Sim number and serial number in windows phone 7 - windows-phone-7

How can i fetch SIM number or phone serial number in windows phone 7? In Android I use this code and it works:
/ Get the SIM country ISO code
String simCountry = telephonyManager.getSimCountryIso();
// Get the operator code of the active SIM (MCC + MNC)
String simOperatorCode = telephonyManager.getSimOperator();
// Get the name of the SIM operator
String simOperatorName = telephonyManager.getSimOperatorName();
// -- Requires READ_PHONE_STATE uses-permission --
// Get the SIM’s serial number
String simSerial = telephonyManager.getSimSerialNumber();

There is no API available for 3rd party developers to access the phone or SIM number.


IAsyncOperation<SerialDevice> FromIdAsync(string deviceId) returns null

I have Windows IoT Core 10 17744 running over Raspberry Pi 3.
I try to initialize COM port from UWP application using following code:
string aqs = SerialDevice.GetDeviceSelector();
DeviceInformationCollection devices = await DeviceInformation.FindAllAsync(aqs);
List<DeviceInformation> list = devices.ToList();
DeviceInformation di = list.First();
_serial_port = await SerialDevice.FromIdAsync(di.Id);
I have di.Id -> \\?\ACPI#BCM2836#0#{86e0d1e0-8089-11d0-9ce4-08003e301f73}
Full represintation of di variable as follow:
- di {Windows.Devices.Enumeration.DeviceInformation} Windows.Devices.Enumeration.DeviceInformation
EnclosureLocation null Windows.Devices.Enumeration.EnclosureLocation
Id "\\\\?\\ACPI#BCM2836#0#{86e0d1e0-8089-11d0-9ce4-08003e301f73}" string
IsDefault false bool
IsEnabled true bool
Kind DeviceInterface Windows.Devices.Enumeration.DeviceInformationKind
Name "MINWINPC" string
- Pairing {Windows.Devices.Enumeration.DeviceInformationPairing} Windows.Devices.Enumeration.DeviceInformationPairing
CanPair false bool
+ Custom {Windows.Devices.Enumeration.DeviceInformationCustomPairing} Windows.Devices.Enumeration.DeviceInformationCustomPairing
IsPaired false bool
ProtectionLevel None Windows.Devices.Enumeration.DevicePairingProtectionLevel
Native View To inspect the native object, enable native code debugging.
+ Properties {System.__ComObject} System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyDictionary<string, object> {System.__ComObject}
Native View To inspect the native object, enable native code debugging.
But after await operation I have null in _serial_port.
It is null even if I connect Raspberry UART interface to working node:
8th pin as TX to paired RX line.
10th pin as RX to paired TX line.
I have DeviceCapability in manifest:
<DeviceCapability Name="serialcommunication">
<Device Id="any">
<Function Type="name:serialPort" />
You need add serial device capability in the Package.appxmanifest:
<DeviceCapability Name="serialcommunication">
<Device Id="any">
<Function Type="name:serialPort" />
It is null even if I connect Raspberry UART interface to working node:
8th pin as TX to paired RX line. 10th pin as RX to paired TX line.
This is not required for SerialDevice.FromIdAsync() success. Even if you don't connect these pins the SerialDevice.FromIdAsync() can get the valid device if the code and setting correctly. You can refer to Serial UART Sample.

