What is Target Device of IOCTL_USB_GET_ROOT_HUB_NAME (USB driver specific IOCTL IRQ) - windows

I am a bit confused by the USB IOCTL IOCTL_USB_GET_ROOT_HUB_NAME. What is the target device of it? Although the MSDN WDK doc clearly indicates the target device, I am still confused by the USBVIEW sample provided by the WDK. The reason I'm confused is as follows:
I am new to kernel mode and USB driver writing in Windows and is now studying the USBVIEW sample from the windows driver kit http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ff558728(v=vs.85).aspx. The MSDN describes the first step the USBVIEW sample performs as:
Enumerate host controllers and root
hubs. Host controllers have symbolic
link names of the form "HCDx", where x
starts at 0.
Use CreateFile() to open each host
controller symbolic link.
Create a node in the tree view to
represent each host controller.
After a host controller has been
opened, send the host controller an
get the symbolic link name of the root
hub that is part of the host
But, I double checked the usage of IOCTL_USB_GET_ROOT_HUB_NAME in MSDN http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ff537326(v=VS.85).aspx
which says:
user-mode I/O control request. This
request targets the USB hub FDO.
Note that the target of the IOCTL_USB_GET_ROOT_HUB_NAME IRP is a USB Hub FDO. However, as described by the USBVIEW sample, we just retreived the host controller symbolic link which means the device object is a host controller device object. How could we send it a IOCTL_USB_GET_ROOT_HUB_NAME IRP? Should we retreive a USB hub FDO somehow first?

I would guess it's an unfortunate copy-paste error. IOCTL_USB_GET_ROOT_HUB_NAME is indeed sent to the host controller and therefore handled by the USB Host Controller FDO.
By the way, just to put you in context:
The term "FDO" only loosely concerns user mode -- it's not like you can access any other "xDO" anyway. If you were to send this IOCTL in kernel mode, then sure, you can send an IOCTL to any specific device object in the device stack ("can" doesn't mean "should", mind you). However, a DeviceIoControl from a user mode application always sends IOCTLs to the top of the device stack (therefore it passes all the filters, the FDO and down to the PDO).
This question was asked on March 28, so I really hope you've solved it by now :)

As the documentation states you will need a handle to the USB host controller but it is not very clear on how you are supposed to get such a handle. In USBView something similar to this function is used to get the device path name by passing GUID_DEVINTERFACE_USB_HOST_CONTROLLER (include initguid.h and usbiodef.h):
vector<wstring> EnumDevices(
_In_ const GUID Guid
vector<wstring> r;
int index = 0;
memset(&DevInfoData, 0, sizeof(SP_DEVINFO_DATA));
DevInfoData.cbSize = sizeof(SP_DEVINFO_DATA);
while (SetupDiEnumDeviceInfo(hDevInfo, index, &DevInfoData)) {
int jndex = 0;
memset(&DevIntData, 0, sizeof(SP_DEVICE_INTERFACE_DATA));
DevIntData.cbSize = sizeof(SP_DEVICE_INTERFACE_DATA);
while (SetupDiEnumDeviceInterfaces(
&DevInfoData, &Guid, jndex, &DevIntData
)) {
// Get the size required for the structure.
DWORD RequiredSize;
hDevInfo, &DevIntData, NULL, NULL, &RequiredSize, NULL
memset(pDevIntDetData, 0, sizeof(SP_DEVICE_INTERFACE_DETAIL_DATA) + RequiredSize);
pDevIntDetData->cbSize = sizeof(SP_DEVICE_INTERFACE_DETAIL_DATA);
pDevIntDetData, RequiredSize,
return r;
Keep in mind using the above function you can also request devices of type GUID_DEVINTERFACE_USB_HUB and GUID_DEVINTERFACE_USB_DEVICE which may eliminate any need to interact with the host controller or hubs directly.


