Record sounds from speaker in silverlight wp7 - windows-phone-7

I need to record different sounds in a file. the file may be .mp3, .wav etc. how it is possible in windows phone 7?

There is a simple way to do this in Windows Phone. You are basically using the Microphone class provided by the framework. For a great article on the topic go to
void OnRecordButtonClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs args)
if (microphone.State == MicrophoneState.Stopped)
// Clear the collection for storing buffers
// Stop any playback in progress (not really necessary, but polite I guess)
// Start recording
// Update the record button
bool isRecording = microphone.State == MicrophoneState.Started;
void StopRecording()
// Get the last partial buffer
int sampleSize = microphone.GetSampleSizeInBytes(microphone.BufferDuration);
byte[] extraBuffer = new byte[sampleSize];
int extraBytes = microphone.GetData(extraBuffer);
// Stop recording
// Create MemoInfo object and add at top of collection
int totalSize = memoBufferCollection.Count * sampleSize + extraBytes;
TimeSpan duration = microphone.GetSampleDuration(totalSize);
MemoInfo memoInfo = new MemoInfo(DateTime.UtcNow, totalSize, duration);
memoFiles.Insert(0, memoInfo);
// Save data in isolated storage
using (IsolatedStorageFile storage = IsolatedStorageFile.GetUserStoreForApplication())
using (IsolatedStorageFileStream stream = storage.CreateFile(memoInfo.FileName))
// Write buffers from collection
foreach (byte[] buffer in memoBufferCollection)
stream.Write(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
// Write partial buffer
stream.Write(extraBuffer, 0, extraBytes);
// Scroll to show new MemoInfo item


VLCSharp Unity3D, video Streaming freezes but audio still working

I want to get a RTMP link and stream the video at my unity project but, and it works fine.... just 4 frames long cause after that it freezes, but audio stills playing.
For this code i´m using VSCode,Unity3D and the public example that the creators have on their github.
// This is the start, where i initialize things of course hahauhsuhs
void Start()
_libVLC = new LibVLC();
//Then here we have the method play and Pause, where we play Media Player and give him the media URL that works for a few frames.
private void PlayPause()
if (_mediaPlayer == null)
_mediaPlayer = new MediaPlayer(_libVLC);
if (_mediaPlayer.IsPlaying)
_isPlaying = true;
if (_mediaPlayer.Media == null)
// playing remote media
_mediaPlayer.Media = new Media(_libVLC, new Uri(URL));
// This method will be execute every frame and do some crazy stuff that i can´t explane right now.
private void Update()
//A few checks before executing video
if (!_isPlaying) return;
if (URL.Equals(null)) URL = ""; //if URL is null give the BigChungus Bunny video
//Execute Video
if (_tex == null)
// If received size is not null, it and scale the texture
uint i_videoHeight = 0;
uint i_videoWidth = 0;
_mediaPlayer.Size(0, ref i_videoWidth, ref i_videoHeight);
var texptr = _mediaPlayer.GetTexture(out bool updated);
if (i_videoWidth != 0 && i_videoHeight != 0 && updated && texptr != IntPtr.Zero)
Debug.Log("Creating texture with height " + i_videoHeight + " and width " + i_videoWidth);
_tex = Texture2D.CreateExternalTexture((int)i_videoWidth,
RenderSettings.skybox.mainTexture = _tex;
else if (_tex != null)
var texptr = _mediaPlayer.GetTexture(out bool updated);
if (updated)
this is my first real question on stackover flow so this post can have some issues, I´m open for suggestion to improve it.
I found that the problem it´s with my stream server latency, and not with my unity project.
But still... there is a way to persist the video to play with high latency?

Simple alternative to VolumeSampleProvider that will have a left and right volume property

when playing trying to play audio in a chat application that I'm making I got the exception {"Source sample provider must be mono"} in this line var panProvider = new PanningSampleProvider(volumeProvider);
private void ReceiveUdpMessage(IAsyncResult ar)
byte[] bytesRead = UDPc.EndReceive(ar, ref ep);
var waveProvider = new BufferedWaveProvider(new WaveFormat(44100, 16, 2));
waveProvider.DiscardOnBufferOverflow = true;
waveProvider.AddSamples(bytesRead, 0, bytesRead.Length);
var volumeProvider = new VolumeSampleProvider(waveProvider.ToSampleProvider());
var panProvider = new PanningSampleProvider(volumeProvider);
UDPc.BeginReceive(new AsyncCallback(ReceiveUdpMessage), null);
catch(Exception ex)
UDPc.BeginReceive(new AsyncCallback(ReceiveUdpMessage), null);
I saw this answer Implementing Output audio panning with Naudio
but when mark answered in the comments:"I'd make a very simple alternative to VolumeSampleProvider that had a left and right volume property in that case".
he didn't elaborate and I'm new to this so have no idea what to do from here.
Does someone know what I'm supposed to do?

