Using Linq to Determine if List of Uris is Base of another Uri - linq

I would like to build a method that determines if a given URL is a child of one of a number of URL's in a List. I thought of approaching this using Linq but the syntax seems beyond my understanding. Here is what I have attempted and I would expect isChild == true.
List<Uri> ProductionUriList = new List<Uri>(){
new Uri(#"",UriKind.Absolute),
new Uri(#"",UriKind.Absolute),
new Uri(#"",UriKind.Absolute),
new Uri(#"",UriKind.Absolute),
new Uri(#"",UriKind.Absolute),
new Uri(#"",UriKind.Absolute),
new Uri(#"",UriKind.Absolute),
new Uri(#"",UriKind.Absolute),
var isChild =
ProductionUriList.SelectMany (p => p.IsBaseOf(new Uri("",UriKind.Absolute)));
The runtime error says:
The type arguments for method
cannot be inferred from the usage. Try specifying the type arguments

If you just want to check for a bool condition on a set you can use the any operator:
var isChild = ProductionUriList.Any(p => p.IsBaseOf(new Uri("", UriKind.Absolute)));
Concerning your error: The selectmany operator expects a delegate that returns IEnumerable which you do not supply. You are mixing up select and selectmany. If you choose select as the linq operator you could do a count > 0 on the result which would give the same result as using the any operator:
var isChild = ProductionUriList.Select(p => p.IsBaseOf(new Uri("", UriKind.Absolute)).Count > 0;

To determine if the uri is a child of one or more:
var isChild = ProductionUriList.Any(p => p.IsBaseOf(newUri("",UriKind.Absolute)));
To determine if the uri is a child of exactly one:
var isChild = ProductionUriList.Count(p => p.IsBaseOf(newUri("",UriKind.Absolute))) == 1;


Group by Dynamic Aggregate

In the code below I want to replace x.BaseSalary with any other property whose name is stored in feildtoretrive:
var feildtoretrive = "BaseSalary"
var groupcal = db.Employees.GroupBy(x=>x.Region)
.Select(group => new {
Key = group.Key,
Avg = group.Average(x => x.BaseSalary)
You need to
create a MemberExpression that accesses that member of an instance
compile a lambda expression that returns that member for a passed instance parameter
(I assume that the elements in Employees are of type Employee)
// the parameter expression for the lambda (your 'x')
var parameter = Expression.Parameter(typeof(Employee));
// the property access expression (your 'x.BaseSalary' or 'x.<feildtoretrive')
var propAccess = Expression.PropertyOrField(parameter, feildtoretrive);
// the build-together and compiled lambda
var expression = (Expression<Func<Employee, int?>>)Expression.Lambda(propAccess, parameter);
You can now use lambda for the x.Average call:
new { Key = group.Key, Avg = group.Average(lambda) }
A caveat: This only works now for members of type int?. I'm lacking a little experience on how to do this more type independent, but what types can you calculate an average over? But if there are int or double members, another cast expression maybe necessary.
EDIT: (changed the return type to int?). According to Ivan Stoev's comment on my follow up question you could try this:
new { Key = group.Key, Avg = group.AsQueryable().Average(expression) }
EF6 should recognize the call to AsQueryable() and then use the correct Average method (note that I use the expression as argument instead of the lambda). EF Core and linq2Sql won't work with that.

