visual studio: attach debugger without starting web debugging - visual-studio

I have a visual studio solution with a half dozen web application projects. I often want to attach the debugger to a process. When I do this, visual studio always wants to start up cassini or IIS express or do something to run the web applications in the solution. Is there a way I can skip that, so when attaching to a process visual studio does not try to start the web applications in the current solution?

On the project properties, there's a setting called "Development Server" -> "Always Start When Debugging." Might be worth a shot.


Debugging the logic of a deployed solution on SharePoint 2010 through Visual Studio

I have deployed a solution on a server farm and wish to be able to debug the solution's logic whilst it is running on the server farm, since the problem resides in there, Is there any way or mean by which it is possible to debug a solution (.wsp) which was deployed on a server farm, through the visual studio?
You can either click F5 in Visual Studio and it will deploy the solution and attach a debugger to the appropriate SharePoint process. This can be a little slow but it allows you to debug your code.
You can also manually attach to the SharePoint process from Visual Studio. Go to Debug-->Attach to Process-->Check show processes from all users and sessions-->Select all w3wp.exe processes-->Click attach.

Stop IIS Express exiting automatically

I am running Visual Studio 2013.
When I stop debugging my MVC application, IIS Express stops automatically. How can I stop this happening?
The trick is to right click on your website and View -> View in Browser (or just View in Browser for Visual Studio 2012).
This will start the website in IIS Express and keep it running, not dependent on a debugging session being run.
One option would be to launch IIS Express manually. I believe you can also just detach from process in visual studio instead of stopping the debug session.
In Visual Studio 2013, Go to Tools > Options
In Debugging menu in side list find Edit and Continue
Uncheck the Enable Edit and Continue check box
This will solve your problem

VS 2012 Debugging with IIS

I have a web application in visual studio with several different projects. It is running on IIS locally for debugging purposes. I am using the extension "AttachTo" to attach the debugger to the IIS site. The debugging works for the main project but when I try to add a break point to one of the other projects which are just libraries of functions, visual studio says the breakpoint will not be hit because no symbols were loaded.
Any idea how to fix this?

Visual Studio 2010 and IIS Express lock up on build

I have about four web projects that I am hosting in IIS Express. Whenever I do a build in Visual Studio 2010, the build will be blocked until I manually kill IIS Express. The build then completes. A new instance of IIS Express is created that works as expected.
I tried to do a prebuild event to kill IIS Express with taskkill, but the lock up seems to happen before the prebuild event is executed :/
If I stop the hosted sites, Visual Studio 2010 will also build as normal.
From research, one possibility is IIS Express is trying to display a dialog that Visual Studio 2010 is waiting for the user to interact with, but doesn't actually display the dialog.
Has anyone else had an issue with IIS Express and Visual Studio 2010 locking up on building? Or some insight on how to debug this issue?
If i remember correct the last service pack for vs 2010 corrected that error (at least on my maschine).
Sounds like visual studio is trying to do something on port 80, which IIS is blocking ( thats the default listener port for it ).
A simple google search of port 80 visual studio brings up several promising hits ( how to configure it, and hey! 2nd one even has a fix for a similar problem. )
This happens to me constantly, but then again I'm using WinXP / VS2010 / IIS Express 7.5. I suspect the WinXP part is the culprit, perhaps a bug for this particular scenario? At any rate, VS2010 wants to rebuild one of my web apps, but appears to wait indefinitely on some files in the Temporary directory for the web app, until I stop IIS Express.

How to capture intellitrace event log for a web application which is already running?

I'm using a web application which uses a many dlls. The debugging happens by attaching the aspnet_ws process to Visual Studio. I want to explore the intellitrace feature of VS 2010 and capture the event log. But when i try to attach the process to VS 2010 i'm getting a message in the intellitrace window that this feature could not be used for an already running process. If so is there any work around to achieve this? Please let me know if anyone has an alternate.
IntelliTrace for Visual Studio 2010 does not support attaching to a process and collecting data.
IntelliTrace has to launch the process in question itself. You can use Visual Studio's internally hosted web server to debug locally. I'm not certain, but you may be able to do historical debugging in IIS if you load a web project via URL in Visual Studio and start debugging.
