where can i find view html pages in magento? - magento

I went through the project structure of magento ,but couldn't find the view pages.
I am zend MVC developer and new to magento.
where can i find the router page and html pages for view?

Magento 1 makes use of themes for frontend views, and layouts. Magento provides a set of base template files, that provide the default information and layout for pages. These can be found within /app/design/frontend/base/default/template/. Theme fallback allows for you to create and configure a separate theme folder, i.e. /app/design/frontend/mypackage/mytheme/template/ and only override the files you require.


Magento 2.4.3 Page Builder Addons

Does anyone know of any extensions/add-ons that already exists that provides additional components to the core Magento page builder, such as an image gallery, form builder, accordions, etc. I understand that these can be custom built following https://devdocs.magento.com/page-builder/docs/content-types/create/introduction.html
Create custom pages and content blocks without writing a line of code with the Magento CMS Page Builder extension.
Create and edit CMS, category, and product pages
Use 30+ building elements to create unique page designs
Import/export, delete or restore any page version
Provide mobile-responsive design
Compatible with Magento 2 themes
You can refer to this module.

How do I create a custom page in Joomla 1.5

I have a website here that I need to create a custom page where in I can call the header and the footer as well as the sidebar.
If you're going to do it in Wordpress its easy as this link says:
However, Joomla is a bit different on this one. If I will try to add a new article I wont be able to customize the layout that I want. Let's say in the custom page I want to create I don't want the footer to show up and I want to add internal CSS on it which is possible on Wordpress custom page.
Any idea how do the same thing Joomla 1.5??

call different phtml file from cms in different website

I am using CMS/pages in magento. I am calling phtml file from cms/pages/homepage.
CMS pages is common for all the websites that are created in that system. (I guess correct me if i am wrong)
How can i call different phtml files based on which website is loaded ?
You can create different CMS pages for different store views (and thus websites). Check the Magento wiki if you don't know how to work with it's admin panel.

Where does Magento 1.6 Store its CMS Page?

I was looking around the admin panel of magento, and I came across the cms menu, which has a pages section. I was not able to locate that pages listed in this section in Magento's file directory structure. Where can i find all the cms pages, especially the home page?
Magento's pages aren't files on the server. They're stored in the database. In the stock installation you'll find their content in the cms_page table.

How can i override the default magento cms homepage entry with a custom module?

I am currently attempting to use a custom module as the first page when you hit the magento installation, i currently have {{block type="namespace_module/block" template"path/to/template.phtml"}} located within the home page cms entry, but unfortunately it is not calling the template or the module which i am requesting, i am now looking at trying to find out if its possible to use a custom module (controlled by indexController.php) to take precidence over the cms home page entry.
This has two reasons behind it, reason 1, it will give me more flexibility for me to extend the index page, and 2, it will allow me more flexibility over css/js which i want to include on that specific page.
If anyone knows of a solution to getting a custom module to take precidence over the cms home page it would be a huge help to myself and the community at large as many people are un-aware of how this is achieved.
Thanks for any assistance provided.
If you have a custom controller then put it's frontname/controller/action path in System > Configuration > Web > Default Pages > Default Web URL.