Xamarin Cam2 IOnImageAvailableListener's OnImageAvailable called twice causing

UPDATE: The initial question has been answered as to why the crashes happen but the lingering problem remains of why is the 'OnImageAvailable' callback called so may times? When it is called, I want to do stuff with the image, but whatever method I run at that time is called many times. Is this the wrong place to be using the resulting image?
I am using the sample code found here for a Xamarin Android implementation of the Android Camera2 API. My issue is that when the capture button is pressed a single time, the OnCameraAvalibleListener's OnImageAvailable callback gets called multiple times.
This is causing a problem because the image from AcquireNextImage needs to be closed before another can be used, but close is not called until the Run method of the ImageSaver class as seen below.
This causes these 2 errors:
Unable to acquire a buffer item, very likely client tried to acquire
more than maxImages buffers
maxImages (2) has already been acquired, call #close before acquiring
The max image is set to 2 by default, but setting it to 1 does not help. How do I prevent the callback from being called twice?
public void OnImageAvailable(ImageReader reader)
var image = reader.AcquireNextImage();
owner.mBackgroundHandler.Post(new ImageSaver(image, file));
// Saves a JPEG {#link Image} into the specified {#link File}.
private class ImageSaver : Java.Lang.Object, IRunnable
// The JPEG image
private Image mImage;
// The file we save the image into.
private File mFile;
public ImageSaver(Image image, File file)
if (image == null)
throw new System.ArgumentNullException("image");
if (file == null)
throw new System.ArgumentNullException("file");
mImage = image;
mFile = file;
public void Run()
ByteBuffer buffer = mImage.GetPlanes()[0].Buffer;
byte[] bytes = new byte[buffer.Remaining()];
using (var output = new FileOutputStream(mFile))
catch (IOException e)
The method OnImageAvailable can be called again as soon as you leave it if there is another picture in the pipeline.
I would recommend calling Close in the same method you are calling AcquireNextImage. So, if you choose to get the image directly from that callback, then you have to call Close in there as well.
One solution involved grabbing the image in that method and close it right away.
public void OnImageAvailable(ImageReader reader)
var image = reader.AcquireNextImage();
ByteBuffer buffer = mImage.GetPlanes()[0].Buffer;
byte[] bytes = new byte[buffer.Remaining()];
// I am not sure where you get the file instance but it is not important.
owner.mBackgroundHandler.Post(new ImageSaver(bytes, file));
The ImageSaver would be modified to accept the byte array as first parameter in the constructor:
public ImageSaver(byte[] bytes, File file)
if (bytes == null)
throw new System.ArgumentNullException("bytes");
if (file == null)
throw new System.ArgumentNullException("file");
mBytes = bytes;
mFile = file;
The major downside of this solution is the risk of putting a lot of pressure on the memory as you basically save the images in memory until they are processed, one after another.
Another solution consists in acquiring the image on the background thread instead.
public void OnImageAvailable(ImageReader reader)
// Again, I am not sure where you get the file instance but it is not important.
owner.mBackgroundHandler.Post(new ImageSaver(reader, file));
This solution is less intensive on the memory; but you might have to increase the maximum number of images from 2 to something higher depending on your needs. Again, the ImageSaver's constructor needs to be modified to accept an ImageReader as a parameter:
public ImageSaver(ImageReader imageReader, File file)
if (imageReader == null)
throw new System.ArgumentNullException("imageReader");
if (file == null)
throw new System.ArgumentNullException("file");
mImageReader = imageReader;
mFile = file;
Now the Run method would have the responsibility of acquiring and releasing the Image:
public void Run()
Image image = mImageReader.AcquireNextImage();
ByteBuffer buffer = image.GetPlanes()[0].Buffer;
byte[] bytes = new byte[buffer.Remaining()];
using (var output = new FileOutputStream(mFile))
catch (IOException e)
I too facing this issue for longer time and tried implementing #kzrytof's solution but didn't helped well as expected but found the way to get the onImageAvailable to execute once.,
Scenario: When the image is available then the onImageAvailable method is called right?
so, What I did is after closing the image using image.close(); I called the imagereader.setonImageAvailableListener() and made the listener = null. this way I stopped the execution for second time.,
I know, that your question is for xamarin and my below code is in native android java but the method and functionalities are same, so try once:
public void onImageAvailable(ImageReader reader) {
final Image image=imageReader.acquireLatestImage();
try {
if (image != null) {
Image.Plane[] planes = image.getPlanes();
ByteBuffer buffer = planes[0].getBuffer();
int pixelStride = planes[0].getPixelStride();
int rowStride = planes[0].getRowStride();
int rowPadding = rowStride - pixelStride * width;
int bitmapWidth = width + rowPadding / pixelStride;
if (latestBitmap == null ||
latestBitmap.getWidth() != bitmapWidth ||
latestBitmap.getHeight() != height) {
if (latestBitmap != null) {
catch(Exception e){
imageReader.setOnImageAvailableListener(null, svc.getHandler());
// next steps to save the image

