How to build apple's opensource libc? - macos

I'm trying to build apple's opensource libc (from on my OS X 10.6.8 laptop. This is in an attempt to essentially get a locally generated replica of /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib, which I intend to experiment on further.
I see a couple basic roadblocks though (unless, obviously, I'm missing something basic):
No instructions on how to do the build. There are a couple of Makefiles in the URL I reference above, but they fail to build when I try to do straightforward makes:
$make -f Makefile
Makefile:14: *** missing separator. Stop.
I suspect the source available for download is incomplete. Not incomplete in the sense that Apple isn't revealing all of the changes, but incomplete in the sense that there are source files that were (presumably) not modified by Apple, so isn't included in the collection. For example, I don't see the implementation of the "open" call (which, in the gnu libc hierarchy, is available at io/open.c)
The closest reference I could find after some googling was this: but it still isn't close enough for my taste!
Any pointers?

Only some general pointers (although some links are discussing older OSX versions):


Why are symbols poisoned?

I have been trying to go through this tutorial and I always get stuck in the second build of GCC when making the cross-toolchain. It errors out saying that I am attempting to call a poisoned calloc. I have gone through several patches and what they all seem to do is just #include the offending system header (in this case pthread.h) earlier in the source code. Since there are no patches for my particular problem, I have gone ahead and emulated their solutions in my case. While this works (compilation now fails because I don't have some ISL files) it feels like a hack, and I suspect that the root problem is further back in the build.
Thus, I wanted to ask:
Why are symbols poisoned? Why would the GCC maintainers want some symbols not to be used?
What are the general causes for this problem? Is it really just a bug or is this a problem that arises in more general situations?
I am more interested in the generalities of this issue, but if it helps, I am using the latest release of Alpine Linux (with gcc 12.2.1) trying to compile gcc 11.2
.0 for the same target architecture as the host (x86-64).

How to develop for PIC32MM without either MPLABX or XC32

While working for just one month with the MPLABX5.5 + XC32 3.01 I've already had 3 separate instances where code compiled incorrectly, causing my program to fail after either the stack or frame pointer began using an incorrect address. I would like to dump these tools and try something else as tracking down compiler errors is sucking up too much of my time. Is there anything else available that I can use to work with a PIC32MM? Even access to a different compiler than XC32 might help.
I would like to do the same thing. Maybe we can collect the best options for how to get there, as after many many tries, I haven't yet been successful. As one starting point, I'd also like to be able to recompile xc32-gcc from source to understand exactly what it's doing, and to be able to compile xc32 binaries for other architectures (like, as insane as it may sound, I'd like to compile some code for the pic32mm platform with clang or gcc running on a raspberry pi.)
I would love to be able to even just compile xc32-gcc from source. I know this is possible, but I've not been successful. Some links and starts:
This seems to be the most recent grouping of source I've found, but I haven't yet figured out how to compile it.
ChipKit is cited a lot, but, I haven't gotten to the bottom of getting that to build for me either. There are numerous projects here, and I'm not sure how they all fit together yet:
I suspect somebody (maybe someone who will see this post) knows the formula or script or docker file, or whatever to make this simple.
This project seems close to what we're talking about, but, the
recommended way to install is with podman and gentoo. I'm not a
gentoo person (yet?), and the docker version failed for me. It's
probably a simple fix to the dockerfile for a gentoo person, but.. I
didn't get there yet. (I did try installing gentoo and started down
the path but holy cow, talk about being down a rabbit hole when what
I'm trying to do is get a pic cross-compiler working.. when emerge on my new gentoo install failed with a python error, I gave up.)
This project also says some of the "right things" about building pic32 code using llvm, and has references to llvm2pic32 in this project:
I've also not yet managed to get this to make viable intel hex files that I can use on a pic just yet, but there's promise.
Use clang/llvm to generate code. I think it will compile C and generate mips out of the box and I've gotten that far, but I can't get it to link and produce a valid hex file yet. The linker scripts from microchip seem sort of ok, but the hex files end up putting the code in the wrong place, I think. I should probably put together a blinky-light example and try to push it farther, and share it with others to figure out what the deal is, but even stepping one step further back and just trying to get a super simple mips assembly program to get linked and be uploadable to a PIC32MM part would be a great success to me.
Maybe others have better references and links?

