I am having a hard time tracking down how to include the debug symbol files in an install project for the debug build (only). If I Project -> Add -> Output -> Debug Symbols (for each project), it will include them when running the release build of the installer.
I want the installer project to only include debug files for the projects I specified when installing the debug build of the installer and not for the release.
Any suggestions...
This is not supported by Visual Studio setup projects. Other setup authoring tools offer this feature as builds or releases. Basically, multiple builds with different content.
I have a project that uses VideoLAN.LibVLC.Windows nuget pkg. When I build and compile application it generates a libvlc folder.
My program builds as it should, but when I try to compile an installer using the extension Microsoft Visual Studio Installer Project it won't include the libvlc folder that is created when I build a release.
I've included the 3 options:
Content Files,
Primary Output,
Publish Items
The folder is generated at build so I cannot include it with Resources Properties.
How can I get the extension to include the folder for the installer?
My workaround is adding files manually to point to the release folder, is that correct or is there a better way?
Even with an empty C# project generated with the Visual Studio 2019 new project wizard, Visual Studio keeps building the project when asking to build the solution (Build -> Build Solution) even if no changes was made.
There is no dependencies in the project, other than the default Nuget packages from the template. No changes are involved between two "Build Solution".
I can't understand why Visual Studio thinks it needs to be built when looking at the Build logs (beginning below):
Restoring NuGet packages...
To prevent NuGet from restoring packages during build, open the Visual Studio Options dialog, click on the NuGet Package Manager node and uncheck 'Allow NuGet to download missing packages during build.'
Running restore with 4 concurrent jobs.
Reading project file C:\Users\benjat\source\repos\plop\Main\Alpha\FunctionApp\FunctionApp.csproj.
The restore inputs for 'FunctionApp' have not changed. No further actions are required to complete the restore.
Committing restore...
Assets file has not changed. Skipping assets file writing. Path: C:\Users\benjat\source\repos\plop\Main\Alpha\FunctionApp\obj\project.assets.json
No-Op restore. The cache will not be updated. Path: C:\Users\benjat\source\repos\plop\Main\Alpha\FunctionApp\obj\FunctionApp.csproj.nuget.cache
Restore completed in 15,78 ms for C:\Users\benjat\source\repos\plop\Main\Alpha\FunctionApp\FunctionApp.csproj.
NuGet Config files used:
C:\Program Files (x86)\NuGet\Config\Microsoft.VisualStudio.Offline.config
Feeds used:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\NuGetPackages\
1>------ Build started: Project: FunctionApp, Configuration: Debug Any CPU ------
1>Resolving SDK 'Microsoft.NET.Sdk'...
Is that expected?
Apparently it is a bug in Visual Studio which has been fixed 2 days ago (not yet released)
Link to the report: https://developercommunity.visualstudio.com/content/problem/862643/vs-164-does-full-build-of-the-azure-functions-proj.html
There is something called project dependencies and it is not only happened in Visual Studio 2019.
Just like this.
When one of your project depends on one or more other projects and you build it the other projects that your projects depends on will also begin to be built. Additionally if the dependencies have changed then the projects dependent on them will always be rebuilt.
if you want to skip build any project, you can choose Build -> Configuration Manager,and then cancel what you don't want to build.
I have some merge module projects created using advanced installer. I need to integrate them with visual studio. I have done same for MSI projects and they work fine. but I don't know how to achieve continuous integration for MSM using Visual Studio.
Advanced Installer extension for Microsoft Visual Studio allows to create Advanced Installer Projects for Visual Studio. Each such project is a container that can include a single .AIP file.
The Visual Studio Solution can include one or more Advanced Installer Project for Visual Studio, in accordance with your needs.
Note that you need to remove the default project that is created when adding a new Installer Project to the .sln and add the existing project, the project that builds the .msm package.
Indeed, you are right. It was a misunderstanding on our end.
On my machine I have several extensions installed side by side. One of these extensions also supports the build of a merge module project type.
We do not officially support this yet. The option to build other project types (e.g. Merge Module Project, Updates Configuration Project) with our VS extension will be available in a future version of Advanced Installer. I will let you know when we will add support for this.
Until then, you can use a build event as a workaround to build the Merge Module Project within the Visual Studio project.
To build the .msm project you can use a command line as described below:
The command line can be something as below:
AdvancedInstaller.com" /build "$(SolutionDir)Merge module sample.aip"
I am using the Sandcastle 'SHFB Visual Studio Extension Package' - which creates a Sandcastle project inside the Visual Studio solution. The integration is nice, but it automatically builds the documentation project every time I do a build. I'd like it to only build the help project for a "Release" build, but unlike other VS projects, the properties options for the Sandcastle documentation project have the "Configuration" and "Platform" selectors disabled.
I have looked at the other property options, but nothing seems to allow selecting options for WHEN the project should be built. Online searches have turned up instructions for specifying the build-on-release-only option when using the standalone SHFB gui tool, or if using the MSBuild command line for a non-integrated sandcastle project (via a different project's build events), but nothing about configuring an included project.
Having come across this just the other day:
Go to configuration manager for your solution. Uncheck the build option for your documentation project for all but the "release" configuration.
I recently installed VS2008 in Win2k8R2 machine and opened a VS2005 project(C++). After successful conversion to VS2008, I tried building the project in Debug x64 mode. But the project is getting skipped. I tried Clean as well as Rebuild, and it is getting skipped for those as well.
I'm able to build in Debug win32 mode. But I need to build in x64 mode.
Also the Build option is ticked in Build->Configuration Manager under x64.
I have installed the x64 bit compiler too.
Also I'm not able to see the Project properties for x64.
How can I solve this problem and build the project in VS 2008?
Open your solution and project files in a text editor; make sure they have the correct path to your 2008 project folders. I've noticed conversions that don't fix the path for you; the mix up is that your UI may be pointing to the correct location (say, your solution is fine), but it's actually targeting your old 2005 projects.