Is there a standard to reference cross-lines in a mindmap or flowchart in OPML.For example with anchors and links. It seems that flowchart editors online such as gliffy can import OPML but export is only xml, not OPML. Put simply: can this flowchart be coded in OPML, or is OPML limited to outlining without cross references?
Put simply: can this flowchart be coded in OPML...?
Yes, but you'd have to come up with your own conventions for how to encode it, and no outline software would know how take advantage of the convention.
The absolute simplest encoding would be a triple store, which you usually think of as a table of 3 columns, but in OPML could look like this:
level 1: subject: just list every node in the network
level 2: predicate: list the types of arcs coming out of each node.
level 3: object: list the end points for each type of arc for the subject node.
You probably also want to give the nodes a key so you're not repeating the same long labels over and over again (just like normalizing a database).
In the specific example you gave, it might look like this:
is there a problem?
"Pour yourself a drink."
"Excellent! This calls for a drink."
If you want to know more about this concept, RDF is a generalized standard for projecting graphs into a tree structure.
You can absolutely lift RDF up into OPML, but RDF-specific tools can take advantage of the graph structure and actually do something with it, whereas outliners only deal with trees and probably can't take advantage of the extra information.
However, there are some outlining tools that are built on a graph model. Tinderbox for mac is one example.
I have a simple triple store.
It is structured as follows :
Entity, verb, object
e.g, it may be
John, Supports, Manchester United
Fred, plays golf, Mark
Mark, Supports, Manchester United
From this I'd like a graph which will display the following info (hopefully in a slightly nicer format though! :) ) :
What is the best API to do this with, and how can I best approach this problem?
The best way you can approach is by using google organizational hierarchy it is really easy to use and program, for more information you can go across this Google Organizational Hierarchy. when it comes to the supporting frameworks i strongly suggest you to take a look at D3 JS, which is very useful for building visualizations using the data. Have a look over D3 Js Here. i hope these two references can help.
I've done a lot of graph theory work inside JavaScript. Instead of picking an API, I'd focus on the language you feel comfortable using, and then focus on the tools for that language.
The D3 graph libraries are a bit different than what you'd expect from something like an adjacency list (like I studied graphs in school.) I wrote this collection of JavaScript programs to help get things into a format D3 likes.
This also depends on the properties of your verbs. If a => b && b => a for all a and b (symmetric) then you don't probably want directed graphs. If Fred plays golf with Mark, does Mark play golf with Fred? For all verbs?
Are your relationships transitive? If NOT, then it might make sense to create a new node for every time it's in a relationship, since visualizing them in the way you did makes me think John supports Mark who plays golf with Fred.
There are a bunch more discrete math relationships you might want to consider.
I've also done a lot of graph theory inside Python. When I get a new graph theory problem, I like to use D3 for JavaScript, since I'm pretty good with JavaScript and already have some tools for it. If I need it to be super hardcore, I look into Python since it can run overnight on a server someplace.
Recently I was asked this question in an interview. The exact question was
What data structures will you use to implement a text editor. Size of editor can be changed and you also need to save the styling information for all the text like italic, bold etc ?
At that point of time, I tried to convince him using many different approaches like stack, Doubly Linked list and all.
From that point of time,This question is bugging me.
It looks like they'd like to know if you were aware of the flyweight pattern and how to use it correctly.
A text editor is a common example while describing that pattern.
Maybe your interviewer was a lover of the GOF book. :-)
In addition to the previous answers, I would like to add that in order to get to the data structures, you need first to know your design - otherwise the options will be too broad selected.
As example let's assume that you'll need an editing functionality. Here the State and Memento design patterns will be a good fit. Very suitable structure will be the Cord, since it's
composed of smaller strings that is used for efficiently storing and manipulating a very long string.
In our case the text editing program
may use a rope to represent the text being edited, so that operations such as insertion, deletion, and random access can be done efficiently.
An open-ended question like this is designed more to see if you can think cogently about making a design that hangs together well, rather than having one, specific answer.
One specialized answer to the question is to use DOM/XML ("Document Object Model"). Markup "languages" are intended to solve this exact problem. You could store the data for the editor in a DOM. One of the advantages of using a DOM is that there are libraries like Xerces that have extensive support for building and managing DOMs, so a lot of your work is done for you. It is possible the interviewer intended this to be the ideal answer.
A more general answer is that any nested sequence structure can be used. The text can be seen as a sequence of strings. Each elment of the sequence, like rows in a database, can have multiple attributes (font type, font size, italic, bold, strikethrough, etc). Nesting (hierarchy) is useful because the document might have structure such as chapters, sections, paragraphs. For example, if a paragraph has its own styling (indent), then it may need to have its own level. So you have something like this:
To implement this, you would use a tree and each node of the tree would have multiple attributes. You would require different kinds of nodes (Chapter nodes, Paragraph nodes, etc). So, for example, a document like a paper would have multiple Section nodes and a Notes node inside a Document node, but a book-like document might have Chapter nodes inside a document node. The advantage of this approach is that it is more specific and hand-tailored to the problem than using a DOM, which is a more flexible approach.
You could also combine the two approaches, using a DOM as your base structure and the hierarchical structure described above as your DOM implementation.
(Note: in the future you should post questions like this to
The Zipper data structure is great when one wants to traverse a tree and keep the current position, but what data structure one should use if they want to track more then one position?
Let me explain with examples:
Someone on the #haskell channel has told me that zippers are used in yi editor to represent
the cursor position. This is great, but what if you want to have two
cursors. Like if you want to represent a selection, you need to know the beginning and
the end of the selection.
