LINQ query returning null results - linq

I have the following code
nodes = data.Descendants(XName.Get("{}Results")).Nodes();
System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<Result> res = new List<Result>();
if (nodes.Count() > 0)
var results = from uris in nodes
select new Result
Title =
Description =
DateTime =
res = results;
Where Results is a object who has those URL, Title, Description, and DateTime variables defined.
This all works fine normally, but when a 'node' in nodes doesnt contain a Description element (or at least I think thats whats throwing it) the program hits the "res = results;"
line of code and throws a 'object reference not set to...' error and highlights the whole section right after "select new Results"..
How do I fix this?

The simplest way is to cast to string instead of using the Value property. That way you'll end up with a null reference for the Description instead.
However, your code can also be made a lot nicer:
XNamespace ns = "";
var results = data.Descendants(ns + "Results")
.Select(x => new Result
URL = (string) x.Element(ns + "Url"),
Title = (string) x.Element(ns + "Title"),
Description = (string) x.Element(ns + "Description"),
DateTime = (string) x.Element(ns + "DateTime")
See how much simpler that is? Techiques used:
Calling ToList() on an empty sequence gives you a list anyway
This way you'll only ever perform the query once; before you were calling Count() which would potentially have iterated over each node. In general, use Any() instead of Count() > 0) - but this time just making the list unconditional is simpler.
Use the Elements() method to get child elements, rather than casting multiple times. (Your previous code would have thrown an exception if it had encountered any non-element nodes)
Use the implicit conversion from string to XNamespace
Use the +(XNamespace, string) operator to get an XName

If the Description element is not included you should test if this
is not null before using Value. Try this code:
var results = from uris in nodes let des = ((XElement)uris).Element(XName.Get("{}Description"))
select new Result
URL = ((XElement)uris).Element(XName.Get("{}Url")).Value,
Title = ((XElement)uris).Element(XName.Get("{}Title")).Value,
Description = (des != null) ? des.Value : string.Empty,
DateTime = ((XElement)uris).Element(XName.Get("{}DateTime")).Value,


Linq (x=>x.document).toList()

I have the below codes :
var predicate = PredicateBuilder.True().And(p => p["_latestversion"] == "1");
predicate = predicate.And(GetDefaultTemplatePredicatesExpression());
predicate = predicate.And(GetPathPredicateExpression(path));
var results = context.GetQueryable().Where(predicate).OrderByDescending(p=> p.Views).GetResults();
if (results != null)
if (results.Hits.Any())
return results.Hits.Select(x => x.Document).ToList();
I am retrieving a list of records based on the latest version. But this code does not indicate the number of records to return back. Can I check whether does the above codes return whatever number of records that it retrieve from the database?
It's unclear to me what that GetResults() call would be returning (is that an extension method you've defined? I can't find anything relevant as part of the .NET framework.), which makes it hard to make a firm statement about anything else.
I believe you can split the line:
var results = context.GetQueryable<ArticleItem>()
.OrderByDescending(p=> p.Views)
into three lines:
var query = context.GetQueryable<ArticleItem>()
.OrderByDescending(p=> p.Views);
var count = query.Count();
var results = query.GetResults();
Which I think will give you would you want.

Using Linq to Determine if List of Uris is Base of another Uri

I would like to build a method that determines if a given URL is a child of one of a number of URL's in a List. I thought of approaching this using Linq but the syntax seems beyond my understanding. Here is what I have attempted and I would expect isChild == true.
List<Uri> ProductionUriList = new List<Uri>(){
new Uri(#"",UriKind.Absolute),
new Uri(#"",UriKind.Absolute),
new Uri(#"",UriKind.Absolute),
new Uri(#"",UriKind.Absolute),
new Uri(#"",UriKind.Absolute),
new Uri(#"",UriKind.Absolute),
new Uri(#"",UriKind.Absolute),
new Uri(#"",UriKind.Absolute),
var isChild =
ProductionUriList.SelectMany (p => p.IsBaseOf(new Uri("",UriKind.Absolute)));
The runtime error says:
The type arguments for method
cannot be inferred from the usage. Try specifying the type arguments
If you just want to check for a bool condition on a set you can use the any operator:
var isChild = ProductionUriList.Any(p => p.IsBaseOf(new Uri("", UriKind.Absolute)));
Concerning your error: The selectmany operator expects a delegate that returns IEnumerable which you do not supply. You are mixing up select and selectmany. If you choose select as the linq operator you could do a count > 0 on the result which would give the same result as using the any operator:
var isChild = ProductionUriList.Select(p => p.IsBaseOf(new Uri("", UriKind.Absolute)).Count > 0;
To determine if the uri is a child of one or more:
var isChild = ProductionUriList.Any(p => p.IsBaseOf(newUri("",UriKind.Absolute)));
To determine if the uri is a child of exactly one:
var isChild = ProductionUriList.Count(p => p.IsBaseOf(newUri("",UriKind.Absolute))) == 1;

Linq Query Message: Specified cast is not valid

Following are the columns name and its data type:
TemplateName string
TaskName string
AvgDays string (but contains int values)
my LINQ query:
DataTable newTable = new DataTable();
newTable = (from r in table.AsEnumerable()
group r by r.Field<string>("TemplateName") into templates
let totalDays = templates.Sum(r => r.Field<int>("AvgDays"))
from t in templates
group t by new
TemplateName = templates.Key,
TaskName = t.Field<string>("TaskName"),
TotalDays = totalDays
} into tasks
select new
AvgDays = tasks.Sum(r => r.Field<int>("AvgDays")),
I am getting error after execution of query. Error is "Specified cast is not valid.".
Please let me know where am I doing wrong.
I guess Field<int> causes the problem, because the field is not really an int. As you said before, it's a string.
Try following
AvgDays = tasks.Sum(r => int.Parse(r.Field<string>("AvgDays"))),
Field<T> does not perform some magic transformation between different types. It's implemented like that:
return (T)((object)value);
In practice there is a little bit more code, but logic is the same. It just tried to cast your value to desired type, and as you probably know, casting string to int does not work.

