How do you make an add-in for Excel 2011 (Mac) - visual-studio

I would like to add a button to the Ribbon and have it perform some basic tasks when clicked. Is this possible? If so, how?
Thanks in advance.

No, it is not possible. It looks like it is possible, but it is not. The only proper add in for Excel 2011 Mac is provided with Excel, and the ability to show it in Excel Mac's ribbon is apparently hard-coded into the Excel Mac application. None of the XML-based techniques for extending the Excel Mac ribbon work because the ribbon is hard-coded. It looks like the Windows version, but it is nothing like it.
Obviously, it is hard to provide sources for a negative answer. I have researched this topic carefully including contacting Microsoft support, and found that there is no compiler or IDE from Microsoft for this purpose. You can certainly develop in VBA in Excel Mac, and you can make an XLA add-in, but you cannot access the ribbon. You can create little square Mac toolbar icons, just as in Excel 98.

Here are some useful links that will answer your question:
how to customize the ribbon
how to customize the ribbon with vba
how to create an add in (on MSDN)
a clearer tuto on how to create an addin
Please ask a more precise question if you want more precise help.


In the extension development of Visual Studio, is there an API similar to the effect of the Decoration API in the extension of VSCode?

I am developing a code completion extension. I have achieved the effect in the figure below in both VSCode and Jetbrains IDE, that is, the completion content is displayed in gray text behind the code. In VSCode, I can achieve it through the Decoration API. In Jetbrains, I can achieve it by rendering a piece of text behind the cursor through EditorCustomElementRenderer. I like this completion method very much. The well-known completion tool Copilot also uses this mode. I have checked a lot of documents, but I still can't find how to implement it in Visual Studio. I want to see how to implement this in Visual Studio, many thanks!
VSCode JetBrains
I researched related documents and tools and found that in VS2019, similar effects cannot be achieved. But Copilot achieves something similar in VS2022. Wondering which API he used? It would be even better if there is such an API in VS2019.
If there is really no related API, I would like to know if there is an API that can render a piece of text near the cursor, which can be in the form of tooltips or something else, similar to the following effect.
What I hope is that I can control through code when to display this prompt near the cursor.
To summarize my problem is as follows
1. In VS2019, is there an API for rendering a piece of text behind the cursor, similar to Decortaion API in VSCode
2. If not in VS2019, is there any in VS2022?
3. If not, is there a similar API that can display a piece of text behind the cursor? Which can be in the form of tooltips or something else.

How to register custom functions add in with different view in excel

I was trying to run the sample project with custom functions add-in using this link:
I made sure that I meet all the prerequisites for running the project. I installed the certificates, and run the project successfully, but I'm stuck at step 3, of registering the custom functions add-ins by going to the insert tab and adding the respective add-in by selecting from the developer section. The problem I'm facing is that I have a different view and organization of options in my excel client application and I could not find the developer section from where I can register my Add-in. I'm attaching the images of the ribbon that I have in excel.
So if you will look into the images, you will see that there is manage my addins options, which will only show the add-ins that have been sideloaded manually but not the ones that were sideloaded using the script in this project. So I don't know where can I find the developer Section. Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks!
I'm also part of the Insider program which can be seen in the given image
If you're a member of the Office Insider program and are running Excel for Windows build number 10827 or later, the Insert ribbon should look like the following screenshot (with red rectangles highlighting the items you choose to register your custom functions add-in).
Have you joined the Office Insider program?
What build number of Excel for Windows are you running?
(Screenshot taken from the Custom Functions Tutorial).
So I fixed my problem after I found out that custom functions only works with the Insider Channel and not with Monthly Targeted, which I had beforehand. I got help from this link:

