run nodejs forever - shell

im runnig an http server using nodejs. i want also the server to run forever, even when my machine restarts,i want node to run again upon restart. so i created a script to put in the
here is the script
#! /bin/sh -e
set -e
case "$1" in
start) forever start $DAEMON ;;
stop) forever stop $DAEMON ;;
forever restart $DAEMON ;;
*) echo "Usage: /etc/init.d/node {start|stop|restart|force-reload}"
exit 1 ;;
exit 0
however when i run
i keep getting the same error saying
/etc/init.d/node: 13: Syntax error: word unexpected (expecting ")")
can you guys see the error ? i'm sure it's probably some easy syntax error but it's kinda late and i'm really tired.
thanks for the help

I changed the shebang from:
#! /bin/sh -e
#! /bin/bash
And now that script works for me.

You can create upstart service in Ubuntu(if you use it).
Create myapp.conf in /etc/init and write something like:
start on startup
exec node /path/to/your/script.js
Then your app will start after reboot and you can manage it via start and stop commands.
And look at forever node.js module


Stop process(script) running inside Echo server instead

Is there any way to stop a script in the middle while it is running without stopping the whole Echo Server.
It is in reference to my previous question, in which the accepted answer is working but now I only want to stop the process which is being run by script, unlike the answer in that question. Any pointers would be very helpful.
Here is the script:
for i in {1..100000}; do
echo "I am running $i"
sleep 1

How to run Bash Script on startup and keep monitoring the results on the terminal

Due to some issues I wont elaborate here to not waste time, I made a bash script which will ping google every 10 minutes and if there is a response it will keep the loop running and if not then the PC will restart. After a lot of hurdle I have been able to make the script and also make it start on bootup. However the issue is that i want to see the results on the terminal, meaning I want to keep monitoring it but the terminal does not open on bootup. But it does open if I run it as ./
The script is running on startup, that much I know because I use another script to open an application and it works flawlessly.
My system information
NAME="Linux Mint"
VERSION="18.3 (Sylvia)"
PRETTY_NAME="Linux Mint 18.3"
The contents of my bash script are
#! /bin/bash
xfce4-terminal &
sleep 30
while true
ping -c1
if [ $? == 0 ]; then
echo "Ping Sucessful. The Device will Continue Operating"
sleep 600
systemctl reboot
I have put the scripts in /usr/bin and inserted the scripts for startup at boot in /etc/rc.local
So I did some further research and with help from reddit I realized that the reason I couldnt get it to show on terminal was because the script was starting on bootup but I needed it to start after user login. So I added the script on startup application (which can be found searching on start menu if thats whats it called). But it was still giving issues so I divided the script in two parts.
I put the script on startup and directed that script to open my main script which i named
This is how the script looks
#! /bin/bash
sleep 20
xfce4-terminal -e usr/bin/
And the
#! /bin/bash
while true
ping -c1
if [ $? == 0 ]; then
echo "Ping Sucessful. The Device will Continue Operating"
sleep 600
systemctl reboot
The results are the results of the script are open in another terminal.
Note: I used help from this thread
If minute interval is usable why not use "cron" to start your?
$> crontab –e
$> sudo crontab –e

Keep Track of laravel websocket with monit centos

Im trying to monitor laravel-websocket with monit instead of supervisord because of more options it provides
So In my /home/rabter/ :
case $1 in
echo $$ > /var/run/;
exec 2>&1 php /home/rabter/core/artisan websockets:serve 1>/tmp/laravelwebsocket.out
kill `cat /var/run/` ;;
echo "usage: {start|stop}" ;;
exit 0
And in etc/monit.d I made a file named cwp.laravelwebsocket with code
check process laravelwebsocket with pidfile /var/run/
start program "/bin/bash -c /home/rabter/ start"
stop program "/bin/bash -c /home/rabter/ stop"
if failed port 6001 then restart
if 4 restarts within 8 cycles then timeout
unfortunately with I run monit everything starts to get monitord but laravel websocket, and it does not start once and in monit table infront I see
Process - laravelwebsocket Execution failed | Does not exist
How can I make monit monitor and start laravel-websocket on startup and on fails or errors or crashes?
I have looked into Monitor a Laravel Queue Worker with Monit
but no luck!
Your bash script inserts its own pid into your pid file. Additionally, the php process should be send to background if using monit, because monit is a monitoring tool, rather then a supervisor.
#!/usr/bin/env bash
case $1 in
php /home/rabter/core/artisan websockets:serve & 2>&1 >/tmp/laravelwebsocket.out
echo $! > /var/run/;
kill $(cat /var/run/ ;;
echo "usage: $(basename $0) {start|stop}" ;;
exit 0
Then make that file executable with chmod +x FILEPATH.
This should now work:
check process laravelwebsocket with pidfile /var/run/
start program "/home/rabter/ start"
stop program "/home/rabter/ stop"
if failed port 6001 then restart
if 4 restarts within 8 cycles then timeout
Do you use monit as init-system for a container? If so, please let me know. Then a few more details apply.

