How to kickstart developmentof iPhone app? - macos

I just got myself a MacBook air and like to ask what should I do to get started developing iPhone application?
Signup for apple developer program. Do I need to pay $99 for this? And exact steps I can folllow?
Install Xcode? And start development? What about database what kind of database iPhone app is using?
Does Mac os x allow multiple user access? Meaning can another user remotely access through ssh e.g.?

Yes, when you're sure you want try your programs in real phone.
Yes, mandatory. Read something about CoreData
Yes, you only have to activate the remote access


On the Mac App Store, is the NEVPNManager allowed to be used?

On the Mac App Store, is the NEVPNManager allowed to be used to build a VPN client personalised for a provider and also set the VPN settings for the user ?
I think I know the answer on iOs, and it is yes, I have seen it in many apps, but what about Mac ? anybody with specific experience ?
Yes, it's possible since El Capitan

Export XCode App for One Person

Alright so I've built my first desktop app in xcode. The app is intended for use by one person only. I want to export it in the quickest, easiest way possible so they can use it on their laptop.
I've got Mac OS 10.10.3 and XCode 6.4. The target laptop has Mac OS 10.10.5. I am reluctant to update my system and the one on the laptop but will do if I have no other choice.
Getting it to work on my own computer would be a great start. Currently if I do Product > Archive. And then Export "As Mac Application" (unsigned). It creates the app but when I try and open it, it say "App couldn't open because of a problem". Is there a way I can debug this? Or an obvious thing I may have missed?
Ideally I want the app to work on my computer and to be able to transfer it to the target laptop and have it work on there too. I'll pay for the developer licence if I have no other choice but for a single-target application I feel like it's a waste of money.
You don't say it explicitly in your question but do you not have an apple developer certificate? If not, then you will not likely be able to sign the app appropriately to export it for use. If I'm not mistaken, when I export my apps (even for local testing on other machines in my house) the app gets signed with my developer certificate, enabling OSX to see that the app has been signed by a registered developer.
I believe you will be able to run the app in Xcode (without a developer certificate), but in order to export it you need a signature (development certificate) which is provided as part of the Apple Developer subscription.
An easy thing you could try to do, assuming your app builds:
Run your app
Right click the app icon in the dock
Click Options -> Show in Finder
Boom there's your app bundle. Send that over to your recipient
It seems fairly obvious in hindsight but I ended up installing XCode on the target computer (using the Apple Developer site to get the same version as I was running on the dev computer. I was then able to just copy the project across and run it. This wasn't ideal but it did the job.

Sending a Windows Store app for testing.. how?

I'm developing a Windows 8.1 app and I need to send it to somebody for testing. That somebody only has a windows 8.1 tablet, without admin rights, and they can't sideload it apparently. Any idea how I could do that?
You could upload it to the Store and lock it using a password that only the tester knows. I don't really recommend this as you would have to give the testers permission to use it also.
Otherwise there's no magic that will put an app on a machine without sideloading. Buy this tester another machine.

Debugging on device with parallel installed app from store

Can I debug my Windows Phone 8.1 App on a device where my productive app from store is installed? I don't wanna loose any data from my installed app, but I need for further development my Windows live account. From my understanding there should be a different ProductID for the Debugging app or not so there should be 2 apps with the same Name on my phone ?!
Yes you can. I don't think a different ProductID is necessary. What you might do, but only for convenience, is give your app under development another name (I normally use [app name] DBG). That way you can distinguish your apps in the app list.

Do I need an Apple Developer account? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I am newbie in Xcode and Mac. I can make programs working well on simulators but cant make dmg files . Somewhere I heard I need an Apple Developer account ( 99$) for that but I dont want to publish my file on App store. I just need to install it on 1 or 2 other Macs.
With Xcode 7 you are no longer required to have a developer account in order to test your apps on your Mac and/or iOS device:
Check it out here.
Please notice that this is the officially supported by Apple, but you'll have to use Xcode 7 or later and your iCloud account.
Before going on - You CAN develop iOS apps and deploy to device from Xcode without developer account, but as far as I know it can be done only on jailbroken devices.
Check this link for more info.
sorry, I thought you meant developing for mobile. check this video about Creation of .dmg files for more information.
Have a look at the apple developers page to see the different account types. Specifically, the free account:
If you're not ready to join one of our developer programs, you can register as an Apple Developer for free. As a registered Apple Developer you gain access to development tools, resources and information to assist you in creating apps for iOS and OS X. Learn more
With the free account you could run your app on any mac OS as well as on an iPhone connected to the mac OS.
With the paid account you could install the app on any provisioning device and submit the app to the store.
If you are developing for the mac and you are not going to publish on mac app store, you do not need a developer account.
You do need an account for any of the following:
Install an app on an iOS device (even your own one for debugging)
Publish an app on any of the app stores (either iOS or Mac)
Edit: note that if you do not have an account, your Os X applications will be unsigned. They'll work, but each of your users will get a warning and will need to lower the security settings of his Mac in order to be able to run the application (or, at least, he'll have to approve each application specifically).
You need Developer account for developing and debugging application on device. Of course, there are several ways to do that without this account... Have a look:
You don't need an Apple developer account to make apps, but if you want to put them on the App Store, gain access to developer beta release software and forums, then yes you do.
You can develop Mac applications without a membership, but if you want to develop iOS applications, you need a membership to run your app on any device.
If you want to run your iOS app in the iOS Simulator, though, you don't need a membership. You can install Xcode and the iOS Simulator on any Mac running 10.7 Lion or later.
Maybe you want to use the Simulator binaries on other Macs without having to compile the app on the other Macs, then you should have a look at that tool:
