GCC atomic built-ins: Is there a list showing which are supported on which platform? - gcc

Is there a site listing the various platforms and their support for GCC's atomic built-ins, for the various GCC versions?
To be more clear:
GCC adds _sync... as intrinsics on platforms it contains support for. On all other platforms it keeps those as normal functions declarations but does not supply an implementation. This must be done by some framework.
So the question is: For which platforms does GCC supply which intrinsics without need to add a function implementation?

I'm not aware if there's such a list, however http://gcc.gnu.org/projects/cxx0x.html says atomics are supported since GCC 4.4.
GCC libstdc++ implements <atomic> on top of the builtin functions `__sync_fetch_and_add' and friends ( http://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc-4.6.1/gcc/Atomic-Builtins.html ).
These functions are expanded either using machine specific expanders in the machine description of the target (usually in a file named `sync.md') or, lacking such expanders, using a CAS loop. If the presense of `sync.md' file is any indication for a proper atomics support, then you can count in MIPS, i386, ARM, BlackFin, Alpha, PowerPC, IA64 and Sparc.

[Though this is an old question, I thought I should update and complete the answer]
I am not aware of a per-architecture-version and per-gcc-version table, describing supported built-ins.
The __sync built-in functions of gcc exist since version 4.1 (see, e.g., gcc 4.1.2 manual. As stated there:
Not all operations are supported by all target processors. If a particular operation cannot be implemented on the target processor, a warning will be generated and a call an external function will be generated. The external function will carry the same name as the builtin, with an additional suffix `_n' where n is the size of the data type.
So, when there is not an implementation for a specific architecture, a compilation warning will appear and, I guess, a link-time error, unless you provide the required function with the appropriate name.
After gcc 4.7 there are also __atomic built-ins and __sync built-ins are deprecated.
For example, see how Fedora uses gcc __sync and __atomic here


GCC [for ARM] force no floating point

I would like to create a build of my embedded C code which specifically checks that floating point operations aren't introduced into it by accident. I've tried adding +nofp to my [cortex-m3] processor architecture but GCC for ARM doesn't like that (probably because the cortex-m3 doesn't have a floating point unit). I've tried specifying -mfpu=none but that isn't a permitted option. I've tried leaving -lm off the linker command-line but the linker seems too clever to be fooled by that and is compiling code with double in it and resolving pow() anyway.
This post: https://gcc.gnu.org/legacy-ml/gcc-help/2011-07/msg00093.html from 2011 hints that GCC has no such option, since no-one is interested in it, which surprises me as it seems like a common thing to want, at least from an embedded standpoint, to avoid accidental C-library bloat.
Does anyone know of a way to do this with GCC/newlib without me having to go through and manually hack stuff out of the C library file it chooses?
It is not just a library issue. Your target will use soft-fp, and the compiler will supply floating point code to implement arithmetic operators regardless of the library.
The solution I generally apply is to scan the map file for instances of the compiler supplied floating-point routines. If your code is "fp clean" there will be no such references. The math library and any other code that perform floating-point arithmetic operations will use these operator implementations, so you only need look for these operator calls and can ignore the Newlib math library functions.
The internal soft-fp routines are listed at https://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gccint/Soft-float-library-routines.html. It is probably feasible to manually check the mapfile for fp symbols but you might write yourself a script or tool to scan the map file for these names to check your. The cross-reference section of the map file will list all modules these symbols are used in so you can use that to identify where the floating point code is used.
The Newlib stdio functions support floating-point by default. If your formatted I/O is limited to printf() you can use iprintf() instead or you can rebuild Newlib with FLOATING_POINT undefined to remove floating point support from all but scanf() (no idea why). You can then use the map file technique again to find "banned" formatted I/O functions (although these are likely to also use the floating point operator functions in any case, so you will already have spotted them indirectly).
An alternative is to use an alternative stdio library to override the Newlib versions. There are any number of "tiny printf" implementations available you could use. If you link such a library as object code or list its library ahead of Newlib in the link command, it will override the Newlib versions.

