Magento Blank Screen on Checkout & Cart with Compiler Enabled - magento

When I run the Magento Compiler process it completes fine and then it's enabled. Everything is fine on the frontend until I add something to the basket, it goes to a white/blank screen, same for the basket page and checkout page.
I've tried uncommenting the ini_set('display_errors', 1); line in the index.php file but still nothing is returned. I've also tried showing errors via the .htaccess file without success.
The website's php limit is 256M, so that shouldn't be an issue because the website is empty at the moment.
Really don't know what to try next to debug this? As it just returns nothing and the error logs are empty (CONFUSED!). I've disabled and removed all the 3rd party plug-ins I've used, that appears to have no effect. And I've successfully used those plug-ins I have on other sites with compilation without any issues.
Any help or pointers would be much appreciated! I'm running Magento CE 1.6.0

I finally worked out what was causing the problem!
I've you go to Admin > System > Configuration > Customers > Persistent Shopping Cart
And then disable it, then the checkout whitescreen error goes away!

Have you set it up to use https for checkout/accounts? And if so have you set the base https server to the correct value? If you have told it to use this but not set it up correctly you may get problems.

I'm having exactly the same issue, although I think I've tracked it down to a 3rd party extension. No errors in either the Magento or server logs, and a whitescreen or 500 internal server error, on add to cart or checkout.
The irritating thing is that although I've found references from the developers saying their plugin isn't compatible with the compiler, it seems work on my test system with the compiler.
Could your case be something to do with file permissions?
are your includes folder and subfolders writable?
The compiler doesn't seem to return an error is it can't create a new folder for a module, it just doesn't collect that module, maybe you have an in-house modification that's not being picked up?


Drupal 7 very slow due to cache clearing at each page

I don't know exactly why my drupal 7 website became suddenly slow last week, after few days in production.
With xhprof, i see that at each page load,the system_list_reset() function triggers a call to cache_clear_all() function.
I deactivated all cache features.
I've read that it may due to missing files in modules and/or themes, but I didn't find missing files (except a wrong issue in 'missing module message fixer' module that indicates a missing module in view_export sub-module of view module).
I manually searched them , I didn't find where drupal can list these missing files.
Or maybe it's due to another problem.
Open page inspector of your browser and in network tab check what files have unusually long loading time. It maybe be that some external service is causing this. Also it can be that your site is hacked...
Check most banal reason, the storage space - maybe disc of your server is full?
Check if file paths drupal is using are writable. Go to Configuration -> Median -> File system and just click Save. If some path is not writable it will get red outline.
Go to Reports -> Recent log message and check if some issue is maybe logged there. Also check for web server/php logs.
Try updating modules and drupal core - maybe some bug caused that and it's hopefully fixed in module update.
If not, try disabling modules one by one and see will that still happen. If you don't find problematic module try the same method with your theme. Would be good not to try this in production development and/or make backup before doing this.
thanks a lot,
by disabling module one by one, and by "datamining" in drupal DB, i've found that ADVAGG module was guilty.
The clean was difficult, because some entires remains in some tables of Drupal DB afther the module removing, but I hope it Ok.
Funny :-/ with 'top', I've found a mining soft in /var/tmp/
systemd-private-a5422b1e6694466bbb0b63203573cad1-apache2.service-jMBN4U : nullcrew (from
I will investigate how it could land on my webserver
Best regards,

Magento maintenance.flag mysteriously created, shutting Website down

For some reason my Magento 1.6.2 site has gone into maintenance mode twice in the past 12 days, yet I haven't installed or updated any extensions (as far as I'm aware) during that time. It's pretty frustrating, since I don't even realize my site is down until I hear it from a potential customer. I can easily fix the problem by deleting the maintenance.flag that gets created in my root directory, but I want to know how to stop this from occurring. I'd hate for my Website to go down while I'm sleeping or over the weekend, and lose out on hours-days of potential revenue.
Has anyone else encountered this issue of phantom maintenance.flags being created? Is it possible one of my previously installed extensions is automatically updating and causing a problem? Is there any way to disable my site going in to maintenance mode without my consent? Any help is appreciated!
The problem might be error in one of your page rendering, like your one of file might contain error and on execution of that particular page(on request by customer) it gets error and goes into maintenance mode.
If you check index.php file, you’ll notice one interesting thingy, it checks for existence of “maintenance.flag” file in store root, if it’s found your store is put into maintenance mode. Service Temporarily Unavailable page is displayed with Please try again later message.

I can't log into magento

I can't log into Magento,
I installed GTSPEED extension. I logged out from admin and now I can't log in, but it doesn't show any kind of error.
How could I solve it? My site is running and I need to operate. Thank You!
just check weather you comment this line or not
just comment this line if you not comment it find following line and comment it
call_user_func_array('session_set_cookie_params', $cookieParams);
and then check weather it's work or not
Before installing modules like this, it's imperative that you shut off caching (and if you use it, the compiler) and only reenable after the module has properly installed itself.
After-the-fact recovery says that you will need to clear the cache (manually by deleting all the mage--? folders in var/cache) so all the old Magento code gets flushed so Magento can properly re-read all the config files and properly integrate the module into its running system and then remove all active sessions by deleting files in var/session. Once this is done, you will have to log into the admin panel and back out about two or three times so it starts loading the menus and config setups.

DotNetNuke code behind on custom modules only work when logged in or debugging

I have a dnn site that I am upgrading. The task are to upgrade from 4.08 to 5.06 and install catalook along with some custom modules to display the catalook data. The module code works fine and on the first load of the page every thing is ok. Clicking on any link or action button appears to just refresh the screen without executing any module code.
however, if I am logged in as an admin or debugging the module code, everything works as expected
thoughts anyone?
Ok, I figured out the problem. The manifest in the module had a default cache of 60, DNN caches the results of the request. Perhaps it would be better if dnn also cached the querystring parms and if they changed, dump the cache and rebuild it (VaryByParam). The solution is simple.
Fix the manifest so if you ever install on another instance it will be correct.
Fix the existing settings. You can visit each module setting (host - modules) and change the cache values so that when you add it to another page, it will be correct.
Fix the modules that are installed on pages. This can be quite tedious if your module is used a lot (mine were). A fast way is to issue an update statement against TabModules to set the cache settings for each module loaded on pages.

Magento Store - Extensions Breaking Admin

Previously I was able to download extensions without a problem. Now when I click on admin > system > magento connect > magento connect manager
I get a blank screen with a few characters:
I am able to access the downloader via The problem is evertime I download an extension now and then try to access admin > system > config I get the same blank screen error. If I uninstall the last extension it starts working again.
I’ve tried a number of different extensions but get the same problems. I also tried disabling all current extensions and it didn’t dix this.
Anyone know how I could fix this? Or is it possible to reinstall the downloader without reinstalling my entire store?
I'm still a novice with Magento, but did some research on your problem that you may find helpful.
It looks like this thread over at the official Magento forums has some good suggestions:
It may be your problem is caused by either permissions problems on your filesystem, or a corrupt core extension.
I would say that if you can't resolve your problem based on any of the advice in that thread, your best bet would be to uncomment:
ini_set('display_errors', 1);
in your magento/index.php file and post here any error messages you get when trying to access Magento Connect.
Good luck!
It looks to me that your index.php file (or some other involved file) has a byte order mark (BOM) at the top of it. Try using an encoding converter to take out the BOM.