MmProbeAndLockPages() failed while coding windows driver

I am coding a windows driver.
I try to probes a Virtual Memory Page using MmProbeAndLockPages() https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-hardware/drivers/ddi/wdm/nf-wdm-mmprobeandlockpages
First I allocate the MDL using IoAllocateMdl(). Then I probes the virtual memory page. The code is like :
PMDL pMdl = IoAllocateMdl(Dest, (ULONG)Size, FALSE, FALSE, NULL);
if (pMdl) {
__try {
MmProbeAndLockPages(pMdl, KernelMode, IoModifyAccess);
status = GetExceptionCode();
I also tried to attach to the process using KeStackAttachProcess() but it has no effect.
The Dest variable is a PVOID to a userland process' address. The address is valid because I can read from it.
Do you have an idea why MmProbeAndLockPages() failed and my code goes into the except branch?
The exception code is 0xC0000005 (which is an access violation) but I specified IoModifyAccess/IoWriteAccess and I should be able to write to a userland process from kernelland, right?
Even when I unset the WP bit of cr0, it doesn't work ... hum something weird is happening
I am using a windows 10.0.19044
I have to change IoModifyAccess to IoReadAccess.
Then to call MmProtectMdlSystemAddress() with PAGE_READWRITE.

CopyPipe of DriverKit IOUSBHostInterface fails with kIOReturnError (0xe00002bc)

For my own edification, I'm trying to read some audio data from a USB audio interface using a DriverKit System Extension.
My IOProviderClass is IOUSBHostInterface. I can successfully Open() the interface, but CopyPipe() returns kIOReturnError (0xe00002bc). Why can't I copy the pipe?
To be able to open the interface at all, I had to outmatch AppleUSBAudio so my IOKitPersonalities explicitly match the bConfigurationValue, bInterfaceNumber, idVendor, idProduct, and bcdDevice keys. This list may not be minimal.
In ioreg I can normally see the interfaces (sometimes only my matching one is there, although I think this is a degenerate situation). I see a AppleUserUSBHostHIDDevice child on some of my other interfaces. Could this be the problem? Normally the device has no problem being both USBAudio and HID. I am trying unsuccessfully to out match HID too.
I was passing the wrong endpoint address to CopyPipe().
To find an endpoint address you need to enumerate through the IOUSBDescriptorHeaders in the IOUSBConfigurationDescriptor and examine the descriptors with bDescriptorType equal to kIOUSBDescriptorTypeEndpoint.
IOUSBGetNextDescriptor() from USBDriverKit/AppleUSBDescriptorParsing.h is made for this and will save you from having think about pointer manipulation.
If the endpoint is in a different alternate setting, then you need to switch the interface to that one with SelectAlternateSetting().
enumerate_configs(const IOUSBConfigurationDescriptor *configDesc) {
const IOUSBDescriptorHeader *curHeader = NULL;
while ((curHeader = IOUSBGetNextDescriptor(configDesc, curHeader))) {
switch (curHeader->bDescriptorType) {
case kIOUSBDescriptorTypeEndpoint: {
auto endpoint = (const IOUSBEndpointDescriptor *)curHeader;
os_log(OS_LOG_DEFAULT, "Endpoint bLength: %{public}i, bDescriptorType: %i, bEndpointAddress: %i, bmAttributes: 0x%x, wMaxPacketSize: %i, bInterval: %i",
endpoint->bEndpointAddress, // pass this to CopyPipe()
os_log(OS_LOG_DEFAULT, "some other type: %{public}i", curHeader->bDescriptorType);

how to get serial number via win32 wpd api

as shown in title, i search on google for this question, but there seems that no way get serial number via WPD(Windows Portable Device) api, and in MSDN, i found the WPD_DEVICE_SERIAL_NUMBER property of Portable Device, can anyone tell me how to get this property using wpd api?
The C++ sample can be found here and here
Bit of a process. Basic steps are as follows:
Get and populate a IPortableDeviceValues of your client info
// Create our client information collection
// We have to provide at the least our name, version, revision
L"My super cool WPD client"));
Get an IPortableDevice with CoCreateInstance
// A WPD device is represented by an IPortableDevice instance
Connect to the device using IPortableDevice::Open, passing the device's ID and the above client info
device->Open(deviceId.c_str(), clientInfo);
Get the device's IPortableDeviceContent using IPortableDevice::Content
CComPtr<IPortableDeviceContent> retVal;
L"! Failed to get IPortableDeviceContent from IPortableDevice");
Get the content's IPortableDeviceProperties using IPortableDeviceContent::Properties
CComPtr<IPortableDeviceProperties> retVal;
L"! Failed to get IPortableDeviceProperties from IPortableDeviceContent");
Get the properties' IPortableDeviceValues using IPortableDeviceProperties::GetValues, passing "DEVICE" for pszObjectID and nullptr for pKeys
CComPtr<IPortableDeviceValues> retVal;
properties.GetValues(objectId.c_str(), nullptr, &retVal),
L"! Failed to get IPortableDeviceValues from IPortableDeviceProperties");
Get the serial number from the values using IPortableDeviceValues::GetStringValue, passing WPD_DEVICE_SERIAL_NUMBER for key
LPWSTR value = nullptr;
values.GetStringValue(propertyKey, &value),
L"! Failed to get string value from IPortableDeviceValues");
propertyValue = value;
if (value != nullptr)
By no means a complete listing, sorry. The ThrowIf* functions are just basic helpers I wrote to go from checking HRESULTs to throwing exceptions. Hopefully this points you in the right direction.
Additional references:
The dimeby8 blog
WPD Application Programming Interface

