Is there a hot key available or configurable in Xcode for the "back button"? - xcode

The backbutton in Xcode is super useful for me, especially when I CMD+CLICK to see a declaration, but I always have to use the mouse to click the arrow back button. Is this configurable to hot key?

^⌘← unless I redefined that :P
Press "⌘," and go to Key Bindings to see the whole list. You can type "back" in the search box.

I have a Logitech mouse with physical back/forward buttons. By default these buttons map to ⌘[ and ⌘]. Unfortunately these keystrokes default in Xcode to Shift Left (outdent) and Shift Right (indent), which are not what I expect when using my mouse.
So I just remapped ⌘[ to Go Back and ⌘] to Go Forward, though I also had to remove a few conflicting key bindings in order to do it.
Works great now, and I don't have to install any horrible Logitech software (stick to hardware, Logitech!). ;)


Is there a way to jump to the target/scheme selection menu in Xcode?

I know the keyboard shortcuts for most things I often do in Xcode, but there is one thing I still haven't figured out:
How do I switch the active target/scheme without using my mouse?
I can switch from the previous and next scheme by using CTRL+COMMAND+[, but I would really like to expand the menu and type the scheme I want, similarly to how I can expand the methods navigator with CTRL+6.
Ctrl+0 will show a list of schemes. Then all you need to do is type a name of a scheme and hit enter.

Visual Studio: Possible to change the keyboard shortcut in for switching the overload on the Parameter Info popup?

In Visual Studio 2013, is it possible to change the keyboard shortcut for switching the overload on the Parameter Info popup to something other than up and down arrows?
For example, when you type:
A little box pops up telling you about overload 1 of 3 for that method. Pressing the down arrow will go to 2 of 3 etc. As a point of fact, the up and down arrows already serve the nifty function of moving the cursor. When that box is visible, you have to hit escape to get the up and down arrows back to their normal behavior.
My question is this, can you change the Parameter Info box up + down keyboard shortcuts to be something else, like control up or down?
I did notice that the left and right arrow keys might be a bit better than the escape key, but I'd still prefer to remap the up and down behavior so they can make the box go away.
I realized how much time (and hand movement) I spend hitting the escape and figured it'd be worth asking. I do not think this falls under the category of the keyboard shortcuts that you can remap from the Options screen.
Many thanks!

Textmate: cannot find page up for macbook keyboard

Using a macbook keyboard (which means I do not have the 'page up' button) I cannot figure out what the pageUp keybinding is or how to bind ctrl+u to the pageUp action.
My first attempt was to add this to my KeyBindings.dict file:
"^u" = "pageUp:";
That didn't work, so I tried to define pageUp: in "settings -> keyboard -> keyboard shortcuts -> application shortcuts" and then created one for textmate using 'pageUp' and 'pageUp:' as the 'Menu Title' option (there is no menu option for textmate that I can see so I was kind of guessing here).
Basically, what is the opposite of ctrl+v? Or if it does not exist for this keyboard, how can I bind ctrl+u to page up?
You may have changed something with that keybindings file. fn-up arrow should page up and fn-down arrow should page down. The cursor doesn't move with these however, just the screen. I just accidentally found that Ctrl-Up and Ctrl-Down work the same way in TextMate. Playing around a bit, I also found that fn-Opt-Up and fn-Opt-Down will page up and page down while also moving the cursor.
I don't see right away the binding for it, but I do know that on MacBook's, fn + up / down arrow keys gives you page up / page down functionality.

Moving caret back/forward to previous/next editing position within a document in Xcode 4?

In Xcode 3, I could go back to previous editing point within a document by pressing Command+Control+[Left|Right]. (I'm confusing it was Control or Option... However) In Xcode 4, the key combination is assigned to other feature. Code folding..? What did this key change into?
The shortcut in XCode 4 for "Go forward/backward" is "Control" + "Command" + "Arrow"
This is super annoying for me. When I tried to change the shortcut in the Shortcut Editor back to the Xcode 3 way, Xcode crashes. Fun.
Another option for switching to Previous/Next editing position (Go Back/Go Forward) is using two finger swipe (left for Go Back, right for Go Forward). I realize that this is not a keyboard shortcut but if you are using a Trackpad, it is much faster than trying to click on the buttons.
Note: The pointer does need to be in the editor for swiping to work.
Not 100% sure what you mean by "previous editing point", but Command+Option+Left|Right is code folding. I use Option+Left|Right and Control+Left|Right to move back and forth within the code to get to particular points.
A list of Xcode keyboard shortcuts can be found here

Create a cocoa button that accepts keyboard input

Hey everyone, thanks for all your help so far, I've learned a whole lot in a short amount of time.
What I've done so far is to create a small calculator program and it works nicely. To complete this version of it, what I'd like to do is make my "keys" on the calculator interface accept input from my keyboard presses. So, for example, if I want to add 2 and 4, instead of clicking my "2" and "4" buttons, I can just press them on my numeric keypad instead.
I know it has something to do with giving my buttons focus but I can't figure out how to make them respond to keydown events.
I'm looking around on the apple developer documentation as well, so if I find the answers before you guys can then I'll try what I find out, and if it doesn't work I'll post with my progress.
Again, thanks everyone for your help!
You can set the key equivalent in interface builder. Click on the button in interface builder open the inspector and open it to the first tab. Under the first section there is a Key Equiv: and a gray box you can click on. Click on it and press the key you want to press it.
If you're using interface builder, just set the "Key Equivalent" field to be your number.