Linq with DynamicObject

I have List where MyType : DynamicObject. The reason for MyType inheriting from DynamicObject, is that I need a type that can contain unknown number of properties.
It all works fine until I need to filter List. Is there a way I can do a linq that will do something like this:
return all items where any of the properties is empty string or white space?
(from the comment) can I do above linq query with List?
Yes, here is how you can do it with ExpandoObject:
var list = new List<ExpandoObject>();
dynamic e1 = new ExpandoObject();
e1.a = null;
e1.b = "";
dynamic e2 = new ExpandoObject();
e2.x = "xxx";
e2.y = 123;
var res = list.Where(
item => item.Any(p => p.Value == null || (p.Value is string && string.IsNullOrEmpty((string)p.Value)))
The ExpandoObject presents an interface that lets you enumerate its property-value pairs as if they were in a dictionary, making the process of checking them a lot simpler.
Well as long as each object's properties are not unknown internally to themselves you could do it.
There isn't a great generic way to test all the properties of a dynamic object, if you don't have control over the DynamicObject you hope the implementer implemented GetDynamicMemberNames() and you can use the nuget package ImpromptuInterface's methods for getting the property names and dynamically invoking those names.
return allItems.Where(x=> Impromptu.GetMemberNames(x, dynamicOnly:true)
Otherwise, since it's your own type MyType you can add your own method that can see internal accounting for those member values.
return allItems.Where(x => x.MyValues.Any(y=>String.IsNullOrWhitespace(x));

LINQ query returning null results

I have the following code
nodes = data.Descendants(XName.Get("{}Results")).Nodes();
System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<Result> res = new List<Result>();
if (nodes.Count() > 0)
var results = from uris in nodes
select new Result
Title =
Description =
DateTime =
res = results;
Where Results is a object who has those URL, Title, Description, and DateTime variables defined.
This all works fine normally, but when a 'node' in nodes doesnt contain a Description element (or at least I think thats whats throwing it) the program hits the "res = results;"
line of code and throws a 'object reference not set to...' error and highlights the whole section right after "select new Results"..
How do I fix this?
The simplest way is to cast to string instead of using the Value property. That way you'll end up with a null reference for the Description instead.
However, your code can also be made a lot nicer:
XNamespace ns = "";
var results = data.Descendants(ns + "Results")
.Select(x => new Result
URL = (string) x.Element(ns + "Url"),
Title = (string) x.Element(ns + "Title"),
Description = (string) x.Element(ns + "Description"),
DateTime = (string) x.Element(ns + "DateTime")
See how much simpler that is? Techiques used:
Calling ToList() on an empty sequence gives you a list anyway
This way you'll only ever perform the query once; before you were calling Count() which would potentially have iterated over each node. In general, use Any() instead of Count() > 0) - but this time just making the list unconditional is simpler.
Use the Elements() method to get child elements, rather than casting multiple times. (Your previous code would have thrown an exception if it had encountered any non-element nodes)
Use the implicit conversion from string to XNamespace
Use the +(XNamespace, string) operator to get an XName
If the Description element is not included you should test if this
is not null before using Value. Try this code:
var results = from uris in nodes let des = ((XElement)uris).Element(XName.Get("{}Description"))
select new Result
URL = ((XElement)uris).Element(XName.Get("{}Url")).Value,
Title = ((XElement)uris).Element(XName.Get("{}Title")).Value,
Description = (des != null) ? des.Value : string.Empty,
DateTime = ((XElement)uris).Element(XName.Get("{}DateTime")).Value,