how to get serial number via win32 wpd api

as shown in title, i search on google for this question, but there seems that no way get serial number via WPD(Windows Portable Device) api, and in MSDN, i found the WPD_DEVICE_SERIAL_NUMBER property of Portable Device, can anyone tell me how to get this property using wpd api?
The C++ sample can be found here and here
Bit of a process. Basic steps are as follows:
Get and populate a IPortableDeviceValues of your client info
// Create our client information collection
// We have to provide at the least our name, version, revision
L"My super cool WPD client"));
Get an IPortableDevice with CoCreateInstance
// A WPD device is represented by an IPortableDevice instance
Connect to the device using IPortableDevice::Open, passing the device's ID and the above client info
device->Open(deviceId.c_str(), clientInfo);
Get the device's IPortableDeviceContent using IPortableDevice::Content
CComPtr<IPortableDeviceContent> retVal;
L"! Failed to get IPortableDeviceContent from IPortableDevice");
Get the content's IPortableDeviceProperties using IPortableDeviceContent::Properties
CComPtr<IPortableDeviceProperties> retVal;
L"! Failed to get IPortableDeviceProperties from IPortableDeviceContent");
Get the properties' IPortableDeviceValues using IPortableDeviceProperties::GetValues, passing "DEVICE" for pszObjectID and nullptr for pKeys
CComPtr<IPortableDeviceValues> retVal;
properties.GetValues(objectId.c_str(), nullptr, &retVal),
L"! Failed to get IPortableDeviceValues from IPortableDeviceProperties");
Get the serial number from the values using IPortableDeviceValues::GetStringValue, passing WPD_DEVICE_SERIAL_NUMBER for key
LPWSTR value = nullptr;
values.GetStringValue(propertyKey, &value),
L"! Failed to get string value from IPortableDeviceValues");
propertyValue = value;
if (value != nullptr)
By no means a complete listing, sorry. The ThrowIf* functions are just basic helpers I wrote to go from checking HRESULTs to throwing exceptions. Hopefully this points you in the right direction.
Additional references:
The dimeby8 blog
WPD Application Programming Interface

How to get device descriptor and configuration descriptor of usb device in Mac?

I have minimum exposure to xcode and I/Okit framework. I have seen device descriptor and configuration descriptor of a usb device in USB prober.
I have written an xcode program using I/O kit framework which gives the usb device name as output, when we give product id and vendor id of that device as input.
/*Take the vendor and product id from console*/
printf("\nEnter the vendor id : ");
printf("\nEnter the product id :");
/* Set up a matching dictionary for the class */
matchingDict = IOServiceMatching(kIOUSBDeviceClassName);
if (matchingDict == NULL)
return -1; // fail
// Create a CFNumber for the idVendor and set the value in the dictionary
numberRef = CFNumberCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, kCFNumberSInt32Type, &usbVendor);
// Create a CFNumber for the idProduct and set the value in the dictionary
numberRef = CFNumberCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, kCFNumberSInt32Type, &usbProduct);
numberRef = NULL;
/*Get an iterator.*/
kr = IOServiceGetMatchingServices(kIOMasterPortDefault, matchingDict, &iter);
if (kr != KERN_SUCCESS)
return -1;// fail
/* iterate */
while ((device = IOIteratorNext(iter)))
/*Display the device names */
io_name_t deviceName;
kr = IORegistryEntryGetName(device, deviceName);
if (KERN_SUCCESS != kr) {
deviceName[0] = '\0';
/*Free the reference taken before continuing to the next item */
/*Release the iterator */
return 0;
I need to modify this, so that on giving vendor and product id of usb device, i will get the device descriptor and configuration descriptor( as shown in USB prober) as output.
Here i just gave an example, code can change but the output must be the descriptor( atleast the device decriptor).
Thanks in advance...
I think u should download the source code of USBProber rather than figure it out by yourself.
All the information presents in the USBProber u could get sooner or later by analyzing the source code.
Here is link to download the source code of IOUSBFamily, with USBProber inside it.
To get the configuration descriptors you can use code like this:
IOUSBDeviceInterface650** dev = ...;
IOUSBConfigurationDescriptor* configDesc = nullptr;
// Get the configuration descriptor for the first configuration (configuration 0).
kern_return_t kr = (*dev)->GetConfigurationDescriptorPtr(dev, 0, &configDesc);
if (kr != kIOReturnSuccess)
return an_error;
// Now use configDesc->...
Unfortunately there doesn't seem to be a function to get the device descriptor. There are functions to get some of it:
kr = (*dev)->GetDeviceClass(dev, &desc.bDeviceClass);
kr = (*dev)->GetDeviceSubClass(dev, &desc.bDeviceSubClass);
kr = (*dev)->GetDeviceProtocol(dev, &desc.bDeviceProtocol);
kr = (*dev)->GetDeviceVendor(dev, &desc.idVendor);
kr = (*dev)->GetDeviceProduct(dev, &desc.idProduct);
kr = (*dev)->GetDeviceReleaseNumber(dev, &desc.bcdDevice);
kr = (*dev)->GetNumberOfConfigurations(dev, &desc.bNumConfigurations);
But I don't see a way to get iManufacturer, iProduct, iSerial, bMaxPacketSize0, or bcdUSB.
There is a way around this - instead of using the built-in functions you can just do a control request to get the device descriptor (and configuration descriptors if you like) manually using a control transfer.
The USB 2.0 spec describes how to do this. Basically you:
Do a control transfer with bmRequestType = Device | Standard | In, bRequest = USB_GET_DESCRIPTOR_REQUEST, wValue = (USB_DEVICE_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE << 8), wIndex = 0, wLength = 2. That will fail because the descriptor is longer than 2, but it gets you the descriptor header which includes its length.
Repeat that request but with the correct length.
For configuration descriptors, do a third request with length wTotalLength.
You can do it with one less request since you know the size of the descriptors in advance, but I like to do it like that because then you can wrap it up in a very general getDescriptor() method.
In theory you can do it as simply as this:
IOUSBDeviceDescriptor devDesc;
IOUSBDevRequest request;
request.bmRequestType = USBmakebmRequestType(kUSBIn, kUSBStandard, kUSBDevice);
request.bRequest = kUSBRqGetDescriptor;
request.wValue = kUSBDeviceDesc << 8;
request.wIndex = 0;
request.wLength = sizeof(devDesc); // 18
request.pData = &devDesc;
request.wLenDone = 0;
kern_return_t kr = (*dev)->DeviceRequest(dev, &request);
But for some reason that is giving me a kIOUSBPipeStalled error. Not sure why.
Edit: I forgot the << 8. Now it works. :-)
The header IOKit/usb/USBSpec.h has a documented list of property keys corresponding to values inside the different descriptors. You can use those with IORegistryEntrySearchCFProperty (or similar functions) to get the descriptor values. This way you don't need a device request from an IOUSBDeviceInterface, which is advantageous because:
the documentation (comments) say that all device requests require an opened USB device and you may not have permission to do that for all devices (it's possible the documentation is wrong, at least for descriptor requests, but I have no guarantee of that and it seems better to follow it anyway)
device requests can block for an indeterminate amount of time
the manufacturer, product, and serial number strings (which are referenced by the device descriptor, but are not technically part of it) are not retrieved in this request
For getting device descriptor and configuration decriptor, we can use functions in IOUSBDeviceInterface class
For getting interface descriptor and end point descriptor, we can use functions in IOUSBInterfaceInterface class

