How to add an object file to every link - gcc

There is a bug in RHEL5's gcc-4.3.2 with which we are stuck. As a work-around we have extracted the missing object and put it in an object file. Adding this object file to every link makes the problem go away.
While adding it directly to LDFLAGS seems like a good solution, this doesn't work since e.g. libtool cannot cope with non-la files in there.
A slightly more portable solution seems to be to directly patch the gcc spec to add this to every link. I came up with
+ %{shared-libgcc:%{O*:%{!O0:/PATH/TO/ostream-inst.o}}}
where ostream-inst.o is added to the list of startfiles used in the link when compiling a shared library with optimizations.
Trying to compile boost with this spec gives some errors though since its build directly sets some objects with ld's --startgroup/--endgroup.
How should I update that spec to cover that case as well, or even better, all cases?

Go through this URL Specifying subprocesses and the switches to pass to them and GCC Command Options
If this help you, thats great.

I know this is not the answer you want to hear (since you specified otherwise in your question), but you are running into trouble here and are likely to run into more since your compiler is buggy. You should find a way of replacing it, since you'll find yourself writing even more work-around code the next time some obscure build system comes along. There's not only bjam out there.
Sorry I can't help you more. You might try simply writing a .lo file by hand (it's a two-liner, after all) and insert it into your LDFLAGS.

If it is a bug of GCC 4.3, did you try to build (by compiling from sources) and use a newer GCC. GCC 4.6.2 is coming right now. Did you consider using it?


autoconf configure script broke under a newer Xcode version

I am trying to build the apcupsd package under a newer version of MacOS and Xcode, but the configure script supplied with the current version of apcupsd breaks under Xcode 12.4 (though it worked under Xcode 11.2).
The error is gethostbyname_r is required. Now, configure tests for this function, and ordinarily it adapts to systems that do not provide it. On the newer Xcode version, however, configure just exits with an error. I THINK it has something to do with Apple making the -Werror setting mandatory. I've found that I can get a successful build by commenting out the broken test in configure, then running it and explicitly passing the flag that configure is supposed to set. But that's not very satisfactory.
Is there is a general way to pass an override to configure for the compiler? I tried setting -Wno-error in the CPPFLAGS and CFLAGS environment for configure, but the configtest program seems to ignore those. What seems to be going on is configure is seeing that gethostbyname_r doesn't exist and sets it to no but then later on still tests for it. I'm just wondering if there's a flag or something to get past this error, as it seems to me that whatever Apple did to break (or fix) Xcode after version 11.2 would have broken a lot of people's projects.
I am looking for a solution that does not involve modifying the program sources or the Autotools input files. The project manual is not helpful in this regard.
As an update: someone on the apcupsd list told me that this issue is fixed in a later version of Xcode. I have not tried that yet but when I do if that is what it proves out to be I'll post a followup
Is there is a general way to pass an override to configure for the
compiler? I tried setting -Wno-error in the CPPFLAGS and CFLAGS
environment for configure, but the configtest program seems to ignore
If you set the CFLAGS or CPPFLAGS variable in configure's environment, then not only should configure use those flags when it builds test programs, but it should also memorialize the variable so that you don't need to specify it again to make. Indeed, this ...
What seems to be going on is configure is seeing that
gethostbyname_r doesn't exist and sets it to no
... suggests that it is doing so in your case.
In that event, if it seems to test again later, or else to fail in some other way despite determining that the function is not present, then that suggests a flaw in the project's own autotooling.
I'm just wondering if there's a flag or something
to get past this error,
You have already tried the most likely candidate (CFLAGS). Alternatively, you might also be able work around the issue through use of a cache file. That's still hacky, but I think less so than modifying the configure script. I'm afraid I have no specific guidance on doing this.
as it seems to me that whatever Apple did to
break (or fix) Xcode after version 11.2 would have broken a lot of
people's projects.
It did. That does not imply that there is a quick or easy solution, though it would be good news if indeed Apple solved the issue in a later version of Xcode.

How to develop for PIC32MM without either MPLABX or XC32

While working for just one month with the MPLABX5.5 + XC32 3.01 I've already had 3 separate instances where code compiled incorrectly, causing my program to fail after either the stack or frame pointer began using an incorrect address. I would like to dump these tools and try something else as tracking down compiler errors is sucking up too much of my time. Is there anything else available that I can use to work with a PIC32MM? Even access to a different compiler than XC32 might help.
I would like to do the same thing. Maybe we can collect the best options for how to get there, as after many many tries, I haven't yet been successful. As one starting point, I'd also like to be able to recompile xc32-gcc from source to understand exactly what it's doing, and to be able to compile xc32 binaries for other architectures (like, as insane as it may sound, I'd like to compile some code for the pic32mm platform with clang or gcc running on a raspberry pi.)
I would love to be able to even just compile xc32-gcc from source. I know this is possible, but I've not been successful. Some links and starts:
This seems to be the most recent grouping of source I've found, but I haven't yet figured out how to compile it.
ChipKit is cited a lot, but, I haven't gotten to the bottom of getting that to build for me either. There are numerous projects here, and I'm not sure how they all fit together yet:
I suspect somebody (maybe someone who will see this post) knows the formula or script or docker file, or whatever to make this simple.
This project seems close to what we're talking about, but, the
recommended way to install is with podman and gentoo. I'm not a
gentoo person (yet?), and the docker version failed for me. It's
probably a simple fix to the dockerfile for a gentoo person, but.. I
didn't get there yet. (I did try installing gentoo and started down
the path but holy cow, talk about being down a rabbit hole when what
I'm trying to do is get a pic cross-compiler working.. when emerge on my new gentoo install failed with a python error, I gave up.)
This project also says some of the "right things" about building pic32 code using llvm, and has references to llvm2pic32 in this project:
I've also not yet managed to get this to make viable intel hex files that I can use on a pic just yet, but there's promise.
Use clang/llvm to generate code. I think it will compile C and generate mips out of the box and I've gotten that far, but I can't get it to link and produce a valid hex file yet. The linker scripts from microchip seem sort of ok, but the hex files end up putting the code in the wrong place, I think. I should probably put together a blinky-light example and try to push it farther, and share it with others to figure out what the deal is, but even stepping one step further back and just trying to get a super simple mips assembly program to get linked and be uploadable to a PIC32MM part would be a great success to me.
Maybe others have better references and links?