NSIS Uninstall Feedback Dialog with Radio Buttons

I am trying to show a simple dialog before uninstall in NSIS. It consists of several predefined radio buttons (reasons for uninstalling), none of them checked initially. Uninstallation cannot continue until a user selects one of the radio buttons.
As a bonus, ideally I would like to have a custom reason text field too (toggle-able via last radio button). As well as 2 more text fields for custom text and email.
Then I need to take selected value(s) (checked radio button) as well as text fields data and either append it to my predefined URL to which I make a GET request using InetC or similar plugin before uninstaller exits; or laternatively construct a POST request to a predefined URL using InetC or similar plugin. I cannot figure out how to create such a dialog page. Any help would be appreciated.
What I am looking for:
First, you should get familiar with nsDialogs to create the interface according to your needs. Since nsDialogs is a function, you would then can call it as a custom page.
You can use my tool Visual & Installer ( for Visual Studio 2005 - 2015 to fast write the NSIS code.
(If you are "writing" the installer - I assume you have some experiences with nsDialogs).
Also there are some other tools like NSIS Dialog Designer ( which can help you and generate lot of code for you.
This tool is GUI based - designer similar to Visual Studio designer - but remember: the result is still the scripts!

MS Access 2007 Load Image to Ribbon

I'm trying to get to grips with customising a Ribbon Bar for a converted A2003 app. I'm trying to work out how to use my own custom images on button controls in the ribbon. Can anyone point me to an example for Access 2007 that can do this pls?
Please check this MSDN article (Adding Custom Dynamic Menus to the Office Fluent User Interface) and see if it helps you. Furthermore I would point you to the specifying image resource MSDN article, because you need different sized images for different sized buttons - read the bottom of my post to make it easier on you.
I believe there was also custom images within the official MS example on ribbon extensibility with Access 2007 - I hope this example is sufficient, it helped me a great lot.
My personal favorite is just using a graphical UI editor, such as the "Custom UI Editor Tool". With it you just click a button to insert an image and it works (as explained in this tutorial). Even better as the Custom UI Editor is the IDBE Ribbon Creatror - my personal tool of choice. A shareware version is available from the website.
I have a working example class object you can use that makes this a good deal less code.
The above lets you use a very much like previous style code approach. So, to set a picture for a ribbon, you can go:
meRib("Button1").Picture = "HappyFace.png"
The same download has a working form in which some images in the ribbon change from choices made on the form.

Can I create a Visual Studio 2010 Add-In that Uses a WPF Display?

We're working on creating a specialized graphical editor for our enterprise applications. We've looked at and rejected DSLs. Ideally I'd like to have the main interface of the editor be docked like the code windows and use WPF for drawing. Can anyone point me to some documentation to get me on the right path?
UPDATE: It's beginning to look like "no." From "Document windows are created by implementing an editor. The IVsEditorFactory interface creates document windows as part of instantiating an editor. For more information, see Accessing the Editor By Using Legacy Interfaces."
Following the link to gives this this bit of advice: "You can access the Visual Studio editor from legacy interfaces. The Visual Studio SDK includes adapters known as shims, which enable these interfaces to interact with the new editor. Nevertheless, we recommend that you update your legacy code to use the new editor API. Your code will perform better and you can use new technologies such as the Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) and the Managed Extensibility Framework (MEF)."
So, to sum up: if you want to implement an editor you have to use the legacy interfaces, but you shouldn't use the legacy interfaces because then you can't use WPF or MEF.
Seriously Microsoft, WTF?
UPDATE 2: Now that I have the proper names ("custom editor"), I was able to find the following topic:
I still don't see why they couldn't have included that somewhere prominent in the MSDN docs. You know, like somewhere near where they tell you that you can't use WPF if you're using the legacy interfaces.
Creating a custom editor doesn't have to be terribly painful. Yes, a custom editor will require implementing a few interfaces, but you can still use WPF to actually create the control that is hosted in the VS document frame.
DiveDeeper's blog has some great resources for learning about creating a custom editor.
Creating a simple custom editor - the basics
Creating a simple custom editor - the first 10 meters
Creating a simple custom editor - under pressure
I'd recommend using a library like VSXtra to do a lot of the work for you. It will provide you with a nice base implementation of an editor factory, editor pane, package, etc. Istvan Novak writes about building a custom editor with his VSXtra library in this blog post.