Where is __builtin_va_start defined?

I'm trying to locate where __builtin_va_start is defined in GCC's source code, and see how it is implemented. (I was looking for where va_start is defined and then found that this macro is defined as __builtin_va_start.) I used cscope -r in GCC 9.1's source code directory to search the definition but haven't found it. Can anyone point where this function is defined?
That __builtin_va_start is not defined anywhere. It is a GCC compiler builtin (a bit like sizeof is a compile-time operator). It is an implementation detail related to the <stdarg.h> standard header (provided by the compiler, not the C standard library implementation libc). What really matters are the calling conventions and ABI followed by the generated assembler.
GCC has special code to deal with compiler builtins. And that code is not defining the builtin, but implementing its ad-hoc behavior inside the compiler. And __builtin_va_start is expanded into some compiler-specific internal representation of your compiled C/C++ code, specific to GCC (some GIMPLE perhaps)
From a comment of yours, I would infer that you are interested in implementation details. But that should be in your question
If you study GCC 9.1 source code, look inside some of gcc-9.1.0/gcc/builtins.c (the expand_builtin_va_start function there), and for other builtins inside gcc-9.1.0/gcc/c-family/c-cppbuiltin.c, gcc-9.1.0/gcc/cppbuiltin.c, gcc-9.1.0/gcc/jit/jit-builtins.c
You could write your own GCC plugin (in 2Q2019, for GCC 9, and the C++ code of your plugin might have to change for the future GCC 10) to add your own GCC builtins. BTW, you might even overload the behavior of the existing __builtin_va_start by your own specific code, and/or you might have -at least for research purposes- your own stdarg.h header with #define va_start(v,l) __my_builtin_va_start(v,l) and have your GCC plugin understand your __my_builtin_va_start plugin-specific builtin. Be however aware of the GCC runtime library exception and read its rationale: I am not a lawyer, but I tend to believe that you should (and that legal document requires you to) publish your GCC plugin with some open source license.
You first need to read a textbook on compilers, such as the Dragon book, to understand that an optimizing compiler is mostly transforming internal representations of your compiled code.
You further need to spend months in studying the many internal representations of GCC. Remember, GCC is a very complex program (of about ten millions lines of code). Don't expect to understand it with only a few days of work. Look inside the GCC resource center website.
My dead GCC MELT project had references and slides explaining more of GCC (the design philosophy and architecture of GCC changes slowly; so the concepts are still relevant, even if individual details changed). It took me almost ten years full time to partly understand some of the middle-end layers of GCC. I cannot transmit that knowledge in a StackOverflow answer.
My draft Bismon report (work in progress, funded by H2020, so lot of bureaucracy) has a dozen of pages (in its sections ยง1.3 and 1.4) introducing the internal representations of GCC.

What is the right order of linker flags in gcc?

Normally, I would compile a program that requires a specific library, e.g. math, by passing the linker flag after the sources that need it like so:
gcc foo.c -lm
However, it seems that older versions of gcc work equally well with the reverse order (let's call this BAD ORDER):
gcc -lm foo.c
I wouldn't worry about it if some popular open-source projects I'm trying to compile didn't use the latter while my version of gcc (or is it ld that's the problem?) work only in the former case (also, the correct one in my opinion).
My question is: when did the BAD ORDER stop working and why? It seems that not supporting it breaks legacy packages.
when did the BAD ORDER stop working and why? It seems that not supporting it breaks legacy packages.
Not dead sure but I think pre-GCC 4.5. Long ago. Subsequently, the --as-needed option is operative for shared libraries by default,
so like static libraries, they must occur in the linkage sequence later than the objects for which they provide definitions.
This is a change in the default options that the gcc/g++/gfortran etc. tool-driver passes to ld.
It was considered confusing to inexpert users that static libraries by default has to appear
later that the objects to which they provided definitions while shared libraries by default did
not - the difference between the two typically being concealed by the -l<name> convention
for linking either libname.a or libname.so.
It was perhaps an unforeseen consequence that inexpert users who
had formerly had a lot of luck with the mistaken belief that a GCC
[compile and] link command conforms to the normal Unix pattern:
command [OPTION...] FILE [FILE...]
gcc -lthis -lthat -o prog foo.o bar.o
now fare much worse with it.

