VS Intellisense: removing some autocomplete words - visual-studio

I like that the intellisense in VS corrects me when I make mistakes, but sometimes I don't make any mistakes and it corrects me still. I'm coding for Unity and I cannot write "var" without it being changed to "SerializePrivateVariables" as soon as I press space.
Is there a way to remove some of the autocomplete triggers in the intellisense? I couldn't find how to do so.

You cannot disable specific words from autocompletion in C# in Visual Studio 2015 as far as I know.
In your case, however, you can enable keywords in completion lists. Then the intellisense should understand that var is a proper C# and not replace it.
You can do this by going to TOOLS > Options > Text Editor > C# > Intellisense and checking the "Place keywords in completion lists" option.
There is a bit more options in VS2017 and VS2013 (and older), but none of them have the exact feature you have in mind.


Resharper uses different code style than Visual Studio

I am using VS2017 RC to write C# and have lately added Resharper Ultimate. However, Resharper Ultimate seems to ignore the code style I have set in Visual Studio and instead use another (probably the default C#) code style. Since Resharper often auto applies its code style, this is very annoying. I verified that it is indeed resharper by doing this:
Select some code, hit Edit -> Advanced -> Format Selection:
This is the visual studio formatter and it formats my code as desired
Select some code, hit Alt+Enter -> Format Selection:
This is Resharper's format command, and it messes up my codestyle.
So my questions are:
How can I tell resharper to use VS's code style?
If this is not possible, then where can I change the code style that resharper uses, so I can at least adjust the code style manually.
Why does Resharper have its own code style in the first place? Wouldn't it make a lot more sense to always use VS's code style?
As for question #3:
Why does Resharper have its own code style in the first place? Wouldn't it make a lot more sense to always use VS's code style?
I haven't compared the features of Resharper with recent Visual Studio versions in depth, but compared with older versions such as VS2010, the Resharper formatting engine is light-years ahead. Much more settings and flexibility to accomplish the formatting you want (and many sane defaults though that could be a matter of opinion of course). It has been enhanced even more in the 2017/2018 releases.
Resharper can also save the formatting settings to several layers of shared configuration files (committed to VCS) to make sure everyone automatically follows the same rules. This also allows for different rules to apply for different projects.

Highlight all occurrences of a selected object with ReSharper

I was used to use RockScroll (or MetalScroll), but when I started to use ReSharper my RockScroll start to show some bugs. Well, this is scope to another discussion https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1089493/is-rockscroll-compatible-with-resharper.
But my problem is related, because now without MetalScroll I can't highlight all occurrences, what I consider very useful in many situations.
Someone have another plugin for VS2010 or for ReSharper that do the same or better?
I think you are looking for "Highlight usages in file" This can be access via Shift+Alt+F11 or Ctrl+Shift+F7 depending if you are using VS key bindings or InteliJ bindings. Use either Ctrl+Alt+Up/Down or Ctrl+Alt+PageUp/PageDown to go to next and previous highlights.
You can also use the Ctrl+Alt+G combo to bring up a menu of what to jump to. This can be used to move the cursor to the next occurrence.
You should try Productivity Power Tools for Visual Studio 2010. There are other versions, at least one for Visual Studio 2013 and another one for Visual Studio 2015.
It plays nicely with ReSharper and has this selected text matches highlighting both in the editor and the scrollbars among many other features.
Try the visual studio extension RockMargin which highlight the occurrences on double click (like most IDEs). Works fine with VS 2015 and ReSharper.

VS2010 RC - Is intellisense broken? How do I turn it on?

I installed the RC of VS2010 side-by-side with VS2008 SP1. VS2010 Intellisense appears to be broken, or at least not functioning as expected. I can only get intellisense if I hit CTRL + spacebar. Then after selecting the memebr from the intellisense list, hit the period again, and then CTRL + space again.
If intellisense broken or just turned off? How do I fix it?
Update #1 - I do have Resharper 4.5 installed on VS2008.
UPDATE #2 - I installed the hot fix. No go. Then, I looked at the options under Tools > Options > Text Editor. As it turns out, under Statement Completion, the option to Auto list members was unchecked. Once I checked that option, intellisense was functioning as expected.
Under Tools > Options > Text Editor > LANGUAGE > under Statement Completion group, select the option to "Auto list members".
They're patching issues with intellisense.
-- Edit --
As pointed out by the comments below, this is not the same issue. I was just pointing out that MS is fixing issues with intellisense. It might not be worth beating yourself up looking for a misconfiguration on your system.
Did you have ReSharper installed with Visual Studio 2008? ReSharper (in VS2008) turns off Intellisense explicitly in order to replace it with their own.
If this is the case, you can turn it back on with the options under Tools->Options->Text Editor->[language] (and sometimes also under the Intellisense node under each language).
For example, for C#, the first checkbox under Tools->Options->Text Editor->C#->Intellisense is "Show completion list after a character is typed". Make sure that is checked.

Highlight all references to X?

The Eclipse IDE has a neat little feature that I really miss in Visual Studio.
If I place the cursor on a variable or method name, the IDE will automatically highlight all references to it in the current document within the relevant scope.
I can't seem to find an option to turn on similar behaviour in VS2008 or Resharper 4. I know VS has a Find Usages function, but I'd like to do it automatically on the fly.
Does anyone know of a free addin which will add this functionality?
If you're using ReSharper, you can highlight the usages in the file with Shift-Alt-F11. Place your cursor on the variable you want to find usages of, and press the Shift-Alt-F11 combination.
There is an add-in for Visual Studio that will do something similar called RockScroll.
When you double click on something, it will highlight all occurrences of the item you double clicked. It also changes the vertical scrollbar to a "syntax highlighted thumbnail view" showing an overview of where the item occurs in the file.
I know you mentioned ReSharper, but CodeRush has a nice references window that you can dock and let it search for things on-the-fly or on demand. As a bonus, you can select each usage and it will show you the context surrounding the usage. It also works for methods.
I mentioned CodeRush since they have an express edition, which looks like it includes that feature, but I haven't tried that edition.
Visual Studio 2010 has sorta implemented this, but the feature is somewhat lacking. There is a non-configurable delay between placing the cursor and highlighting.
The RockScroll Addin is not available for Visual Studio 2010 and above.
As a replacement, the free "Highlight all occurrences of selected word" plugin will highlight all occurences of the selected string after a doubleclick. There is no delay as with the native vs2010 highlighter.
It is string-based, which means it works inside comments and string literals.
Microsoft published a tool that sort of does what you want.
Some of my favourite features:
Enhanced Scrollbar
Auto Brace Completion
Ctrl + Click Go To Definition
Open Containing Folder
and the list goes on.
For Visual Studio 2010 and for Visual Studio 2012

Keyword highlighting on selection in Visual Studio 2008

A little while ago I managed to get Visual Studio 2008 (C++) into a state where, if I would select a keyword (or any symbol for that matter), by either double clicking on it or highlighting it, all other instances of that symbol within the current file would become highlighted too.
This was a really useful feature.
Since then it's gone away, and I don't know how to get it back.
Please help.
#Sander - that'll be it. Thanks!
I think you've installed RockScroll. It also lights them up in the graphical scrollbar (its main feature)
I use MetalScroll, it's like RockScroll only better; it doesn't interfere with Resharper (a VS must-have) and you can set it up to only highlight if you hold down 'alt' when you double-click.
There is something called "WordLight" by Mikhail Nasyrov.
An add-in for Visual Studio 2008 that highlights all occurrences of a selected text.
It searches and highlights substrings that are currently selected in a text editor.
Can be found at below link
