VS 2012 Debugging with IIS - debugging

I have a web application in visual studio with several different projects. It is running on IIS locally for debugging purposes. I am using the extension "AttachTo" to attach the debugger to the IIS site. The debugging works for the main project but when I try to add a break point to one of the other projects which are just libraries of functions, visual studio says the breakpoint will not be hit because no symbols were loaded.
Any idea how to fix this?


typescript Web page development in Visual Studio 2017

I am trying to set up a project in Visual Studio 2017 that does what I am already doing in Visual Studio Code.
I have is a typescript Web page which uses THREE for WebGL so it is client intensive. It needs to interface to a custom Web server running on localhost. For Visual Studio Code I open the Web site, set up the source maps and I can set breakpoints in the typescript for the Chrome debugger inside Visual Studio Code. A true IDE for typescript.
Here is what I have tried with Visual Studio 2017:
1- Open a Web Site. This is the same Web site that works in Visual Studio Code. I cannot get the typescript to build.
2- Create node.js typescript project. Typescript builds but I cannot connect to any Web server and see my code. I can only start up server.ts. In theory I can build a Web server in node.js but I need to connect to my custom Web server.
3- Set up a C# ASP project. I can build typescript and set breakpoints but the breakpoints are not hit.
The third option was recommended as a way to get typescript to compile but it builds C# DLL’s and doesn’t seem logical. I don’t remember whether I could attach to my custom Web server or not. This was in response to the disappearance of the typescript Web page from the templates on VS2017.
Visual Studio Code has its advantages but it is brittle. The breakpoints stop working sometimes and now I can’t get source maps to work. In theory this should all work perfectly on Visual Studio 2017 right?

Debugging Web Projects in Visual Studio 2013

I have some web projects that run fine in the debugger in VS 2012. But when I try to run the same projects in VS 2013 i run into some problems.
First the whole Devenv.exe crashed when pressing F5.
I found an article about this problem here
It suggests set ISS Express in Visual Studio to 64 bit.
That solved the problem of the whole IDE crashing.
However, with that configuration Visual Studio tries to start "Remote Debugging". Probably because Visual Studio itself is 32 bit, so it must use some "remote" techniques to debug something 64 bit. At least that's my guess on what is happening.
Remote debugging is not succeeding either. I get "Remote Debugger has stopped Working" sometimes. Sometime at the beginning of the degugging session, and sometime at the end of the session. I found an article about this problem too. It suggest to set the web project to x86 to avoid remote debugging. But that will not work in this case. It has to run 64 bit to work with IIS in 64 bit.
Error message is
Remote Debugger has stopped Working
The debugger's worker process (msvsmon.exe) unexpectedly exited. Debugging will be aborted.
Anyone else seen this?
Is this a common problem in Visual Studio 2013?
EDIT: more details about the environment
I have a solution containing several projects, including two web projects.
The issue happens when I try to run any of the web projects in debugger (by pressing F5).
They are normal web projects, and I am not running anything remote.
Visual Studio itself came up with the idea of using "Remote Debugger" when I checked the "Use the 64 bit version of IIS Express for web sites and projects".
The solution was first created on a Windows 7 machine running Visual Studio 2012 and it worked well there.
When I tried to open the same solution on a new machine running Windows 8.1 and Visual Studio 2013 the problem started.
A colleague is also running the same solution on his Windows 8.1. We share the solution using a git repository.
He has both VS 2102 and VS 2013 installed. He experiences the same problems in VS 2013, so he has started to use VS 2012 for this solution.
It runs fine in VS 2012. It is the same solution and same machine as it fails in VS 2013.

Debugging the logic of a deployed solution on SharePoint 2010 through Visual Studio

I have deployed a solution on a server farm and wish to be able to debug the solution's logic whilst it is running on the server farm, since the problem resides in there, Is there any way or mean by which it is possible to debug a solution (.wsp) which was deployed on a server farm, through the visual studio?
You can either click F5 in Visual Studio and it will deploy the solution and attach a debugger to the appropriate SharePoint process. This can be a little slow but it allows you to debug your code.
You can also manually attach to the SharePoint process from Visual Studio. Go to Debug-->Attach to Process-->Check show processes from all users and sessions-->Select all w3wp.exe processes-->Click attach.

visual studio: attach debugger without starting web debugging

I have a visual studio solution with a half dozen web application projects. I often want to attach the debugger to a process. When I do this, visual studio always wants to start up cassini or IIS express or do something to run the web applications in the solution. Is there a way I can skip that, so when attaching to a process visual studio does not try to start the web applications in the current solution?
On the project properties, there's a setting called "Development Server" -> "Always Start When Debugging." Might be worth a shot.

Visual Studio 2010 is crashing/hanging when trying to debug ASP.NET 2.0 site

I have been experiencing problems with Visual Studio 2010 and debugging.
I have been getting the:
"Unable to start debugging on the web server. The IIS worker process for the launched URL is not currently running." error, but it appears VS2010 now doesn't want to function at all and is hanging.
Whenever I try to attach the debugger, it doesn't.
If I try and run the project using the custom URL and letting IIS7 server the web page, the whole IDE is now hanging.
Has anyone had problems with the debugger not attaching, running the project with the debugger causing the above error and/or Visual Studio hanging completely when running the debugger?
I can't even minimise the IDE window and it seems to flicker when I click the button.