Open a windows phone 7 application In Emulator using Command Line

Is there a way to open a Windows Phone 7 Application in emulator using command line?
I know that there already exists a question related to this here, but I want a simple way to start a wp7 application (having the xap file) from command line without modify the code of the application.
I know that this is possible for XNA applications (info here) but I do not know if this is possible for apps made under Silverlight framework?!
Later edit - problem RESOLVED
Looking deeply, the Justin blog seemed to be very ok for this problem I've had.
Anyway I had to make some small changes:
changed the line:
Platform WP7SDK = dsmgrObj.GetPlatforms().Single(p => p.Name == "New Windows Mobile 7 SDK");
into line:
Platform WP7SDK = dsmgrObj.GetPlatforms().Single(p => p.Name == "Windows Phone 7");
I used a foreach for retrieving the platform names:
// iterate over all platforms and write their names
foreach (Platform p in dsmgrObj.GetPlatforms().ToList<Platform>())
Console.WriteLine("Platform: " + p.Name);
and the line:
WP7Device = WP7SDK.GetDevices().Single(d => d.Name == "Windows Phone 7 Emulator");
into line:
WP7Device = WP7SDK.GetDevices().Single(d => d.Name == "Windows Phone Emulator");
Used again a foreach :
// iterate over all devces and write their names
foreach (Device d in WP7SDK.GetDevices().ToList<Device>())
Console.WriteLine("Device: " + d.Name);
As mentioned you should follow Justin Angel's blog post. The end result is a very simple command line application which you run to, amongst other things, install your XAP file to the emulator/phone and start this application.
There is one thing I would modify though. Justin's app uninstalls the previous version of your application before installing the new one. This removes all files in isolated storage, including the IsolatedStorageSettings resource. I made the following changes to update the the phone application if it already exists.
// ... code to get command line parameters, device instance etc ...
if (WP7Device.IsApplicationInstalled(appID)) {
Console.WriteLine("Found {0} XAP on Windows Phone 7 Emulator/Device...", appName);
app = WP7Device.GetApplication(appID);
appLocation + #"\ApplicationIcon.png",
appLocation + #"\Bin\" + configuration + #"\" + appName + #".xap");
Console.WriteLine("{0} XAP Updated from Windows Phone 7 Emulator/Device...", appName);
} else {
// Install XAP
Console.WriteLine("Installing {0} XAP to Windows Phone 7 Emulator/Device...", appName);
app = WP7Device.InstallApplication(appID,
appLocation + #"\ApplicationIcon.png",
appLocation + #"\Bin\" + configuration + #"\" + appName + #".xap");
Console.WriteLine("{0} XAP installed to Windows Phone 7 Emulator...", appName);
// Launch Application
Console.WriteLine("Launching {0} on Windows Phone 7 Emulator...", appName);
Console.WriteLine("Launched {0} on Windows Phone 7 Emulator...", appName);

