Windows Phone 7, get apps list + screenshots - windows-phone-7

is there any chance, that (after mango is released) the third-party WP7 application can retrieve list of already installed applications ?
Is there possibility to create an application which will take screenshot on background. For example screenshot of mobile main applications list every XY seconds/minutes. I´d like to parse installed applications from that screenshot if point 1 is not possible.
Thanks for your answers...

No, there is not
No, the only way to create WP7 screenshots is from the emulator or with special engineering devices that only MS has


Windows 8.1 app not listed in Windows 10 store?

I have a Windows store app (made for Windows 8.1). After upgrading to Windows 10, I was able to install my app without problems.
I was always able to find my app through the category and the top charts. But now, I cannot find it at all. Only when I search for a keyword related to the app, it shows up as expected.
Is that normal? What could be the reason?
I have contacted Microsoft regarding this matter and received a reply.
It appears that Microsoft has changed the chart listing algorithm in Windows 10, kicking all apps out (from Windows 8/8.1) that are not cross-platform pc-mobile. You can still find the applications by the search, but they are not visible in any charts anymore.

Can we programmaticllay take screen shots using Blackberry and Windows 7 SDK?

I know that we can take screen shot of an App during runtime. In iOS we can use UIGraphicsBeginImageContext to get the screen shot. We can also do the same in Android.
But is it possible with Blackberry and Windows 7 Mobile OS?
A simple search for "blackberry screenshot" on stackoverflow returned this pretty straightforward answer:
Taking screenshot of the current screen in BlackBerry
And a search for "windows-phone screenshot" yields this:
Windows Phone 7 - Capture Screen
If what you need is for capture a screenshot of your own Windows Phone app, then this post from Jeff Wilcox will come in handy!
It looks like there is a function for that in Display. Check out the SDK reference.
There are a couple of Homebrew tools you can use to take screenshots on WP7 here and here however you wont be able to use these programatically. You can also something along the lines of Mark Artega or Jeff Wilcox
There is no Silverlight VisualBrush support for WP7 and no global Screenshot functionality on WP7 Mango, but writablebitmap.
There is a very usefull way by using default Microsoft Emulator integrated WP7 Screenshot Tool
or use third party methods.
If you are familar with XNA Framework, there you can access to the screen. Using Multithreading, you can do your screenshots that way. If never used the last app because I feel fine using Microsofts Emulator Screenshot button to save my png images.
After you can stitch it together using different ways.

Live tile inside windows phone 7 application

Is it possible to create a live tile inside our windows phone 7 application? I am asking the similar functionality as in AppHub app "...i'm a WP7!".
Please provide me input, how i can achieve this functionality?
Check out the HubTile control from the Silverlight Toolkit for Windows Phone over at codeplex.
Just be careful that it looks good and makes sense in your app - it's a very dynamic control and you can't see the Title of the control all the time.

Loading Xbox Live Avatar Model in Windows Phone 7 using XNA

Does anybody know how to access the Xbox Live Avatar from within an XNA based Windows Phone 7 application?
Examples I have found seem to use a SignedInGamer.Avatar property, but this is not accessible from Windows Phone 7.
Is there another way or is this not possible in the first place?
as a side note, I'm using the recent Mango beta 7.1 SDK
It's not available in code unless you have the elevated privileges of access to XBox live.
You can, however get an image of your avatar from the web. try:
where xxxxx is the XBox account name. e.g.
My understanding is they are only available to partners. See this post for more information:
However, it looks like you can demo them, here's a quick tutorial on using them:

Widget on phone 7

We aren't allowed to run applications in phone 7 in background..
So I thought why not create widget..
So My question is : can we as developer create and test widget on phone 7 ? if so how ?
or is there any other alternative for running application in background ?
also what are the technical limitations from a developer point of view for widget when compared to application ?
There are no widgets.
Your only widget-like option would be a live tile app that used push notifications to update the live tile which held the information.
Runs server side though, not background on the phone.
Answer is no.
With the Mango update coming out later this year they may expose APIs which will allow us to run apps in the background.
Hopefully this feature comes soon!
