model calls in CodeIgniter - codeigniter

Can we make model calls only from controller?
I make model calls from view also, is it wrong to do so.
Please suggest me.

Well although it's possible, it's really encouraged to do this from the controller and pass the data to the view.
Why? Because heavier calculations such as database request will make the site load funny.
You might first load opening of page, then menu, then the contest takes half a second to pop up due to query being run inside rendering, and not before.
So basic practice:
Let the controller run the heavy stuff, and render the view file simply with given data and avoid rendering too much of it's on.

The Controller serves as an intermediary between the Model, the View,
and any other resources needed to process the HTTP request and
generate a web page.
In the MVC structure, the Model is the part that deals with data/database, view are designs/layouts, and controllers are the intermediary between the model and the view.
To answer your question, the Model and the View should never be directly connected in any sense. CodeIgniter may allow you to do so, but it is not what MVC is made for.
You may want to read a little more about MVC structure as a whole


What's the controller in MVC pattern and why does it exist?

While working with Unity, I realized that separating Model and View would make my code more readable and straightforward. Constructing the whole model, all I had to do is just create some UI and bind it to Model.
But I still don't understand what 'Controller' is, and why does it exist. I don't think I had trouble when I directly bound View to Model, not through Controller.
So the question is if we can bind View to Model directly, why do we need Controller? What's the benefit of having Controller between Model and View?
At the highest level the Controller is the link between the View (displaying the UI/UX) and the Model (creating and managing your database and its tables).
True, it is possible to write code without any Controller usage but your Views will quickly get very cluttered and each file will be full of logic that is much more nicely stored somewhere else hint hint.
The Controller (and Model and some other places such as helpers) is thus the perfect place to sort out all the back-end code so that all you need to do is send a single field or object to your View to display.
An example is somewhat painful because by its nature the Controller is where you go to sort out your code as things get more complicated but this is a great article to get you on the right track! HTH
I don't have years of experience, but in my understanding controllers provide a bridge across view and models. While view contain the pretty part and models contain useful parts the controller do the calls of functions passing values from database to view or inputs to model. That provide a way to avoid lots of injection like class A calling class B, calling class C, etc.
You can put rule business in controllers or in view, but thats not the expected in MVC architecture. The first important thing (for me) in software programming is readability, whats MVC provide.
if you've interest, search for other architectures like MVVM, to compare then.

jQuery ajax with Codeigniter

JQuery’s AJAX “.get” method calls a (php page)method of a controller and the returned data is further processed….but then as we consider it a best practice, controllers are meant to just transfer control to the models and views..A controller never returns anything or echoes any data…so how can we support this argument? I may be wrong..still in the initial learning stages so pardon me if you find the question a bit too naive :(.
One eg. is JQuery’s autocomplete plugin that I was trying to implement which expects an array of users name from the database. Generally, with CI..the flow is View form -> Controller -> Database Model(DATA) -> Controller (DATA)-> Another view…but if I have to implement the JQuery/AJAX way then the controller will have to output data so that the AJAX calling function (get) can grab it. Right?
So what should be the flow without affecting the MVC paradigm?
MVC is just a design pattern. It tends to make things easier. But its a way of designing your applications, that doesn't mean you have to stick to it.
I work with Codeigniter and use controllers to reply to ajax. In my case the controller is in charge of receiving the request, and sending data back (just as if I was calling a view or template).
Don't overthink it, use what you want,when you want to, the way best fits your needs.
The other option if you really want to stick to mvc is to have a view which you simply use for ajax responses.
You can either have it simply echo the response, or you can have it json_encode() you response if you are always going to be replying using json.
As Nicolás points out, MVC is a design pattern, not law.
However, you should think of AJAX not as a View but as a transport, a medium through which communication between Controller and View or Model and View happens. Thus your actual View is not represented in PHP anymore but by the Browser itself, or rather its JavaScript code that you are running on it. You can abstract away the AJAX on the PHP side using an RPC server like the Zend JSON-RPC Server.
Also note that for Web Applications, the Model-View-Presenter and similar patterns may be more useful as it keeps communication between View and Presenter.

