Stop process(script) running inside Echo server instead - go

Is there any way to stop a script in the middle while it is running without stopping the whole Echo Server.
It is in reference to my previous question, in which the accepted answer is working but now I only want to stop the process which is being run by script, unlike the answer in that question. Any pointers would be very helpful.
Here is the script:
for i in {1..100000}; do
echo "I am running $i"
sleep 1


How can I improve this bash script?

I'm trying to write a bash script.
The script should check if the MC server is running. If it crashed or stopped it will start the server automatically.
I'll use crontab to run the script every minute. I think I can run it every second it won't stress the CPU too much. I also would like to know when was the server restarted. So I'm going to print the date to the "RestartLog" file.
This is what I have so far:
ps auxw | grep | grep -v grep > /dev/null
if [ $? != 0 ]
cd /home/minecraft/minecraft/ && ./ && echo "Server restarted on: $(date)" >> /home/minecraft/minecraft/RestartLog.txt > /dev/null
I'm just started learning Bash and I'm not sure if this is the right way to do it.
The use of cron is possible, there are other (better) solutions (monit, supervisord etc.). But that is not the question; you asked for "the right way". The right way is difficult to define, but understanding the limits and problems in your code may help you.
Executing with normal cron will happen at most once per minute. That means that you minecraft server may be down 59 seconds before it is restarted.
You should have the #! at the beginning of the line. Don't know if this is a cut/paste problem, but it is rather important. Also, you might want to use #!/bin/bash instead of #!/bin/sh to actually use bash.
ps auxw | grep | grep -v grep > /dev/null
Some may suggest to use ps -ef but that is a question of taste. You may even use ps -ef | grep [s] to prevent using the second grep. The main problem however with this line is that that you are parsing the process-list for a fairly generic This may be OK if you have a dedicated server for this, but if there are more users on the server, you run the risk that someone else runs a for something completely different.
if [ $? != 0 ]
There was already a comment about the use of $? and clean code.
cd /home/minecraft/minecraft/ && ./ && echo "Server restarted on: $(date)" >> /home/minecraft/minecraft/RestartLog.txt > /dev/null
It is a good idea to keep a log of the restarts. In this line, you make the execution of the ./ dependent on the fact that the cd succeeds. Also, the echo only gets executed after the ./ exists.
So that leaves me with a question: does keep on running as long as the server runs (in that case: the ps-test is ok, but the && echo makes no sense, or does exit while leaving the minecraft-server in the background (in that case the ps-grep won't work correctly, but it makes sense to echo the log record only if exits correctly).
(no remarks for the fi)
If blocks until the server exists/crashes, you'd be better off to simply restart it in an infinite loop without the involvement of cron. Simply type in a console (or put into another script):
cd /home/minecraft/minecraft/
while sleep 3; do
echo "$(date) server (re)start" >> restart.log
./ # blocks until server crashes
But if it doesn't block (i.e. if starts the server and then returns, but the server keeps running), you would need to implement a different check to verify if the server is actually still running, other than ps|grep
PS: To kill the infinite loop you have to Ctrl+C twice: Once to stop ./ and once to exit from the immediate sleep.
You can use monit for this task. See docu. It is available on most linux distributions and has a straightforward config. Find some examples in this post
For your app it will look something like
check process minecraftserver
matching ""
start program = "/home/minecraft/minecraft/"
stop program = "/home/minecraft/minecraft/"
I wrote this answer because sometimes the most efficient solution is already there and you don't have to code anything. Also follow the suggestions of William Pursell and use the init system of your OS (systemd,upstart,system-v,etc.) to host your scripts.
Find more:
Shell Script For Process Monitoring

How to capture a process Id and also add a trigger when that process finishes in a bash script?