Unable to create a constant value - only primitive types or Enumeration types allowed

I have seen some questions related to this Exception here but none made me understand the root cause of the problem. So here we have one more...
var testquery =
((from le in context.LoanEMIs.Include("LoanPmnt")
join lp in context.LoanPmnts on le.Id equals lp.LoanEMIId
where lp.PmntDtTm < date && lp.IsPaid == false
&& le.IsActive == true && lp.Amount > 0
select new ObjGetAllPendingPmntDetails
Id = lp.Id,
Table = "LoanEMI",
loanEMIId = lp.LoanEMIId,
Name = le.AcHead,
Ref = SqlFunctions.StringConvert((double)le.FreqId),
PmntDtTm = lp.PmntDtTm,
Amount = lp.Amount,
IsDiscard = lp.IsDiscarded,
DiscardRemarks = lp.DiscardRemarks
List<ObjGetAllPendingPmntDetails> test = testquery.ToList();
This query gives the following Exception Message -
Unable to create a constant value of type CashVitae.ObjGetAllPendingPmntDetails. Only primitive types or enumeration types are supported in this context.
I got this Exception after I added the SQL function statement to convert le.FreqId which is a byte to a string as ToString() is not recognized in the LINQ Expression Store.
ObjGetAllPendingPmntDetails is a partial class in my model which is added as it is used too many times in the code to bind data to tables.
It has both IDs as long, 'Amount' as decimal, PmntDtTm as Datetime,IsDiscard as bool and remaining all are string including 'Ref'.
I get no results as currently no data satisfies the condition. While trying to handle null, I added DefaultIfEmpty(ObjNull) and ObjNull has all properties initialized as follows.
ObjGetAllPendingPmntDetails ObjNull = new ObjGetAllPendingPmntDetails()
{ Id = 0, Table = "-", loanEMIId = 0, Name = "-", Ref = "-",
PmntDtTm = Convert.ToDateTime("01-01-1900"),
Amount = 0, IsDiscard = false, DiscardRemarks = "" };
I need this query to work fine as it has Union() called on it with 5 other queries. All returning the same ObjGetAllPendingPmntDetails columns. But there is some problem as this query has no data satisfying the conditions and the Exception Shared Above.
Any suggestions are appreciated as I am unable to understand the root cause of the problem.
#AndrewCoonce is right, the .DefaultIfEmpty(ObjNull) is the culprit here. Entity Framework turns DefaultIfEmpty into something like...
CASE WHEN ([Project1].[C1] IS NULL) THEN #param ELSE [Project1].[Value] END AS [C1]
...but there's no way to coerce an instance of ObjGetAllPendingPmntDetails into something that can take the place of #param, so you get an exception.
If you move the DefaultIfEmpty call to after the ToList it should work correctly (although you'll need to call ToList again after that if you really want a concrete list instance).

What is the correct way of reading single line of data by using Linq to SQL?

I'm very new to Linq, I can find multi-line data reading examples everywhere (by using foreach()), but what is the correct way of reading a single line of data? Like a classic Product Detail page.
Below is what I tried:
var q = from c in db.Products
where c.ProductId == ProductId
select new { c.ProductName, c.ProductDescription, c.ProductPrice, c.ProductDate };
string strProductName = q.First().ProductName.ToString();
string strProductDescription = q.First().ProductDescription.ToString();
string strProductPrice = q.First().ProductPrice.ToString();
string strProductDate = q.First().ProductDate.ToString();
The code looks good to me, but when I see the actual SQL expressions generated by using SQL Profiler, it makes me scared! The program executed four Sql expressions and they are exactly the same!
Because I'm reading four columns from a single line. I think I must did something wrong, so I was wondering what is the right way of doing this?
Using the First() extension method would throw the System.InvalidOperationException when no element in a sequence satisfies a specified condition.
If you use the FirstOrDefault() extension method, you can test against the returned object to see if it's null or not.
FirstOrDefault returns the first element of a sequence, or a default value if the sequence contains no elements; in this case the default value of a Product should be null. Attempting to access the properties on this null object will throw ArgumentNullException
var q = (from c in db.Products
where c.ProductId == ProductId
select new { c.ProductName, c.ProductDescription, c.ProductPrice, c.ProductDate }).FirstOrDefault();
if (q != null)
string strProductName = q.ProductName;
string strProductDescription = q.ProductDescription;
string strProductPrice = q.ProductPrice;
string strProductDate = q.ProductDate;
Also, you shouldn't have to cast each Property ToString() if you're object model is setup correctly. ProductName, ProductDescription, etc.. should already be a string.
The reason you're getting 4 separate sql queries, is because each time you call q.First().<PropertyHere> linq is generating a new Query.
var q = (from c in db.Products
where c.ProductId == ProductId
select new { c.ProductName, c.ProductDescription, c.ProductPrice, c.ProductDate }
).First ();
string strProductName = q.ProductName.ToString();
string strProductDescription = q.ProductDescription.ToString();
string strProductPrice = q.ProductPrice.ToString();
string strProductDate = q.ProductDate.ToString();