f77 undefined reference to getgid_

I was told to post compiling questions on stackoverflow so this is the same question I've posted to Ubuntu Ask!:
I'm trying to compile a program that came with a Makefile. The makefile uses f77 and it seems that the programs call several f95 intrinsics. When I try to compile I get:
plotkit.a(userid.o): In function userid_':
fort77-5163-1.c:(.text+0x13e): undefined reference togetgid_' fort77-5163-1.c:(.text+0x234): undefined reference to `getuid_' collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
I also get the same error with fdate on another program in this distribution. I've tried to change the makefile to use different compilers such as gfortran) and they all cause MORE errors.
My question is how do I get getgid, getuid, and fdate to work with a f77 program? I'm additionally confused because there are getgid and getuid man pages but no installation on ubuntu?
I have a 64 bit 14.04 LTS installation.
Thanks for any ideas.
By default, gfortran (and other Fortran compilers) mangle procedure names by adding an underscore. When you reference getgid in source, the compiler changes that to getgid_. If the function getgid isn't defined in Fortran source, e.g. in C, then this will cause link errors such as the one you are encountering.
The functions getgid, getuid, etc are not Fortran functions, they are standard C library functions. If the code you are using is from somewhere else, look and see if the provided Makefiles have options listed to disable default underscoring by Fortran. For gfortran, this option is -fno-underscoring. Append this to the compiler flags used for the Fortran compiler in the makefile. For other Fortran compilers, consult their documentation for similar options.
If you aren't restricted to F77 and can make use of modern Fortran features, the other option is to fix this by providing interoperable interfaces for C library functions. e.g.
function getgid() bind(C,name='getgid')
use iso_c_binding
implicit none
integer(c_int32_t) :: getgid
end function getgid
end interface
This will define an explicit interface for the C library function getgid so that you can call it from a modern Fortran implementation. You would define interfaces like this for each of the C library functions you need to call.
* As an aside, while the above interface works and is portable from a modern Fortran perspective, it isn't 100% portable from a C library perspective. The GNU implementation of getgid returns the type gid_t which though a long chain of typedefs is finally related to a true type in the files /usr/include/bits/types.h and /usr/include/bits/typesizes.h as an unsigned 32 bit integer. Fortran doesn't have unsigned types so while the storage sizes will match, if these functions ever return values above around 2 billion, they will be misinterpreted in Fortran as negative values. Also, since the storage type of gid_t is defined in the "bits" C header tree, they are potentially non-portable (not sure if the storage size is specified in POSIX or some other standard or implementation dependent).

Freestanding GCC and builtin functions

The GCC docs at http://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc/C-Dialect-Options.html say (under -ffreestanding) that a freestanding environment implies -fno-builtin. I might be misunderstanding exactly what a freestanding environment is or how it works, but it seems to me that, since the builtins usually emit inline code instead of calling the library function, this is ideal for a freestanding environment where the standard library may be missing functionality or even missing entirely.
So why would we not want to use the biltins with a freestanding environment?
In freestanding mode the compiler can not rely on semantical considerations.
Most builtins in GCC work silently -- for instance the compiler sees that you are using strcpy() and in hosted mode it may guess that, when you are using strcpy(), you are intending exactly to copy a string. Then it may replace strcpy with an extensionally equivalent builtin, which is better for the given target to copy a string.
In freestanding mode, using strcpy() function means ANYTHING. The idea is just not the standard library absence in linkage. The idea of freestanding mode is that there is no standard library even on definition level, except float.h, iso646.h, limits.h, stdarg.h, stdbool.h, stddef.h, stdint.h (C99 standard 4.6). You may in freestanding mode decide to format your hard drive with strcpy, and this is perfectly legal for the C language. The compiler thus don't know how to use builtins, and it declines to use them at all.
