windows phone application crashing after changing current playing song - windows

I'm using Mediaplayer.Queue to retrieve information from zune on Windows Phone about currently playing song (artist, song name, etc). Everything is fine, but if I'm changing song from the fast access menu (ie. from clicking the volume-buttons) the app crashes.
What do I need to do to prevent this scenario in the future? Also, when the user changes the track, how do I update the current song info?

To enable music hub debugging on the device, you need to connect with WPConnect.exe instead of Zune. The guide tells you how.
Once you got debugging running, you should be able to get a full exception and stack-trace. If you post that, we can give you further help, if necessary.


Windows 10 mobile BackgroundMediaPlayer don't want work

I have a big issue with BackgroundMediaPlayer on Windows 10 mobile but I think that is very similar as API on Windows Phone 8.1. My app works similar as windows 10 sample. But I decided to add small user interface on mainpage where user can easily stop actual music. Problem is that when I am trying access BackgroundMediaPlayer.Current with events my music player don't play any music but when I delete events from main page It start works again. I manage my music player from other page. Is some way how to find out if my BackgroundMediaPlayer actualy playing some music with name of music ? Because I do not know how to continue with my project... Thanks for help

Location Tracking in Background

I am developing a windows phone app that uses users current location, I am making the app in 7 OS. My question is, Can I track the location in background, that is when the screen is locked?
I know this is a possibility in wp8 as it provides us with GeoLocator class, but can I achieve this in wp7? I am basically making a runtracker app hence I would like my app to track the location even when its in background, is it really feasible?
Your help is always appreciated!!
It is possible to keep the app running under lock screen, as it does, for example, Endomondo app.
Using Idle Detection, you can keep the app on, although screen is locked, and you can keep on tracking the location. Actually, it is not running in background, but in the foreground. Just the screen is locked. So, be careful not to drain user's battery.
You have to set the PhoneApplicationService.ApplicationIdleDetectionMode property to Disabled, for example in InitializePhoneApplication() method in App.xaml.cs:
PhoneApplicationService.Current.ApplicationIdleDetectionMode = IdleDetectionMode.Disabled;
Note that there are special certification requirements for this type of apps. Refer to section 6.3 (Apps running under a locked screen) of the following page:
Additional requirements for specific app types for Windows Phone
I got the same problem in one on my apps..
I don't think it' s feasible for wp7..
Bt if you want to do it with wp8 you can refer following link.
And to know about background supported and unsupported API's
GeoCoordinateWatcher Class exists in WP7, but here is the documentation from MSDN -
This API, used for obtaining the geographic coordinates of the device,
is supported for use in background agents, but it uses a cached
location value instead of real-time data. The cached location value is
updated by the device every 15 minutes.
More Info :

Recording Audio Stream in Background in Windows phone 7/8

I m developing an app which can record audio stream.
I want to know that is it possible to record that audio in background, i,e when the application is in deactivated mode?
I have already tried to do that in many different ways,but its not helping out.
Please suggest me some way to do such...
Thank you.
As mentioned in the comments, it's not possible to record in the background.
Your app must be running in the foreground for it to be able to record audio using the microphone. For an overview of all the audio recording options, please refer to this tutorial on the Nokia Developer Wiki.
Also, an app will not run when the phone is locked - it is suspended. So if your app was recording, it would stop when the phone is locked. You can change this behaviour with IdleDetectionMode.Disabled which means your app keeps running even though the phone is locked.
Haven't implemented it before, but classifying it as a VOIP app could be the way to go:

Windows Phone XNA Games Hangs on Resume when Guide is Visible on WP7.x

My Windows Phone XNA game calls Guide.BeginShowKeyboardInput to get the user's name. While the Guide's input screen is shown, if the user presses the Home or Search (hardware) buttons, the game is deactivated as usual - but if the user then presses the Back (hardware) button, the game should resume but it doesn't. Instead it shows the "Resuming..." message until Windows Phone gives up trying to resume the game and kills the process.
Please note:
My app is failing Microsoft certification because of this problem - I really need to fix it!
This only happens in my game when the Guide input screen is shown - when it's not shown, the game
resumes properly after being deactivated.
This problem only occurs when the game is run on WP7.x (verified problem on WP7.5 and
WP7.8) - although the game seems to resume properly on WP8 devices.
I've created a blank XNA game project, called Guide.BeginShowKeyboardInput and tested it using WP7.x devices, and this problem-behavior doesn't occur.
I've tested the game without enabling Music & my Trial License manager (they use timers) and it still does this.
Exact same behavior occurs in the emulator (resume-failure on WP7.x emulators, works fine on WP8
I used threads to asynchronously download content during the loading screen - but they already completed and exited.
I don't believe other threads are running, although this seems like
it could be a thread-blocking issue.
Any other ideas on what could be blocking the game from resuming when the Guide.IsVisible or how to debug/resolve this problem?
The solution to this issue was simply to NOT use SuppressDraw when dealing with any operation that passes control outside of the app, e.g. Launchers, Choosers and the Guide.
Have you tried calling "Guide.EndShowKeyboardInput" in either the Deactivating or closing events?
So that the guide is closed before the app suspends, you do get 10 seconds to suspend so this might be worth looking into.
If you want the guide to re-show on resume, then in your state saving code just have a flag and open the guide if it's set.

GPS based application not running under lock screen in windows phone

I have developed a windows phone application and it works fine when it is open and running actively.
It tracks the user movements on the map and shows the position moves with push pins.
Now I want to ensure that the same application runs even the phone is locked when this app was open.
I have added the below code for it to work under lock screen. After this when I verified the app I realized it is not running when the application is locked.
Is there any other change I need to make to get this work under lock screen.Any help would be greatly appreciated.
private void initiliazesettings()
PhoneApplicationService.Current.UserIdleDetectionMode =
To have your app running under lock screen on Windows Phone 7.0/7.1/8.0, you need to set ApplicationIdleDetectionMode, not UserIdleDetectionMode. See details here.
Supossing you placed the method in the right place, that code only keeps the screen on, but doesn't make your app run in background when the lock screen is activated. Windows Phone 7 apps cannot run in background, they get tombstoned.
For Windows Phone 8 this is possible - see the sample here from MSDN.
However for Windows Phone 7/7.1 you can't do this.
You can prevent the screen from locking due to the user not interacting with it (as your code shows). However if you manually lock the screen the app will still be made dormant or tombstoned and your location code won't run.
Your only other option is to use a scheduled background task to read the location of the phone, but bear in mind that this is far from real time data (it is a cached location and you only run once every 30 minutes in the best case scenario).
