Does anyone can tell me why aptana 3.0.4 crashes on Mac OSX Lion?
Is this only my issue? I can't work with it at all. It freezes when I try to modify or open a file.
3.0.5 seems to be working for me, but the "Problems" view never reports any warnings or errors. I suspect it has something to do with Java on Lion since it has to be installed separate.
I installed the latest version of Mac OS (Catalina Beta 10.15) and faced with the following problem: when I open Android studio and start writing code studio quits with such crash report. Can you help me to solve this problem, as it really doesn't allow to work normally. I think that re-installing can help, but maybe there are any other solutions?
*Message in a code style, because pastebin links require that *
It's a know problem in several JetBrains based products.
As a workaround, add -Dsun.font.layoutengine=icu into Help | Edit Custom VM Options and restart IDE.
Also see: Unexpected crash when I update my MacBook Pro to MacOS Version 10.15 Beta (19A501i)
I have installed CodeBlocks on MacBook Air. I have XCode 4.6 and XCode Command Line Tools installed. But the problem is any time I try to open an existing project CodeBlock quits unexpectedly. If I create a new project CodeBlocks crushes the same way when I open any .cpp file of the project. Anyone knows how to solve the problem?
Ok, I solved it. If anyone have the same issue try disabling Code Completion plugin in CodeBlocks (Plugins -> Manage plugins, find 'Code completion' in the list, click 'Disable').
Hope this helps.
The CodeBlocks site says "Code::Blocks for Mac is currently not as stable as are other ports, especially on Mountain Lion. In other words, we could use an extra Mac developer (or two) to work on Mac compatibility issues."
It's likely that it will just crash.
I have a mac os x application, which was developed in Xcode 3.1.1, now I need to re-develop it.
Of course, I cannot build it in the newest Xcode 4.5, and it's hard for me to change the settings to make it work in Xcode 4.5.
So I downloaded the Xcode 3.1.1, it builds ok. But I just cannot use the debugging. The nslog can display normally in the console. I need to debug.
Anyone know how to fix it?
Use Xcode 3.2.6 - it still runs fine on Lion and Mountain Lion (I use it daily on Mountain Lion) and it should be able to build and debug your legacy project without any changes.
Where can I get Xcode for my older computer? I need to have gdb installed because I'm supposed to use it in a class I'm taking. Thanks.
Xcode 3.2.6. You may have to log in before pasting the link into your browser.
Xcode 4.2 will run on 10.6 Snow Leopard. You have to download it from Apple's Developer website, as the version on the Mac App Store (4.3.2) now is Lion only. You may need to update to 10.6.8 as well, which you can do by running Software Update.
I cannot use aptana on my mac pro 1.1 with OSX Lion. Aptana freezes when I try to create any project. Reinstalling didn't help.
Btw plugin for eclipse is working.
Does anyone have similar issue?