In MVC, why should the model notify the views, and why should the view have the model?

In my world, the model notifies only the controllers subscribed to the model's event. Then the controller tells the view what to do, for example adding a new row to a list.
The same with the view: the view notifies the controller subscribed to the view's event. Then the controller modifies the model as needed, for example setting the name of a person, and call the Save() method on the model.
Okay, I know I'm wrong, I don't think every article about MVC is wrong because I'm thinking in another way. The point in MVC is to seperate the UI from the data model. How does this come true when the view and the model reach each other? Why should they do so?
Thanks for Your answer!
Model-View-Controller is seen different ways by many people, but I like to think of it as a combination of several other patterns rather than as a single pattern. This may come originally from this note
The connection of the view to the model is an Observer Pattern, with the model notifying the view when it has changed. There's no need for the controller to be involved in this.
I completely agree with you on this one.
For every project i work on, i try to enforce this:
View --> Controller --> Model
So that every action or event in the view call a specific controller method. This controller method will do his job (validate, call other service, etc) then if persistence is needed, it will the call the associated ModelService to persist the data.
in my world, a view component should never call a ModelService without going thru a controller.
But that's just me ;-) (and almost 100% of the good architect and designers i worked with)
I like to think of the model as a transparent thing, adhering to some sort of scheme. Very easy to "read" by a view. I never make my views programmatic, in the sense that you can call all sorts of methods on it. Usually my view is HTML, my model has methods but is also capable of presenting itself as a plain data structure, and there is an intermediate: in the form of a template engine.
But, there are lots of variants for MVC. I don't think there are 2 developers who would exactly, exactly, agree on what MVC actually is. MVC is -in my view - a pattern to help you. It is not a law that is trying to hold your creativity back by exactly defining up to the last bit what you have to do.

Why is MVC so popular?

