503 error in tomcat deployed in ec2 - amazon-ec2

I have deployed tomcat 6.0.28 on two amazon ec2 instances and they share a common mysql 5.5 database. I have also made use of the elastic load balancer. When I run the program using the tomcat in my local machine, everything is fine.
But when i use the ones in EC2, i get the following error,
java.io.IOException: Server returned HTTP response code: 503 for URL:.
Can somebody help me? Thank you in advance.

Well the problem was with sessions. I did not enable stickiness. Hence the next time the load balancer routed to a different instance. I enabled stickiness in elastic load balancer and everything is fine now.


Memcached is not working with AWS Classic Load Balancer

My application is running on two EC2 instances and I installed memcached on both the server. When i have checked with IP, memcached is working fine as per the requirement. But when I attached classic load balancer and attached 2 instance in that load balancer, the Memcached related functionality stop working.
But If I attached single server in load balancer then Its works fine.
The problem comes only when I attached 2 EC2 instances in Load balancer.
Make sure your memcached memory is shared between both EC2 instances. If you don't want to share memory then make sure that Stickiness is enabled in the load balancer. refer below image.

503 Service Unavailable error in AWS ec2 instance without load balancer

I'm pretty new to AWS. I have created an instance of ec2 and separate RDS. I have deploy my code. Sometimes I'm getting 503 error Service Unavailable (The server is temporarily unable to service your request due to maintenance downtime or capacity problems. Please try again later) from API.
Note1: I'm not using load balancer.
Note2: Sometimes I got the my required response (200 status). But most of the time its 503.
How I have to fix that error please?
Help will be appreciated.

Load balancer not working with http2 - AWS

I have a network load balancer setup on EC2 and everything works fine, though I'd like to enable http2 to get better performance and scores from auditing tools (eg. lighthouse).
My setup is Nginx on Ubuntu, the load balancer only has 2 instances to point to.
When I setup the listener to use http2, it doesn't work even though nginx and everything on the instances is setup properly. Is it because I'm using certificate manager and that there's no way for the balancer to use the certificate if it's installed through there?
Thanks a lot!
If someone comes across this, I ended up being able to solve the issue recently.
My problem was that I needed to install a self-issued certificate on both of my EC2 instances. That enables the back-and-forth between the load balancer to be secured and, in turn, it allows the load balancer to reply with the http2 headers signaling that it's available. For some reason, I thought that this was already configured, but it wasn't.
Now everything works fine!

classic load balancer https acm issue

I have a website -- portaldevservices.com
The domain is managed by route 53 and works fine with http.
I have one ec2 instance.
I recently decided to move to https and put a load balancer in front of the ec2 instance.
From here I created a load balancer edited the A record and the Cname to the credentials of the load balancer. The health check is fine and the ec2 instance was added.
Using Amazon Certificate manager I created a cert and added it to the load balancer.
Here are some credentials/info:
When I try to access https://portaldevservices.com I get this:
Website screenshot
hosted zones
load balancer port config
load balancer basic config
load balancer listener
acm certificate
Thanks for the help. I'm a mobile dev so this is my first time really stepping into the backend world.
Ok that was a lot easier than I thought. If anyone else experiences this issue all I had to do was add the "www." to the front of my A type
From portaldevservices.com -> www.portaldevservices.com
The https access now works well.
Ok that was a lot easier than I thought. If anyone else experiences this issue all I had to do was add the "www." to the front of my A type
From portaldevservices.com -> www.portaldevservices.com
The https access now works well.

Using load balancer with moxi

I'm using Moxi proxy with Membase cluster. And main problem that Moxi can connect only to one server, so if i want to use it right i need balancer that will spread connections all over cluster.
I tried to use Nginx proxy, but as i saw something is killing the connection.
Does anyone have working setup of balancer + Moxi proxy?
Appreciated for help.
Cross-posted: http://groups.google.com/group/membase/browse_thread/thread/c48c368e23a34500