What is Target Device of IOCTL_USB_GET_ROOT_HUB_NAME (USB driver specific IOCTL IRQ)

I am a bit confused by the USB IOCTL IOCTL_USB_GET_ROOT_HUB_NAME. What is the target device of it? Although the MSDN WDK doc clearly indicates the target device, I am still confused by the USBVIEW sample provided by the WDK. The reason I'm confused is as follows:
I am new to kernel mode and USB driver writing in Windows and is now studying the USBVIEW sample from the windows driver kit The MSDN describes the first step the USBVIEW sample performs as:
Enumerate host controllers and root
hubs. Host controllers have symbolic
link names of the form "HCDx", where x
starts at 0.
Use CreateFile() to open each host
controller symbolic link.
Create a node in the tree view to
represent each host controller.
After a host controller has been
opened, send the host controller an
get the symbolic link name of the root
hub that is part of the host
But, I double checked the usage of IOCTL_USB_GET_ROOT_HUB_NAME in MSDN
which says:
user-mode I/O control request. This
request targets the USB hub FDO.
Note that the target of the IOCTL_USB_GET_ROOT_HUB_NAME IRP is a USB Hub FDO. However, as described by the USBVIEW sample, we just retreived the host controller symbolic link which means the device object is a host controller device object. How could we send it a IOCTL_USB_GET_ROOT_HUB_NAME IRP? Should we retreive a USB hub FDO somehow first?
I would guess it's an unfortunate copy-paste error. IOCTL_USB_GET_ROOT_HUB_NAME is indeed sent to the host controller and therefore handled by the USB Host Controller FDO.
By the way, just to put you in context:
The term "FDO" only loosely concerns user mode -- it's not like you can access any other "xDO" anyway. If you were to send this IOCTL in kernel mode, then sure, you can send an IOCTL to any specific device object in the device stack ("can" doesn't mean "should", mind you). However, a DeviceIoControl from a user mode application always sends IOCTLs to the top of the device stack (therefore it passes all the filters, the FDO and down to the PDO).
This question was asked on March 28, so I really hope you've solved it by now :)
As the documentation states you will need a handle to the USB host controller but it is not very clear on how you are supposed to get such a handle. In USBView something similar to this function is used to get the device path name by passing GUID_DEVINTERFACE_USB_HOST_CONTROLLER (include initguid.h and usbiodef.h):
vector<wstring> EnumDevices(
_In_ const GUID Guid
vector<wstring> r;
int index = 0;
memset(&DevInfoData, 0, sizeof(SP_DEVINFO_DATA));
DevInfoData.cbSize = sizeof(SP_DEVINFO_DATA);
while (SetupDiEnumDeviceInfo(hDevInfo, index, &DevInfoData)) {
int jndex = 0;
memset(&DevIntData, 0, sizeof(SP_DEVICE_INTERFACE_DATA));
DevIntData.cbSize = sizeof(SP_DEVICE_INTERFACE_DATA);
while (SetupDiEnumDeviceInterfaces(
&DevInfoData, &Guid, jndex, &DevIntData
)) {
// Get the size required for the structure.
DWORD RequiredSize;
hDevInfo, &DevIntData, NULL, NULL, &RequiredSize, NULL
memset(pDevIntDetData, 0, sizeof(SP_DEVICE_INTERFACE_DETAIL_DATA) + RequiredSize);
pDevIntDetData->cbSize = sizeof(SP_DEVICE_INTERFACE_DETAIL_DATA);
pDevIntDetData, RequiredSize,
return r;
Keep in mind using the above function you can also request devices of type GUID_DEVINTERFACE_USB_HUB and GUID_DEVINTERFACE_USB_DEVICE which may eliminate any need to interact with the host controller or hubs directly.
