Laravel do i need two controllers to handel two store functions? - laravel

Basically what i want to do is that 1 Controller handels two store functions called like this:
public function singleupload(){
..some code
public function multiupload(){
..some code too
as i continued to define the routes (get/post)
Route::get('/MultiUpload', 'controller#MultiUpload');
Route::get('/SingleUpload', 'controller#SingleUpload');
Route::post('/MultiUpload', 'controller#storeMulti');
Route::post('/SingleUpload', 'controller#storeSingle');
and as i tried to post some data to my database it tells me that there is no 'store' function. So i opened the docs and found this:
POST /photos store
So my question is can i create two store functions in one controller or do i have to create a different one so every route has its own controller with its own store function?

You are doing some things wrong.
First of all follow Repository Pattern.
You should always write all common functions in Repository which can be accessible in entire Project.
You should use controller only to fetch the request from the Route and pass all the logic to the Repository.
These Process will help you reduce all you coding lines.
Hope this helps !!!

NO you don't need to create new Controller. You can add new action for this.
But it also, depends on the how is your application functionality.
Normally, i personally recommended to create generic function or traits or add the functionality in base controller.

you can handle multiple store functions in one controller there is no need to create 2 different controllers.


Laravel Create Function to be used in different Controllers/in the same Controller

It's more a general question, I want someone to point me to the direction I should go.
1) FUNCTION FOR SAME CONTROLLER: I have two methods: Store and Update in the same controller. They both should contain some complex request validation (which I can't do via validator or form request validation because it's too complex). This means for me now using the same code twice in two methods... How can I take this code, create a function and use it in both Store and Update methods just with a single line, like:
2) FUNCTION FOR DIFF. CONTROLLERS: I have another code which I use in many different Contollers. It transliterates Russian letters into Latin ones ('Сергей' = 'Sergey' and so on). How and where should I register this function to be able using it in different Contollers?
I have read something about helpers. Should I use them? If you an experienced Laravel develper and say so, I will read everything about them. Or, if you advice something else - I'll read about that.:) I just don't want to spend time reading about something useless or "not right way to-do-it".
Appreciate any help!
1) You could create a form request validation or you could just create a private function that would handle the validation and return the result.
2) You can create a helpers.php file, see here, and you put your translation function inside. Then you can call it from anywhere:
In a controller transliterate_this($data);
In a view {{ transliterate_this($data); }}.
You can do complex validation even inside a FromRequest. You can override the getValidatorInstance for example, or any other method from the base class to plug your validation logic on top of the basic validation rules. Else just consider making an external class to handle that complex validation and inject it in your controllers using Laravel's IoC container.
You should create a facade to provide that feature. Then you can easily use it anywhere (and additionally create a helper method for it if that makes you feel better). Something like Transliterate::toLatin($str)
everyone! Thank you all for great answers. But I have discovered that the problem was that I didn't know anything about Object-Oriented Programming.
(Ans I was working in Laravel:)).
After I took an Object Oriented Bootcamp from Laracasts, I started 'seeing' how Laravel actually works and I know can easily create methods inside classes and use them in other classes.
(of course, you can read something else on OOP, but Jeffrey Way has really outstanding explanation talent!)

Call controller within another controller - CodeIgniter

I need to call a controller say 'faq_view' inside admin controller as the URL structure admin/faq_view like this how I can do this?
Then, just redirect the page. Else if you want to just call the function, call it via AJAX.
It depends what you exactly want to do. If you want to just invoke the function, its not the right way. Controller as it defines itself controls the flow of the pages that comes on sequence. Controller is responsible to send commands to its associated view to change the view's presentation of the model.
So, if you are saying you want to call controller within another controller, that should mean you are about to redirect to another page.
Updated answer:
Just assume you have new_function on maincontroller that calls the function from othercontroller. The function does not need to be defined on othercontroller.
Add the following line on routes.php.
$routes['maincontroller/new_function'] = 'othercontroller/new_function';
Now, you can call the function of othercontroller as maincontroller/new_function.
You can always call a controller inside another controller, but this only works for calling one controller as far as I have tried. Let's say you are trying to load a controller inside a controller. You can try this:
Then do this:
That's it! You can now access any function inside myothercontroller (controller) in your current controller. I hope this helps too.
Your controllers are part of the presentation layer and should not contain application logic. That means you should never need to call a controller from another controller, instead refactor your application and move the domain logic to the model layer.
Now if you have a method that you need in multiple controllers, say for example you need a template method that automatically adds your header and footer views.
If that is the case, create a base class that your controllers extend.
If you are talking about just a routing issue, then just use the routes file for that. I don't like the CI automatic routing and it should be avoided as it will result in duplicate URLs for the same resource.

Where's the best place to create local variables that will be used in a display (using MVC principles)?

I was thinking of creating them in the controller and just pass the variable to the JSP but unsure if this is the way to go.
thanks :)
Controllers pass data to Views via Models - see the Spring MVC documentation
Basically the layer of segregation that has been made by MVC architecture itself says that you should do the processing from backend data [after you get it from Model Bean] in the Controller.
In your question you have clearly mentioned that you want to know the
right place where to declare variables ? -> So you would want to do some processing on them e.g. change values based on some data or calculations right!!
So make the variables in controller, obviously private data has to be taken care so do that in controller or the class file itself.

yii writing a resuable code for cascade dropDownMenu

I wrote a three cascade dropDownLists that its listData are generated from the database models.
The lists are generated with an Ajax call to action in the controller based.
I want to reuse this code and to share it with more pages.
I tried to do the following:
Write it as a Custom Widget.
currently i use 'createurl' function that calls a function in the matching controller.
I cant write JavaScript since i want to use the existing db models.
In this case i need to write the action functions in an independent file - so should i write a controller? where should i place it?
Write it as a part of a module - but it seems overkill.
any suggestions, i am sure that there is a right and simple way to do it.
You could create it as a helper. A helper is just a class in the components which has no direct action in the M->C->V action flow but can be used in any controller, model, view, component, module, etc...
I would write a helper method to call it from the controller.
Another suggestion could be to extend CController to your own base controller and have your actual controllers, extend from your custom base controller. That way you can make it easily available in every controller, and then you just set some members that contain the models to use which you set in the actual controller.
If you need more help on this, find me on freenode #yii

How to access function from every controller in codeigniter

Hi friends hi have this function in one controller , how can i access it from every other controller ?pls help
public function click_add($ads_id){
//some statement here
There are a few possibilities:
Define a helper
Create a parent controller class from which all other controllers in your application extend
Create a library
Use ModularExtensions to allow calling one controller inside another
It all depends on what exactly the function should do. If it shouldn't access the model, then you could go for the first three options. Otherwise I'd suggest the latter two.
One solution would be to create your own library.