Xamarin.Android Record Video - Quality Poor

I'm using the following Xamarin tutorial
I can successfully record video and audio however the quality is not very good. Can anyone suggest/explain how I can increase the quality please?
I know the device can record in higher quality because the native camera app record in much higher quality.
EDIT here is my code so far
protected override void OnCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)
// Set our view from the "main" layout resource
var record = FindViewById<Button>(Resource.Id.Record);
var stop = FindViewById<Button>(Resource.Id.Stop);
var play = FindViewById<Button>(Resource.Id.Play);
var video = FindViewById<VideoView>(Resource.Id.SampleVideoView);
var videoPlayback = FindViewById<VideoView>(Resource.Id.PlaybackVideoView);
string path = Android.OS.Environment.ExternalStorageDirectory.AbsolutePath + "/test.mp4";
if (Camera.NumberOfCameras < 2)
Toast.MakeText(this, "Front camera missing", ToastLength.Long).Show();
video.Visibility = ViewStates.Visible;
videoPlayback.Visibility = ViewStates.Gone;
_camera = Camera.Open(1);
recorder = new MediaRecorder();
//var cameraProfile = CamcorderProfile.Get(CamcorderQuality.HighSpeed1080p);
// recorder.SetProfile(cameraProfile);
record.Click += delegate
stop.Click += delegate
if (recorder != null)
video.Visibility = ViewStates.Gone;
videoPlayback.Visibility = ViewStates.Visible;
play.Click += delegate
video.Visibility = ViewStates.Gone;
videoPlayback.Visibility = ViewStates.Visible;
var uri = Android.Net.Uri.Parse(path);
I don't see the example specifying the CamcorderProfile anywhere so you might want to start from that. It's possible that the default framerate, bitrate and video frame size are lower than you'd expect. I'm not an a computer right now but try to set the profile to for example QUALITY_1080p using the SetProfile method in MediaRecorder.
You need to set the profile after setting the video and audio sources but before calling SetOutputFile method.

Can I update a live tile in Mango using local data?

I have a Mango WP7.5 app that uses a local SqlCe database. I would like to add a LiveTile update that shows info taken from the local DB based on current day and month.
All the samples that I've found update the background by downloading remote images from servers but I would simply need to make a local database query and show a string in my tile.
Can I do it? How?
Yes, you can. You have to
generate an image containing your textual information
save this image to isolated storage and
access it via isostore URI.
Here is code showing how to do this (it updates the Application Tile):
// set properties of the Application Tile
private void button1_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
// Application Tile is always the first Tile, even if it is not pinned to Start
ShellTile TileToFind = ShellTile.ActiveTiles.First();
// Application Tile should always be found
if (TileToFind != null)
// create bitmap to write text to
WriteableBitmap wbmp = new WriteableBitmap(173, 173);
TextBlock text = new TextBlock() { FontSize = (double)Resources["PhoneFontSizeExtraLarge"], Foreground = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.White) };
// your text from database goes here:
text.Text = "Hello\nWorld";
wbmp.Render(text, new TranslateTransform() { Y = 20 });
// save image to isolated storage
using (IsolatedStorageFile isf = IsolatedStorageFile.GetUserStoreForApplication())
// use of "/Shared/ShellContent/" folder is mandatory!
using (IsolatedStorageFileStream imageStream = new IsolatedStorageFileStream("/Shared/ShellContent/MyImage.jpg", System.IO.FileMode.Create, isf))
wbmp.SaveJpeg(imageStream, wbmp.PixelWidth, wbmp.PixelHeight, 0, 100);
StandardTileData NewTileData = new StandardTileData
Title = "Title",
// reference saved image via isostore URI
BackgroundImage = new Uri("isostore:/Shared/ShellContent/MyImage.jpg", UriKind.Absolute),
// update the Application Tile
