Visual Studio: Possible to change the keyboard shortcut in for switching the overload on the Parameter Info popup? - visual-studio

In Visual Studio 2013, is it possible to change the keyboard shortcut for switching the overload on the Parameter Info popup to something other than up and down arrows?
For example, when you type:
A little box pops up telling you about overload 1 of 3 for that method. Pressing the down arrow will go to 2 of 3 etc. As a point of fact, the up and down arrows already serve the nifty function of moving the cursor. When that box is visible, you have to hit escape to get the up and down arrows back to their normal behavior.
My question is this, can you change the Parameter Info box up + down keyboard shortcuts to be something else, like control up or down?
I did notice that the left and right arrow keys might be a bit better than the escape key, but I'd still prefer to remap the up and down behavior so they can make the box go away.
I realized how much time (and hand movement) I spend hitting the escape and figured it'd be worth asking. I do not think this falls under the category of the keyboard shortcuts that you can remap from the Options screen.
Many thanks!


Stop R studio from jumping to the next function

There's this one issue with Rstudio that has been bothering me for a long while now and I cannot find a solution.
I like to use a lot of shortcuts and move around the editor with arrow keys and also scroll the editor using Ctrl + arrow shorts. The issue is that if the script contains a user defined function and I press Ctrl+Up/Down the cursor jumps to that function even if it's nowhere near. Like sometimes hundreds of lines. EXTREMELY ANNOYING!!! And I have looked through shortcuts and this is the only thing I have found:
There are no more different Ctrl+Up/Down shorts. So it doesn't seem to be a multi mapping issue. Also if I change this mapping to something else the annoying jumping still continues. I just want it to stop! Can anybody help? Doesn't it annoy anyone else?
The behaviour of RStudio where Ctrl+Up and Ctrl+Down step the cursor between function definitions is not configurable and cannot be changed. Oddly, the same pair of keystrokes were chosen to move the scroll bar.
Your only option to avoid the conflict is to redefine the scroll up and scroll down keystrokes to something else (e.g. F8/F9 or something) so that they not longer conflict with this hardcoded option. You can then control the scroll bar using the keystrokes you have chosen without it conflicting with the behaviour where it steps between functions.
If you find you have accidentally navigated to a function you didn't want using Ctrl+Down, you can return the cursor to where it was using the "Source Navigate Back" keystroke which defaults to Ctrl+F9.
IMO this is clearly a bug in RStudio. I would report it to them and hope that it is fixed for a future version.

Navigating within Visual Studio DataTip

When a DataTip is open while debugging in Visual Studio it appears the only way to get to a specific object property is scrolling with the mouse.
This can get very cumbersome as some objects can have hundreds of properties and scrolling to a property near the bottom takes a long time.
Yes, I know I can scroll faster if I hover the mouse over the bottom edge and pin a property once I found it but it can still take a long time to get to the property and pin it.
I've tried various combinations with Ctrl and Alt but what ever key I press the DataTip is promptly closed...
Once the DataTip has focus, you don't have to use the mouse. You can use the PgUp/PgDn (Page Up/Page Down) keys on your keyboard. But you're right: There is not a way to get to the end of the list or to get to items that start with a certain letter. When I need to do that often I take one of two approaches:
If possible, I create a [temporary] variable assignment after the code-line of interest and ensure that the variable gets assigned to the property of interest.
Create a watch variable and interact with that.
Open an Immediate Window and paste a copy of the object-instance name in question. Once in the Immediate Window, IntelliSense is available as soon as you type the "."--you can then type the letter of the property in question and drill-down as needed more quickly.
(Probaby the best tip!)
Open (and keep open for convenience) a Debug | Windows | Autos and/or Debug | Windows | Locals window. Those windows simplify navigating variables near the code break or in the current module--and they even seem to retain their tree-node-expanded state in some cases while debugging. More information is available here:
You could use the oz-code as an extension tool which could help you search the properties or variables easily.
Search in debug mode inside an object

How to navigate back to the last cursor position in Visual Studio?