In the Minotaur example on wikibooks, they use Zipper to represent Minotaur's position inside the labyrinth. If I wanted to add enemy into the labyrinth, representing their position with a Zipper would make as much sense.
Last one is actualy from my mini project where it all started: As part of learning Haskell I'm trying to visualize a tree structure using cairo and gth2hs. This has gone well so far but now I would like to select one or more of the nodes and be able to e.g. move them around. Because there can be more then one of the selected nodes I can't just use
the Zipper as defined in text books.
There is a trivial (naive?) solution, similar to the one they had used in early versions of XMonad which involves finite maps as explained here.
That is, e.g. in case of my example project, I would store the selected nodes in an indexed map and replace their representation in the main structure with the indices. But this solution has plenty of disadvantages. Like the ones explained in the link above, or say, again in case of my example, unselecting all the nodes would require searching the whole tree.
Oleg's work on "concurrent" zippers via delimited continuations is the main reference.
See this paper . I seem to recall reading somewhere that the second derivative has two holes, which is probably what you want.
The graph is arguably the most versatile and valuable data structure of all. I can store single variables, lists, hashes etc., and of course graphs, with it.
Given this, are there any languages that offer inline / native graph support and syntax? I can create variables, arrays, lists and hashes inline in Ruby, Python and Javascript, but if I want a graph, I have to either manage the representation myself with a matrix / list, or select a library, and use the graph through method calls.
Why on earth is this still the case in 2010? And, practically, are there any languages out there which offer inline graph support and syntax?
The main problem of what you are asking is that a more general solution is not the best one for a specific problem. It's just average for all of them but not a best one.
Ok, you can store a list in a graph assuming its degeneracy but why should you do something like that? And how would you store an hashmap inside a graph? Why would you need such a structure?
And do not forgot that graph implementation must be chosen accordingly to which operations you are going to do on it, otherwise it would be like using a hashtable to store a list of values or a list to store an ordered collection instead that a tree. You know that you can use an adjacency matrix, an edge list or adjacency lists.. every different implementation with it's own strenghts and weaknesses.
Then graphs can have really many properties compared to other collections of data, cyclic, acyclic, directed, undirected, bipartite, and so on.. and for any specific case you can implement them in a different way (assuming some hypothesis on the graph you need) so having them in native syntax would be overkill since you would need to configure them anyway (and language should provide many implementations/optimizations).
If everything is already made you remove the fun of developing :)
By the way just look for a language that allows you to write your own graph DSL and live with it!
Gremlin, a graph-based programming language:
GrGen.NET ( is a programming language for graph transformation plus an environment including a graphical debugger. You can define your graph model, the rewrite rules, and rule control with some nice special purpose languages and use the generated assemblies/C# code from any .NET language you like or from the supplied shell.
To understand why normal languages don't offer such a convenient/built-in interface to graphs, just take a look at the amount of code written for that project: the compiler alone is several man-years of work. That's a price tag too hefty for a feature/data structure only a minority of programmers ever need - so it's not included in general purpose programming languages.
I am trying to store a large list of strings in a concise manner so that they can be very quickly analyzed/searched through.
A directed acyclic word graph (DAWG) suits this purpose wonderfully. However, I do not have a list of the strings to include in the first place, so it must be incrementally buildable. Additionally, when I search through it for a string, I need to bring back data associated with the result (not just a boolean saying if it was present).
I have found information on a modification of the DAWG for string data tracking here: It looks extremely, extremely complex and I am not sure I am capable of writing it.
I have also found a few research papers describing incremental building algorithms, though I've found that research papers in general are not very helpful.
I don't think I am advanced enough to be able to combine both of these algorithms myself. Is there documentation of an algorithm already that features these, or an alternative algorithm with good memory use & speed?
I wrote the ADTDAWG web page. Adding words after construction is not an option. The structure is nothing more than 4 arrays of unsigned integer types. It was designed to be immutable for total CPU cache inclusion, and minimal multi-thread access complexity.
The structure is an automaton that forms a minimal and perfect hash function. It was built for speed while traversing recursively using an explicit stack.
As published, it supports up to 18 characters. Including all 26 English chars will require further augmentation.
My advice is to use a standard Trie, with an array index stored in each node. Ya, it is going to seem infantile, but each END_OF_WORD node represents only one word. The ADTDAWG is a solution to each END_OF_WORD node in a traditional DAWG representing many, many words.
Minimal and perfect hash tables are not the sort of thing that you can just put together on the fly.
I am looking for something else to work on, or a job, so contact me, and I'll do what I can. For now, all I can say is that it is unrealistic to use heavy optimization on a structure that is subject to being changed frequently.
For graph problems which require persistence, I'd take a look at the Neo4j graph DB project. Neo4j is designed to store large graphs and allow incremental building and modification of the data, which seems to meet the criteria you describe.
They have some good examples to get you going quickly and there's usually example code to get you started with most problems.
They have a DAG example with a link at the bottom to the full source code.
If you're using C++, a common solution to graph building/analysis is to use the Boost graph library. To persist your graph you could maintain a file based version of the graph in GraphML (for example) and read and write to that file as your graph changes.
You may also want to look at a trie structure for this (potentially building a radix-tree). It seems like a decent 'simple' alternative structure.
I'm suggesting this for a few reasons:
I really don't have a full understanding of your result.
Definitely incremental to build.
Leaf nodes can contain any data you wish.
Subjectively, a simple algorithm.