Where does Magento 1.6 Store its CMS Page? - magento

I was looking around the admin panel of magento, and I came across the cms menu, which has a pages section. I was not able to locate that pages listed in this section in Magento's file directory structure. Where can i find all the cms pages, especially the home page?

Magento's pages aren't files on the server. They're stored in the database. In the stock installation you'll find their content in the cms_page table.


where can i find view html pages in magento?

I went through the project structure of magento ,but couldn't find the view pages.
I am zend MVC developer and new to magento.
where can i find the router page and html pages for view?
Magento 1 makes use of themes for frontend views, and layouts. Magento provides a set of base template files, that provide the default information and layout for pages. These can be found within /app/design/frontend/base/default/template/. Theme fallback allows for you to create and configure a separate theme folder, i.e. /app/design/frontend/mypackage/mytheme/template/ and only override the files you require.

How to forward all the 404 pages to the front page?

I have a simple question...I had an old store and people bookmarked specific product pages in their browsers as well as Google search points to some specific pages. I have now installed a new version of Magento (1.9.1) and some of these URLs will not longer work (they will show the standard 404 not found Magento page).
What would be the best way to forward all these hits to the front page?
Thank you for any suggestions!
Allysin :-*
Login to the admin, go to System>Configuration>Web and change the drop-down value for CMS No Route Page in the Default Pages section. You should be able to select your CMS Home Page.
Here is a reference with images
If manual setting doesnt help,you can try this.

404 page not found when trying to access CMS -> Pages in admin panel Magento

Shortly after configuring my site to have two separate websites I could not access CMS -> Pages to manage my pages.
I followed the steps on this two links http://www.magentocommerce.com/boards/viewthread/18223/ | Magento admin panel gives 404 when trying to enter cms pages where they mention “cms_page_store” table. But that table obviously does not exist in Magento version.
Old question, but still happened to me in Magento Some leftover CMS-Page database entries were referencing a store_id of a store that no longer existed after I deleted it.
So here's what solved it for me:
Find out the ids of your stores: Under System > Manage Stores in the column Store View Name look for the Store's id that pop up when hovering the link and also in the link url (e.g. ...admin/system_store/editStore/store_id/3/key/...)
To be safe, make a database backup under System > Tools > Backups
Go to your database and find the table cms_page_store. Delete all entries with a store id in the field store_id that points to a store, that does no longer exist.
Refresh CMS > Pages, 404 should be gone.

call different phtml file from cms in different website

I am using CMS/pages in magento. I am calling phtml file from cms/pages/homepage.
CMS pages is common for all the websites that are created in that system. (I guess correct me if i am wrong)
How can i call different phtml files based on which website is loaded ?
You can create different CMS pages for different store views (and thus websites). Check the Magento wiki if you don't know how to work with it's admin panel.

Magento admin panel gives 404 when trying to enter cms pages

I'm using Magento which works great other then the 404 when I'm trying to enter CMS/Pages in the navigation.
All other pages work great and even other items in CMS menu, only Pages gives 404.
What should I do?
Had this exact problem..
You are getting a 404 on CMS pages because of the remains of old store views still hanging around in the database after deleting store views from Magento admin, to clean up ( delete ) old unused CMS pages for store views you have deleted run this MySQL query.
DELETE FROM cms_page_store WHERE store_id NOT IN (SELECT store_id FROM core_store)
You could also use an app like phpmyadmin to manually look for CMS entries that have store IDs that you know not to be in use, but this could get messy.
Original source: http://www.magentocommerce.com/boards/viewthread/18223/