Why doesn't device_create return error when a file already exists?

I am writing a PCI driver with a character device for an interface (Linux 4.9.13). Here's the scenario that bothers me:
Run touch /dev/foo0 which creates a normal file in the /dev directory.
Load the driver module. Here's a pseudo code representing what happens there (pretty standard character device registration):
// When the module is initialized:
alloc_chrdev_region(&dev, 0, 256, "foo");
class = class_create(THIS_MODULE, "foo");
// Later, when a suitable PCI device is connected the probe function
// calls the following functions:
cdev_init(dev->md_cdev, &fops);
dev->md_devnum = MKDEV(major, 0 + index);
res = cdev_add(dev->md_cdev, dev->md_devnum, 1);
dev->md_sysfsdev = device_create(class, 0, dev->md_devnum, 0, "foo%d", index);
index is just another free index
What seems weird to me is nothing raises an error that there is already a /dev/foo0 file which is not a character device. I do check all the errors (I think so) but I omitted related code for the sake of conciseness. Everything works as expected if I do not run touch /dev/foo0. Otherwise, I can neither read nor write to the device.
Why is it so? Shouldn't device_create return an error or at least create /dev/foo1 instead?

Linux kernel network device driver and skb pointers

I am writing a network device driver.
The device is supposed to be working when it is connected to a bridge port.
I am trying to intercept ICMPv6 RA and NS messages (Router/ Neighbor solicitation) forwarded to the interface from the bridge.
eth <–> br0 <–> mydevice
In the device start_xmit function I am doing to following:
Check that the protocol field after the Ethernet header is IPV6 (0x86dd)
Check that the ipv6 next header is ICMPv6 and check its type:
__u8 nexthdr = ipv6_hdr(skb)->nexthdr;
if (nexthdr == htons (IPPROTO_ICMPV6))
struct icmp6hdr *hdr = icmp6_hdr(skb);
u8 type = hdr->icmp6_type;
….Do something here…
When RS/NS are sent from within the device (e.g br0), I see that the code is working right.
The problem is when traffic is forwarded through the bridge from the other port.
I see that the icmp6_hdr(skb) returns an incorrect header.
Debugging some more, it seems that the
skb->network_header and the skb->transport_header are pointing to the same place.
icmp6_hdr is using the transport_header which explain why it is incorrect.
Dumping the skb data it looks that all the headers and payload are at the right offset (also compared it with tcpdump)
I suspect that it might be related to the bridge code, before going to dive into it,
I thought that maybe anyone had come up against anything similar or have any other ideas?
Part of the problem is that you are assuming that Netfilter did anything more than just figure out what was the next header. In my experience (albeit not very long) you want to do something like this:
struct icmp6hdr *icmp6;
// Obviously don't do this unless you check to make sure that it's the right protocol
struct ipv6_hdr *ip6hdr = (struct ipv6_hdr*)skb->network_header;
// You need to move the headers around
// Notice the memory address of skb->data and skb->network_header are the same
// that means that the IP header hasn't been "pulled"
skb->transport_header = skb_pull(skb, sizeof(struct ipv6_hdr));
if(ntohs(ip6hdr->nexthdr) == IPPROTO_ICMPV6) {
icmp6 = (struct icmp6hdr*)skb->transport_header;
// Doing this is more efficient, since you only are calling the
// Network to Host function once
__u8 type = ntohs(hdr->icmp6_type);
switch(type) {
// Do your stuff
Hopefully this was helpful. I just started diving into writing Netfilter code, so I am not exactly certain 100%, but I found this out when I was trying to do something similar with IPv4 on the NF_IP_LOCAL_IN hook.