I am trying to make a bash script to start a jar file and do it in the background. For that reason I'm using nohup. Right now I can capture the pid of the java process but I also need to be able to execute a command when the process finishes.
This is how I started
nohup java -jar jarfile.jar & echo $! > conf/pid
I also know from this answer that using ; will make a command execute after the first one finishes.
nohup java -jar jarfile.jar; echo "done"
echo "done" is just an example. My problem now is that I don't know how to combine them both. If I run echo $! first then echo "done" executes immediately. While if echo "done" goes first then echo $! will capture the PID of echo "done" instead of the one of the jarfile.
I know that I could achieve the desire functionality by polling until I don't see the PID running anymore. But I would like to avoid that as much as possible.
You can use the bash util wait once you start the process using nohup
nohup java -jar jarfile.jar &
pid=$! # Getting the process id of the last command executed
wait $pid # Waits until the process mentioned by the pid is complete
echo "Done, execute the new command"
I don't think you're going to get around "polling until you don't see the pid running anymore." wait is a bash builtin; it's what you want and I'm certain that's exactly what it does behind the scenes. But since Inian beat me to it, here's a friendly function for you anyway (in case you want to get a few things running in parallel).
alert_when_finished () {
declare cmd="${#}";
${cmd} &
declare pid="${!}";
while [[ -d "/proc/${pid}/" ]]; do :; done; #equivalent to wait
echo "[${pid}] Finished running: ${cmd}";
Running a command like this will give the desired effect and suppress unneeded job output:
( alert_when_finished 'sleep 5' & )

bash: script containing forked process hangs when executed via backtick

My overall purpose is to be able to run script, which launches a program that will persist after the script finishes (calculator in this example). then echoes the associated PID, which can then be used in some other script,, that calls
This issue arose in a larger script, but I think I've isolated it to the following.
gnome-calculator &
echo $PID
Running ./ starts the calculator, immediately spits out the pid, and gives a new prompt.
However, running A=$(./ (or with backticks), the script seems to "hang" until the calculator window is closed. Same for this script,
echo $B
Nothing is echoed until the calculator window is closed.
My questions are:
Why is this happening, and
How do you prevent it?
Thanks in advance for any words of wisdom.
It's happening because the capturing expression is waiting for standard input to close. If you rewrite the script
gnome-calculator >/dev/null &
echo $PID
You should be good.

How do I write a bash script to restart a process if it exits gracefully?

So I read this How do I write a bash script to restart a process if it dies? and quickly discovered that this was not the dilemma I'm facing.
I copied the below into /etc/init/ and it appears to be working.
description "Forever my process"
start on started mountall
stop on shutdown
respawn limit 5 5
export HOME="/root"
exec my_process >> /var/log/my-process.log 2>&1
end script
A simple way:
while sleep 1; do
echo "success"
Seems to work fine for me.
Replace sleep 1 with the command to start your process.
edit: this is an answer for the question in the title, I'm not sure what /etc/init or the code you gave has to do with the question
Given that this works, I'm posting this as an answer. If there is a better way to do it, please add.
description "Forever my process"
start on started mountall
stop on shutdown
# respawn limit 5 5 - use this if you want to limit it for any reason
export HOME="/root"
exec my_process >> /var/log/my-process.log 2>&1
end script

How to switch a sequence of tasks to background?

I'm running two tests on a remote server, here is the command I used several hours ago:
% ./; ./
The two tests are supposed to run one by one.If the second runs before the first completes, everything will be in ruin, and I'll have to restart the whole procedure.
The dilemma is, these two tasks cost too many hours to complete, and when I prepare to logout the server and wait for the result. I don't know how to switch both of them to background... If I use Ctrl+Z, only the first task will be suspended, while the second starts doing nothing useful while wiping out current data.
Is it possible to switch both of them to background, preserving their orders? Actually I should make these two tasks in the same process group like (./; ./ &, but sadly, the first test have run several hours, and it's quite a pity to restart the tests.
An option is to kill the second test before it starts, but is there any mechanism to cope with this?
First rename the ./ to ./ Then do [CTRL+Z], followed by bg and disown -h. Then save this script (
while :; do
sleep 5;
pgrep -f &> /dev/null
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
nohup ./ &
then do: nohup ./ &.
and you can logout.
First, screen or tmux are your friends here, if you don't already work with them (they make remote machine work an order of magnitude easier).
To use conditional consecutive execution you can write:
./ && ./
which will only execute if returns with 0 (conventionally meaning: no error). Example:
$ true && echo "first command was successful"
first command was successful
$ ! true && echo "ain't gonna happen"
More on control operators:
