VS 2010 C++ IntelliSense - visual-studio-2010

Is it possible to add exceptions to IntelliSense to prevent complaints about statements it is unable to understand, for example BOOST_SCOPE_EXIT?

You can turn off IntelliSense by right clicking on the error tab and removing the check box beside intellisense.


How to prevent enter key from making new line during resharper intellisense completion

I have a lot of experience as an Intellij developer where the enter key will always insert the first auto-complete suggestion. In visual studio with resharper however, the enter key will create a new line instead of inserting the first intellisense suggestion. Can anyone suggest a way to allow the enter key to replicate the Intellij behavior? I know pressing the tab key behaves as expected by my muscle memory keeps pressing enter without me thinking about it.
Can anyone suggest a way to allow the enter key to replicate the
Intellij behavior? I know pressing the tab key behaves as expected by
my muscle memory keeps pressing enter without me thinking about it.
In your side, you have installed Resharper, so you have two ways to use Intellisense: Visual Studio Intellisense which is the default way for Visual Studio, Resharper Intellisense.
1) If you use Visual Studio Intellisense(make sure you choose Visual Studio by the top menu ReSharper-->Options-->Environment-->Intellisense-->General) and face this issue, please try this:
choose Never add new line on enter by Tools-->Options-->Text Editor-->C#(please choose the corresponding development language)-->Intellisense-->Enter Key Behavior.
2) If you use Resharper Intellisense(make sure you choose Resharper by the top menu ReSharper-->Options-->Environment-->Intellisense-->General), you will not face this issue.
Note: if you face this issue in Resharper Intellisense, l think it is the issue about some changes in Resharper Option.You can try to reset Resharper settings by Resharper-->Manage Options-->Reset all settings.
Hope it could help you.
Just a quick update for the previously posted answer as I noticed the location has changed slightly as of now. I found this option (using Visual Studio Intellisense) under:
Tools menu > Text Editor > C/C++ (or whatever language you are using) > Advanced > IntelliSense section > set Member List Commit Aggressive to True.

How can I find all unsed using statements with ReSharper?

I want to find all unused using statements in my Xamarin C# project using Visual Studio and ReSharper.
How can I do this?
You can see the unused using statements as warnings in ReSharper Errors/Warnings in Solution window.
You can open it by,
Navigating to ReSharper | Windows | Solution Errors or,
By double clicking on the Errors/Warnings link at the bottom right corner of Visual Studio
In the appearing window, click on ⚠️ icon to show warnings. If there are unused using statements there will be warnings listed. Expand the warnings to find using statement related warnings.
Double clicking on the warning will take you to the relevant file. The unused using statement can be found in gray colour.
Note: Enable Solution Wide Analysis and Reanalyze All to make sure you want miss anything.

VS Intellisense: removing some autocomplete words

I like that the intellisense in VS corrects me when I make mistakes, but sometimes I don't make any mistakes and it corrects me still. I'm coding for Unity and I cannot write "var" without it being changed to "SerializePrivateVariables" as soon as I press space.
Is there a way to remove some of the autocomplete triggers in the intellisense? I couldn't find how to do so.
You cannot disable specific words from autocompletion in C# in Visual Studio 2015 as far as I know.
In your case, however, you can enable keywords in completion lists. Then the intellisense should understand that var is a proper C# and not replace it.
You can do this by going to TOOLS > Options > Text Editor > C# > Intellisense and checking the "Place keywords in completion lists" option.
There is a bit more options in VS2017 and VS2013 (and older), but none of them have the exact feature you have in mind.

Why does Auto List Members keep getting turned off?

In Visual Studio 2010, sometimes within the same session (not having rebooted the app) intellisense gets turned off. The checkboxes in Tools > Options > Text Editory > C# > Statement Completion, "Auto List Members" and "Parameter Information" become unchecked.
I have Resharper installed as well. But Resharper does not control that setting, as far as I know.
This can happen a couple times a day to me, all without restarting Visual Studio.
There is, apparently, a documented bug for Resharper: http://blogs.jetbrains.com/dotnet/2011/02/resharper-513-is-released/
ReSharper 5.1.3 provides exactly one bug fix that prevents disabling Parameter
Information and auto-completion when you’re using native Visual Studio
IntelliSense (as opposed to ReSharper IntelliSense).
Please note that if you’re been using ReSharper IntelliSense as a workaround in
5.1.2, as soon as you switch back to Visual Studio IntelliSense, you’ll have to
initially set Auto-list members and Parameter information check boxes manually,
but that is only required once.
I've noticed this in ReSharper 7.1.1 as well, at least regarding javascript intellisense having the same problem. My workaround was to tell Reshaper to use 'Visual Studio' as its Intellisense option Resharper > Options > Intellisense > General. (you can still bring up Resharper's intellisense with Ctrl + Alt + Space)
Once I did that it kept my Visual Studio options checked for good.

What intellisense dropdown is this, and how do I turn it off?

I'm having some problems with Visual Studio and Intellisense - whenever I click Ctrl+Space to get the regular intellisense dropdown, I get the one shown in the picture instead.
Which setting should I change to prevent this behavior?
How do I get the regular intellisense? http://img121.imageshack.us/img121/8737/vsdropdown.png
This happens in all sorts of files, not just xml...
This problem has appeared since I installed some extensions - I believe this is related either to the Visual Studio Pro Power Tools extension or R#, but I'd rather solve it without uninstalling either of them.
Those look like live templates from ReSharper. You might be able to turn them off by going to ReSharper -> Live Templates -> Predefined Templates and unchecking the items you do not want.
From your screen shot, the a template is under the XML node, the ctx and nguid are under the <no language> node.