How can I improve this bash script?

I'm trying to write a bash script.
The script should check if the MC server is running. If it crashed or stopped it will start the server automatically.
I'll use crontab to run the script every minute. I think I can run it every second it won't stress the CPU too much. I also would like to know when was the server restarted. So I'm going to print the date to the "RestartLog" file.
This is what I have so far:
ps auxw | grep | grep -v grep > /dev/null
if [ $? != 0 ]
cd /home/minecraft/minecraft/ && ./ && echo "Server restarted on: $(date)" >> /home/minecraft/minecraft/RestartLog.txt > /dev/null
I'm just started learning Bash and I'm not sure if this is the right way to do it.
The use of cron is possible, there are other (better) solutions (monit, supervisord etc.). But that is not the question; you asked for "the right way". The right way is difficult to define, but understanding the limits and problems in your code may help you.
Executing with normal cron will happen at most once per minute. That means that you minecraft server may be down 59 seconds before it is restarted.
You should have the #! at the beginning of the line. Don't know if this is a cut/paste problem, but it is rather important. Also, you might want to use #!/bin/bash instead of #!/bin/sh to actually use bash.
ps auxw | grep | grep -v grep > /dev/null
Some may suggest to use ps -ef but that is a question of taste. You may even use ps -ef | grep [s] to prevent using the second grep. The main problem however with this line is that that you are parsing the process-list for a fairly generic This may be OK if you have a dedicated server for this, but if there are more users on the server, you run the risk that someone else runs a for something completely different.
if [ $? != 0 ]
There was already a comment about the use of $? and clean code.
cd /home/minecraft/minecraft/ && ./ && echo "Server restarted on: $(date)" >> /home/minecraft/minecraft/RestartLog.txt > /dev/null
It is a good idea to keep a log of the restarts. In this line, you make the execution of the ./ dependent on the fact that the cd succeeds. Also, the echo only gets executed after the ./ exists.
So that leaves me with a question: does keep on running as long as the server runs (in that case: the ps-test is ok, but the && echo makes no sense, or does exit while leaving the minecraft-server in the background (in that case the ps-grep won't work correctly, but it makes sense to echo the log record only if exits correctly).
(no remarks for the fi)
If blocks until the server exists/crashes, you'd be better off to simply restart it in an infinite loop without the involvement of cron. Simply type in a console (or put into another script):
cd /home/minecraft/minecraft/
while sleep 3; do
echo "$(date) server (re)start" >> restart.log
./ # blocks until server crashes
But if it doesn't block (i.e. if starts the server and then returns, but the server keeps running), you would need to implement a different check to verify if the server is actually still running, other than ps|grep
PS: To kill the infinite loop you have to Ctrl+C twice: Once to stop ./ and once to exit from the immediate sleep.
You can use monit for this task. See docu. It is available on most linux distributions and has a straightforward config. Find some examples in this post
For your app it will look something like
check process minecraftserver
matching ""
start program = "/home/minecraft/minecraft/"
stop program = "/home/minecraft/minecraft/"
I wrote this answer because sometimes the most efficient solution is already there and you don't have to code anything. Also follow the suggestions of William Pursell and use the init system of your OS (systemd,upstart,system-v,etc.) to host your scripts.
Find more:
Shell Script For Process Monitoring

Troubles with Aerospike 3.8.x monitored with monit on CentOS 7

Since Aerospike went 3.8.0+, it changed the way the process ASD is launched. There is no more /etc/init.d/aerospike instead systemd is now used.
I have a problem as I use monit as a watchdog for aerospike and it is quite difficult to start / stop the asd process through systemd called by monit. Monit uses a limited path so maybe the problem comes from missing environment vars.
Here is what I use in monit:
check process aerospike with pidfile /var/run/aerospike/
start = "/usr/bin/bash -c '/opt/aerospike/ start'"
stop = "/usr/bin/bash -c '/opt/aerospike/ stop'"
I'm calling explicitely a shell script so that I can add environment vars on startup.
Here is my basic shell script:
export PATH="/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/root/bin"
case "$1" in
echo "Starting aerospike Server ..."
systemctl start aerospike.service
echo "Stopping aerospike Server ..."
systemctl stop aerospike.service
echo "Usage: $0 {start|stop}"
exit 1
I blindly copy-pasted my path at the start of the script. The script works if it is launched through CLI, but not if launched through monit.
I use CentOS 7.
I have not found a raw command to launch the asd process (and stop it) as it could be a way to not use systemd and sidestepping this problem.
Is there a way to configure monit to launch nicely systemd services, or are there raw commands for aerospike that can be used directly through monit?