What is the keyboard shortcut navigate back to the last cursor position in Visual Studio?
It Will not work for red color (-) key. For me it only works for blue color combination.
According to Visual C# 2008 Keybinding Reference Poster it is Ctrl + -. The name of the specific keybinding is View.NavigateBackward.
PS: While researching I also found that Ctrl + . is the same as Shift + Alt + F10. Nice!
ctrl + - (dash) navigates backward.
ctrl + shift + - (dash) navigates forward.
These settings can be found under Environment -> Keyboard:
For Changing the setting in Visual Studio 2019:
Search for view.navigate
CHOOSE "Text Editor" from the "Use new shortcut in:" drop down menu
Select your shortcut
Global doesn't catch for this.
For new VS Code(1.28.2)
Back: Ctrl+Alt+- (dash)
Forward: Ctrl+Shift+- (dash)
The most generic answers is: there is no working default and you need to define your own keyboard shortcuts for View.NavigateBackward and View.NavigateForward.
Why? For most keyboards, the default shortcut is a broken, unusuable combination because VS badly handles the shift and altGr modifiers. MS did not pay attention to portability and internationalisation so much when they redeveloped VS after version 6, and this is still true today. This bug has been there for way more than a decade, nearly two decades. At this rate, it will never be fixed. And yes, I have filled a bug report, and I'm certainly not the only one.
However, their "VSCode" product line does have better keyboard handling as it doesn't depend on the shift or altGr modifiers to identify the key. For example, when you are in text writing mode and press the key that has the dash symbol, without using shift nor altGr, let's say it writes something else, like number 6. To VSCode when it comes to shortcut handling, that's still the dash key for its purpose. As long as a key has the symbol written on it, whether this is painted as the 1st, 2nd or 3rd level doesn't matter, it just that key.
Of course, it's never a good thing to make the default shortcuts use non-alphanumeric symbols, that's always confusing, whether it works or not. The good mature text editors have known that for a long time and should be taken as examples of things done right. In some ways, VS learned a few good things from emacs with shortcuts that are a sequence of two letters, but ultimately screwed up on other parts with the choice of non-alphanumeric bindings, combined with a broken low-level keyboard handling.
This works for me in Visual Code
Navigate backward Alt+←
Navigate forward Alt+→

In Visual Studio 2010, intellisense isn't showing for long method signatures

The problem is exactly as asked in the question title.
When I'm typing in the text editor and referencing a public method that has a long signature (lots of parameters, usually 10 or more) the intellisense just stops working. It will sometimes flicker; other times it will not show at all.
Only seen this happen with C#, but I don't use anything else. It might happen in VB too. Don't know.
Anyone else seeing this?
I've Googled for an hour but can't seem to iron it out. I've restarted VS, rebooted the machine, enabled/disabled intellisense in Tools -> Options. NOTHING works.
You can hit CTRL Shift Spacebar to bring it back up.
Even better, Ctrl Shift Alt + C copies it to the clipboard.
Then Ctrl Shift Alt + P pastes it. Handy for templates.
I've discovered one cause for the problem.
If the method is at the top of the screen, it pops downwards.
If the method is at the bottom of the screen is pops upwards.
However in the middle of the screen if it's too big to go either way it gets confused - flickers or just won't open.
Unfortunately, no matter what I do I can't seem to get it to display more than 37 parameters...
Found a partial solution - change the font size
Was supposedly scheduled to be fixed in SP1...

Visual Studio keyboard shortcut to scroll method overloads tooltips?

Does anyone know what the keyboard shortcut to scroll a method's overloads that appears in the tooltip is? I presently have to resort to using the mouse to click the ^ and v labels in the tooltip, which isn't particularly effective.
A little late but maybe somebody else needs it too:
Place the cursor after the first bracket
Press Ctrl + Shift + Space
What's the command to bring up the tooltip? I know the shortcut in Eclipse (Ctrl + Space) but that's Eclipse...
In VS the tooltip shows when you type the first bracket but if I would like to see the different method overloads for a method that's been implemented already, how would I do that?
Press Ctrl + Shift + Space to see the list of overloads and arguments.
See the Visual C# 2008 Keybinding Reference Poster for more keyboard shortcuts.
The arrow keys work for me...
Sometimes I have to hit escape to get rid of the intellisence popup before using the arrow keys to scroll through the overload list.
What's the command to bring up the tooltip? I know the shortcut in Eclipse (ctrl+space) but that's Eclipse...
In VS the tooltip shows when you type the first bracket but if I would like to see the different method overloads for a method that's been implemented aldready, how would I do that?
There's got to be an easier way than this:
place the cursor just after the first bracket
erase it
re-type it (tada!)
navigate the methods using up and down arrows
when you're done, press ctrl+z to undo changes.
1. To Show Overloading Suggestions
Place the cursor after the first bracket and press CTRL + SHIFT + SPACE to bring it back.
Also, Erasing the opening bracket and writing it back can do the trick too.
2. To Scroll through Overloading Suggestions/Options
if your IntelliSense options are showing then press ESC which will hide it. Now, it's time to use the Up/Down arrow keys to see the charm.
if your IntelliSense is disabled, the Up/Down arrow keys will work directly.
Ctrl + Shift + Space in the "()" method brackets brings up the method overload context menu. The UP and DOWN arrows are used to navigate through.
The Visual Studio Keybindings definition is : Displays the name, number, and
type of parameters required for the specified method.
P.S. Jasper's link to Visual C# 2008 Keybinding Reference Poster is useful, check it out.
Arrow keys are the short cut keys i suppose as they work for me.
You can type a comma after the last parameter of the function. That will bring up the intelisense menu
