Using load balancer with moxi - proxy

I'm using Moxi proxy with Membase cluster. And main problem that Moxi can connect only to one server, so if i want to use it right i need balancer that will spread connections all over cluster.
I tried to use Nginx proxy, but as i saw something is killing the connection.
Does anyone have working setup of balancer + Moxi proxy?
Appreciated for help.



Load balancer not working with http2 - AWS

I have a network load balancer setup on EC2 and everything works fine, though I'd like to enable http2 to get better performance and scores from auditing tools (eg. lighthouse).
My setup is Nginx on Ubuntu, the load balancer only has 2 instances to point to.
When I setup the listener to use http2, it doesn't work even though nginx and everything on the instances is setup properly. Is it because I'm using certificate manager and that there's no way for the balancer to use the certificate if it's installed through there?
Thanks a lot!
If someone comes across this, I ended up being able to solve the issue recently.
My problem was that I needed to install a self-issued certificate on both of my EC2 instances. That enables the back-and-forth between the load balancer to be secured and, in turn, it allows the load balancer to reply with the http2 headers signaling that it's available. For some reason, I thought that this was already configured, but it wasn't.
Now everything works fine!

Weblogic Proxy-Plugin

I am new to Weblogic.I was experimenting on the load balancing capabilities of WLS.I used a proxy plugin provided by default as a load balancer.
I want to check which server in a cluster gets the request from the proxy server every time I reload my site.
When I use "request.getServerPort()" I am getting the proxy server's port, but what I want is the managed server's port.
Have you tried request.getLocalPort()?

Is reverse proxy in ServiceFabric configurable?

We have on-premise 3-nodes cluster for devs in our office: 6.1.467, WinSrv2016. Everything works fine. Now we need to configure built-in service fabric reverse proxy (port 19081). For example, increase proxy timeout (now it is 120s) or enable client affinity. But I cannot find any information about how to do it.
Can anyone help to solve this?
I dont think there is a configuration for client affinity.
I suggest you use dedicated load balancer for it. You can use naming service to query the address of your service and manage affinity at load balancer level.

Does Mesos-dns provides load balancing?

I was looking at Mesos + Marathon to manage Docker containers.
What we're trying to achieve is a way of getting an external DNS entry ( to point to a specific set of docker containers.
The DNS entry for points to a load balancer which translate and send the connection to one of our backend servers app.
To do this I looked into Mesos-dns. With mesos-dns I can get DNS name for each container and can resolve DNS with container IP but couldn't find out way to load balance between set of servers.
Can someone confirm if Mesos-dns provides load balancing? If yes, how can I achieve load balancing with it?
Do I need to use some other solutions like HAProxy or Bamboo to achieve this?
Yes with Mesos-DNS you can do load balancing, see for example the respective HTTP API endpoints, but it's really not recommended in the context of DC/OS: see the internal (Minuteman) and external (Marathon-lb, HAProxy-based) load balancing and service discover options in the docs.

503 error in tomcat deployed in ec2

I have deployed tomcat 6.0.28 on two amazon ec2 instances and they share a common mysql 5.5 database. I have also made use of the elastic load balancer. When I run the program using the tomcat in my local machine, everything is fine.
But when i use the ones in EC2, i get the following error, Server returned HTTP response code: 503 for URL:.
Can somebody help me? Thank you in advance.
Well the problem was with sessions. I did not enable stickiness. Hence the next time the load balancer routed to a different instance. I enabled stickiness in elastic load balancer and everything is fine now.