How to compile srlua (or a link to the binaries)

How to compile srlua?
How do I Make an executable Lua script using srlua?
The first link is the exact question I am asking here. However, the sole answer is unsatisfactory as it assumes multiple things, namely that the OP is already using Cmake (a fact disproved by the OP's comment on the answer). The second link seems to already be most of the way through a tutorial, and while a link to precompiled binaries for both srlua.exe and srglue.exe are provided, the link no longer contains binaries but instead the source.
I have found several other threads on various websites all asking the same thing, but all of them either assume that you essentially already know how, or explain nothing (many have potentially helpful links, but they are old and no longer work).
I have already tried to compile srlua, and got a srglue.exe, but when I tried srlua.c I ended up with a list of undefined references (such as "lua_type" or "lua_getfield").
lua_getfield, lua_type, lua_settop, lua_getfield, lua_type, lua_settop, lua_pushstring, lua_pushinteger, lua_call, lua_pushfstring, lua_load, lua_tolstring, lua_tointeger, lua_touserdata, luaL_openlibs, lua_createtable, lua_pushstring, lua_rawseti, lua_setfield, luaL_checkstack, lua_pushstring, lua_call, lua_tolstring, luaL_callmeta, lua_type, lua_type, lua_typename, lua_pushfstring, luaL_newstate, lua_pushcclosure, lua_pushcclosure, lua_pushinteger, lua_pushlightuserdata, lua_pcall, lua_tolstring, lua_close
My question is this:
How does one use a C compiler (I know the basics of gcc) to compile srlua specifically? Or, if anyone has a functioning link to either precompiled binaries or a tool to compile the binaries, could they share it?
Important: I am on Windows. Thus, I cannot just use make. I must actually compile the .c files to .exe files. I am asking how. If you simply provide links to threads with the aforementioned problems, you are not helping. If you give an answer that assumes in-depth prior knowledge of a particular tool that does not have good documentation, you are not being helpful. If you tell me tools to use, but not the specific procedure for compiling srlua, you are not being helpful. If there is a better place for this, tell me and I can move it there.
I don't know any Windows pre-compiled binaries for srLua.
To compile srLua, you should first install the Mingw compiler to use GCC as a C compiler : you can install TDM-GCC ( or
You can then open a Console prompt. Enter the "gcc" command to be sure that the compiler is working (and that the PATH is correctly set).
Then go to the directory you extracted the srLua source files and type the command :
Cross your fingers and it should compile everything :)
When linking, you should include the Lua libraries with the -l Switch : -llua54 for Lua 5.4 library for examples.
I found this already compiled release on webarchive, it's kinda old but works:

What does BII_IMPLICIT_RULES_ENABLED do when switched on or off in CMakeLists.txt?

I was wondering about the BII_IMPLICIT_RULES_ENABLED flag which I had switched off in one of my CMakeLists.txt files, in order to get an OpenGL related block to compile on a Mac, following a suggestion from biicode. This setting is still there and everything works perfectly, but I would like to find out more about it. Could someone explain what it does exactly?
BII_IMPLICIT_RULES_ENABLED activates the addition of system libs to the target that has included certain headers. For example, if your code contains an:
#include "math.h"
And you are in *nix systems, then the library "m" (libm) will be added to your target via TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES.
You can see the headers that are processed in your cmake/biicode.cmake file, in the HANDLE_SYSTEM_DEPS
My recommendation: Put it to False whenever possible, and handle the required system libs yourself, exactly what you have done. It is something that will be deprecated soon, or at least set to False by default to new projects. This option sometimes causes troubles, if something fails or there is a bug in biicode.cmake, e.g. in the past it tried to add libm to targets also in windows. It will be gradually deprecated and probably substituted by some CMake macros hosted (as in that could be used by users if they decide to, but not automatically as it is done now.

How to build apple's opensource libc?

I'm trying to build apple's opensource libc (from on my OS X 10.6.8 laptop. This is in an attempt to essentially get a locally generated replica of /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib, which I intend to experiment on further.
I see a couple basic roadblocks though (unless, obviously, I'm missing something basic):
No instructions on how to do the build. There are a couple of Makefiles in the URL I reference above, but they fail to build when I try to do straightforward makes:
$make -f Makefile
Makefile:14: *** missing separator. Stop.
I suspect the source available for download is incomplete. Not incomplete in the sense that Apple isn't revealing all of the changes, but incomplete in the sense that there are source files that were (presumably) not modified by Apple, so isn't included in the collection. For example, I don't see the implementation of the "open" call (which, in the gnu libc hierarchy, is available at io/open.c)
The closest reference I could find after some googling was this: but it still isn't close enough for my taste!
Any pointers?
Only some general pointers (although some links are discussing older OSX versions):