Var vs IEnumerable when it comes to Entity Framework

If I were to use IEnumerable instead of var in the code example below, will the SQL be generated only during the execution of the foreach statement? Or will it execute as an when the Linq statements are evaluated?
var query = db.Customers.Where (c => c.Age > 18);
query = query.Where (c => c.State == "CO");
var result = query.Select (c => c.Name);
foreach (string name in result) // Only now is the query executed!
Console.WriteLine (name);
Another example:
IEnumerable<Order> query = db.Orders.Where(o => o.Amount > 1000);
int orderCount = query.Count();
Would it be better to use var (or IQueryable) as it would be executed a select count(*)... when .Count() is executed or would it be exactly same with the IEnumerable code shown above?
It would make no difference. var is just syntactic sugar. If you hover over var, you will see what type C# thinks your query is.
Beginning in Visual C# 3.0, variables that are declared at method scope can have an implicit type var. An implicitly typed local variable is strongly typed just as if you had declared the type yourself, but the compiler determines the type. The following two declarations of i are functionally equivalent:
var i = 10; // implicitly typed
int i = 10; //explicitly typed
If you want to perform actions on your query that SQL wouldn't know what to do with, such as a method defined in your class, then you could use AsEnumerable().
For example:
var query = db.Customers
.Where(c => c.Age > 18)
.Select(c => GetCustomerViewModel());
//put definition of GetCustomerViewModel() somewhere in the same class
As Omar mentioned, if you want your query to be executed immediately (rather than deferred), use ToList(). This will immediately enumerate the IQueryable/IEnumerable and fill the list with the actual data from the database.
In general, the SQL is generated when GetEnumerator is called on the IQueryable.
In your example, there is a subtle difference that you may want to consider. Let's take your original example:
var query = db.Customers.Where (c => c.Age > 18);
query = query.Where (c => c.State == "CO");
var result = query.Select (c => c.Name);
In this case if you change your first query to IEnumerable query = ..., then the second line would use the IEnumerable version of the Where extension (LINQ to Objects) rather than the IQueryable one (LINQ to SQL/EF). As a result, when we start iterating, the first where clause is passed to the database, but the second where clause is performed on the client side (because it has already been converted to an IEnumerable).
Another subtle item you want to be aware of is the following type of code:
var query = db.OrderBy(c => c.State);
query = query.Customers.Where(c => c.Age > 18); // Fails: Widening
In this case, since your original query returns IOrderedQueryable rather than IQueryable. If you try to then assign query to the result of the .Where operation, you're trying to widen the scope of the return type and the compiler will refuse to perform that widening. As a result, you have to explicitly specify the baseline type rather than using var:
IQueryable<Customer> query = db.OrderBy(c => c.State); // Is narrowing rather than widening.
query = query.Customers.Where(c => c.Age > 18);
Linq queries return IQueryable<> or IEnumerable<>, the execution of both is deferred.
As DanM stated, whether or not you use var or IEnumerable<> it all depends on the return value of the method you're calling: if it's an IEnumerable<> or IQuerable<> it'll be deferred, if you use .ToList(), it'll be executed right away.
When to use var comes down to personal choice/style. I generally use var when the return value is understood from the line of code and variable name or if I'm instantiating a generic with a long declartion, e.g. Dictionary<string, Func<Order, object>>.
From your code, it's clear that a collection of Customers/Orders is returned, so I would use the var keyword. Again, this is a matter of personal preference.

construct expression tree in run time

is it possible to construct MethodCallExpression (by using Expression.Call), when this call is NESTED? so, in design time, the actual sequnce (IQueryable or IEnumerable) which the call should be run against, is unknown?
let's say this is the query:
var result = data.GroupBy(x => x.Name).Select(grouping => grouping.OrderByDescending(x => x.Date).Take(1).FirstOrDefault()).ToList();
when data is a list of objects contains:Name,Date properties.
How do i constructs this query block:
grouping => grouping.OrderByDescending(x => x.Date)
My Answer:
I managed to sort this out.
Aducci gave me the direction, thnks!
the key was to use ParameterExpression and not an actual collection instance.
From here, the sulotion is just around the corner: complie the Expression>, and call the compiled result with the actual collection.
this was very helpful: MethodCallExpression -> compiled expression
and also : link
i'm adding my final code:
Expression<Func<Data,DateTime>> lmbd = x => x.Date;
ParameterExpression par = Expression.Parameter(typeof(IQueryable<Data>),"pname");
ParameterExpression[] parameters = new ParameterExpression[] {par};
MethodCallExpression method = Expression.Call(typeof(Queryable),"OrderBy",new Type[]{typeof(Data),typeof(DateTime)},par, lmbd);
var lambaExpression = Expression.Lambda<Func<IQueryable<Data>, IQueryable<Data>>>(method, par);
var compiled = lambaExpression.Compile();
Thank you all!
I asked a similar question which can be found here
ParameterExpression innerParameter = Expression.Parameter(typeof(GROUPING), "x");
Expression innerExpression = Expression.Lambda<Func<DATA, object>>(Expression.Property(innerParameter, "Date"),
ParameterExpression parameter = Expression.Parameter(typeof(DATA), "grouping");
Expression call = Expression.Call(typeof(Enumerable),
new type[] { typeof(DATA) },
