .tar I get these files: screenshot of folder
but I don't know what to do next.
I searched for the answer and then I tried installing it from command line, however - without success.
I would be grateful if you could help me with such a basic but essential issue.
Thank you!

Read this Using Python on Windows


Box2D‑2.3.2‑cp39‑cp39‑win_amd64.whl Error

I want to upload Box2D‑2.3.2‑cp39‑cp39‑win_amd64.whl to my 3.9 python loaded mac. It always gives me this ERROR: Box2D‑2.3.2‑cp39‑cp39‑win_amd64.whl is not a valid wheel filename. I write the code "pip install Box2D‑2.3.2‑cp39‑cp39‑win_amd64.whl". So what should you offer to do. Thank you,
win in the whl filename stands for windows, so you do not have the correct whl file for your platform. You need to grab a macos labeled whl file from Pypi

Llattice diamond programmer-tool

install Lattice Diamond 3.10 on my computer with Manjaro 17.1 and everything works correctly just because of a problem. The programming tool does not work, when I try to execute it I get a window with a message:
"can not load library:
( the shared object file can not be opened: the file
does not exist or the directory)"
already downloaded and I put the library in the corresponding directory but still does not let me run it
Any suggestions to solve it, I would appreciate it very much
Thank you
I had to install the following libraries:
libusb 1.0.21-2
libgusb 0.2.11-1
libusb-compat 0.1.5-1
libusbmuxd 1.0.10+13dc724e70-1
And the programming tool works
I already had all of the dependencies listed by Cristian in place. I had to install libusb-dev and it worked.
sudo apt install libusb-dev

Why won't APKTool execute?

I was using APKTool and have been doing a lot of trials, using all the versions of APKTool. However, upon to my dismay, it won't work. Whenever I use it it will just be:
-bash: ./apktool: No such file or directory
I don't know what to do, as I tried using "./" as what websites are telling me, but still it just gives me this.
What should I do to fix this error. Thanks :)
-----Edit (December 23, 2015)-------
I have found the solution to the problem and it was just a redownload of APKTool itself. It also helped when I gained an understanding of Terminal and the Command Line Tools. I advice you to do the same thing too.
Perhaps you should reinstall apktool. You can find how to do it here:
Using "./" means that you want to run file located in current folder. Since you mentioned "bash" your apktool should be probably installed in "/usr/local/bin" so when you complete the installation do not add "./" just type "apktool" to run it.
If you want to check where apktool is installed run "which apktool"
or simply use the apktool online:
No installation - no hassle!

Full installation instruction of youtube-dl in windows

I have just downloaded the youtube-dl-2014.07.15.tar_2.gz in my windows. At first I want to tell I don't know anything about python. And I already have installed python 2.7. Can anyone give me instruction to execute these scripts?
I have already tried to run...but there is some error like these. "No mudule named youtube-dl"
I want a fresh start. Now I am using windows 8.1 and I have also tried youtube-dl.exe. And there is also problem like screenshot
If I want to get worked both script and program what will I do?Any helps will be appreciated. If you give me instruction from scratch that will be better.
To install youtube_dl in Python on Windows (command from their github):
Tested with Python 3.9 on Windows 10
pip install --upgrade youtube-dl
Now when using it, notice that the name of the Python module is with an underscore.
Because it is a Python module, use it like so:
py -m youtube_dl <video url>
Of course video url is the video you want to download
This seems to be caused by a limitation of py2exe. You may want to file a youtube-dl bug report for moving to a cxfreeze, which should not have that problem. In any case, simply moving the youtube-dl.exe file into another directory such as C:\Users\Shamim should fix the problem.
you need just to put the youtube-dl.exe file in in your home directory or any other location on your PATH.
You can see your PATH in your "Envirenment Variables"

Installation of CRF++: the command. / configure does not work

I want to install CRF++ toolkit on windows. But, I have a problem with the command ./configure. It doesn't work.
Is there anyone who could help me. Thanks
You can't use ./configure on windows, becouse this is a Linux command. For windows, you need to download the right version(of course, win cfrpp) of CRF++. You can see 3 main files :crf_learn.exe, crf_test.exe and libcrfpp.dll. Please find cfrpp usage For futher infomation.