How to add an object file to every link

There is a bug in RHEL5's gcc-4.3.2 with which we are stuck. As a work-around we have extracted the missing object and put it in an object file. Adding this object file to every link makes the problem go away.
While adding it directly to LDFLAGS seems like a good solution, this doesn't work since e.g. libtool cannot cope with non-la files in there.
A slightly more portable solution seems to be to directly patch the gcc spec to add this to every link. I came up with
+ %{shared-libgcc:%{O*:%{!O0:/PATH/TO/ostream-inst.o}}}
where ostream-inst.o is added to the list of startfiles used in the link when compiling a shared library with optimizations.
Trying to compile boost with this spec gives some errors though since its build directly sets some objects with ld's --startgroup/--endgroup.
How should I update that spec to cover that case as well, or even better, all cases?
Go through this URL Specifying subprocesses and the switches to pass to them and GCC Command Options
If this help you, thats great.
I know this is not the answer you want to hear (since you specified otherwise in your question), but you are running into trouble here and are likely to run into more since your compiler is buggy. You should find a way of replacing it, since you'll find yourself writing even more work-around code the next time some obscure build system comes along. There's not only bjam out there.
Sorry I can't help you more. You might try simply writing a .lo file by hand (it's a two-liner, after all) and insert it into your LDFLAGS.
If it is a bug of GCC 4.3, did you try to build (by compiling from sources) and use a newer GCC. GCC 4.6.2 is coming right now. Did you consider using it?

Issues compiling libf2c w/ latest mingw-get-inst (3.16.11), gcc

I'm trying to port some very old fortran code to windows. I'd like to use mingw and f2c, which has no problem converting the code to usable C on OS X and Ubuntu. I used f2c.exe as distributed by netlib on a fresh install of mingw, and it translated the code fine. I have a "ported" version of libf2c that seems to still contain some unresolved references -- mostly file i/o routines (do_fio, f_open, s_wsfe, e_wsfe) and, peculiarly, one arithmetic routine (pow_dd). To resolve these issues, I tried to build libf2c from source, but ran into an issue during the make process. The make proceeds to dtime_.c, but then fails due to a dependency on sys/times.h, which is no longer a part of the mingw distro. There appears to be a struct defined in times.h that defines the size of a variable in dtime_.c, specifically t and t0 on lines 53 and 54 (error is "storage size of 't' isn't known"; same for t0).
The makefile was modified to use gcc, and make invoked with no other options passed.
Might anyone know of a workaround for this issue? I feel confident that once I have a properly compiled libf2c, I'll be able to link it with gcc and the code will work like it does on linux and os X.
FOLLOW-UP: I was able to build libf2c.a by commenting out the time related files in the makefile (my code does not contain any time related functions, so don't think it will matter). I copied it to a non-POSIX search directory as show in -print-search-dirs, specifically C:\MinGW\lib\gcc\mingw32\3.4.5. That seems to have fixed the issue on the unresolved references, although the need to eliminate the time files does concern me. While my code is now working, the original question stands -- how to handle makefiles that call for sys/times.h in mingw?
Are you sure the MinGW installation went correct? As far as I can tell the sys/times.h header is still there, in the package mingwrt-3.18-mingw32-dev.tar.gz. I'm not familiar with the gui installer, but perhaps you have to tick a box for the mingwrt dev component.

Using nmake on OSX?

I'm porting an application to MacOS X - but the original developer's build system uses NMAKE, and ideally they'd like to keep it instead of switching to a new one.
I've managed to get NMAKE running under OSX using wine (built using MacPorts) and added Objective C support to the build files, and created a Unix-linked PE wrapper 'run.exe' which wine can load but uses POSIX to call back into things like gcc and ld, as is described on various places online as a means of escaping out of wine back into Unix.
However, I'm having a few specific issues. They're minor enough that I can get on with the port, but it does mean I need to run builds a few times sometimes, because of timing.
Basically, when wine.exe calls back into the shell and thus gcc, the link between child processes seems to be broken. gcc and ld will never return an error code even on failure, because they can't get the exit code from their spawned children. ar will actually print out it can't find its child and return immediately, causing problems when ld tries to link object files to libraries that are still being put together.
Has anyone else tried anything similar and seen the same problem, on OSX or elsewhere? Is there an obvious solution?
The Microsoft .NET Rotor (SSCLI) project includes source code, intended to be build on OSX and elsewhere. The Rotor source code includes the source code to NMake. So get Rotor working, then use it's Nmake. Even if you prefer to continue to use your Wine-based Nmake, you could probably learn from Rotor's use of Nmake on Unix, it's use of Gcc, etc.
If there is nothing that odd / inconsistent about the original developers build system, could you write an automatic conversion of their make files back into Unix make, and keep your builds 'native'?
(Builds being fraught enough anyway, without extra complications)