I was originally going to make this a longer question, but I feel like the shorter I make it, the better you'll understand what I mean.
The MVC architectural pattern has 3 dependencies. The View depends on the model. The Controller depends on the View and Model. The Model is independent.
The Layers architectural pattern defines N - 1 dependencies, where N is the number of Layers.
Given three Layers: Model, View, and Controller, there are only 2 dependencies, as opposed to 3 with traditional MVC. The structure looks like this:
View ---> Controller ---> Model
[View depends on Controller, Controller depends on Model]
It seems to me that this style accomplishes the same goals and produces looser coupling. Why isn't this style more common? Does it truly accomplish the same goals?
Edit: Not ASP.NET MVC, just the pattern.
With regard to griegs's post:
As far as mocking, Layers still allows you to use the Command Processor pattern to simulate button clicks, as well as any other range of events.
UI changes are still very easy, perhaps even easier. In MVC, the Controller and View tend to mesh together. Layers creates a strict separation. Both Layers are black boxes, free to vary independently in implementation.
The Controller has 0 dependencies on the View. The View can be written, and time can still be saved with loose coupling.
Because you decouple the interface from the controller making changes easier.
Also consider the scenario where you need to get started on a project but the artwork won't be ready for weeks or months. Do you wait or do you write all the code required for the pages and simply then wire up the view to the controller.
At least that's what we did and we saved months.
Also it made UI changes easier to cope with because there wasn't any code in our aspx pages that did anything.
Our tests were also better as we could mock up anything including button clicks etc.
And if you're talking about the framework, there is no code in the aspx files and no viewstate etc.
In proper MVC the controller doesn't depend on the view afaik. Or maybe I'm not understanding it correctly.
The model defines the data.
The view defines what the output looks like.
And the controller is a translator from a model-understood grammar to view-understood grammar.
So essentially the controller is independent. The view is independent. And the model is independent.
Yes? No?
I'll be bold, and try to explain why your method didn't catch on.
The MVC pattern basically requires the view and model layers to agree on an API.
Since one serves the other and there are no dependencies inside the code it leaves the controller to behave generically, all it needs to do is take a certain structure in the view layer and call the matching API on the model layer.
You'll note that agreeing on an API between the view and model isn't really such a big deal it has to happen anyway. And what you get is good separation between back-end front-end development.
In your proposed solution a lot of development is required on the controller side. The controller will be required to understand all the elements in the view and to map them to the specific calls required on the model layer.
Since the controller is a single access point connecting many views to many models this can quickly get out of hand and end up being an incomprehensible controller module.
Look at some Struts2 examples to see what I mean...
I think I'm understanding your point:
Yes you can make the View only depend on the Controller only by making the Controller transform (using PHP as an example) the Model objects to non-Model objects like simple arrays.
As we already know, performing this transformation can be more effort than it's worth if the decoupling isn't actually needed. If the View uses the Model objects then it has this dependency. However, this can be relieved a bit by having the View depend solely on the Controller for its required input, which can be Model objects.
The Symfony PHP framework promotes this style of skinny controller shuffling between Model and View. You can still directly call upon the Model layer to retrieve objects within the View layer but it's strongly urged against for the coupling issues you bring up. Within the View you can call include_component() which actually goes back up to the Controller if you need to query the Model.
I haven't gotten back to this in a long time, mostly because I was still thinking. I was unsatisfied with the answers I received, they didn't really answer my question.
A professor, recently, did steer me in the right direction. Essentially, he told me this: Layers which separate Model, View, and Controller is MVC. In the vanilla MVC architectural pattern, the dependency between the View to the Model is often not used, and you effectively end up with Layers. The idea is the same, the naming is just poor.
Choosing a presentation pattern for a new or enterprise web development on the Microsoft platform is a daunting task, in my opinion there are only three; View Model, Model-View-Presenter (MVP) or ASP.NET MVC (a Model2 derivative).
You can read the full article here ASP.NET MVC Patterns
I'd like to add some more things. First of all for my point of view is we use the model as container for the information we want to pass and show on the view. Usually the action method into the controller ends with return view("viewName",model).The view itself probabily will change its layour against the model :
on the view :
if(model.something==true) {
somethign to show
At this poinf the definition of model is hard to find.
I can say (especially on enterprise conext) the are two "model"
one is the domain model/entity model or how you want to call it that wraps the data coming from the lower layers (database,etc) and the view-model who contain the information we wants to show plus any other information we need to hide/show portion of interface
The controller orchestrate the the views and is indipendent from the view but a bit dipendent from the model:
into the controller
pulic actionResult Index(){
return ("firstView);
return ("secondView");
I hope it makes sense
In my opinion ,you'd better try it in your programme , you can use ruby on rails ,or codeigniter( for php ),these great framework may be helpful to your understanding the MVC.

MVC: Structuring Feed Output

The framework I'm using on my project follows the MVC Pattern. I"M building JSON feeds and need to structure them in a different way then what the system gives me by default from the ORM. Where should I be handling the task of mangling and shaping my data that I'll serve up, in the model, view or controller?
Right now I'm doing it in my controller, then passing that data to the view. I can see this fitting better under the Model or the View but not sure which one.
If this different structure is only relevant to the view, you should keep it in the view.
If this structure is used in more than one view, make a Helper for it.
Internally your app should standardize on one data format, so models should always return a standardized format. If you were to do something with that data in your controller, you'd need to change the logic for interacting with the data just in that one controller function, which in this case doesn't make much sense. If you later decide to change the format in the model, you'd also need to change code in the controller that interacts with it. Don't create dependencies when there's no advantage to do so.
I'd write a model method to do it if I were you. Having it in the controller will make your controller fat, which is bad, and means you can't call that functionality from other controller actions or anywhere else. Although it could be considered presentation logic, I prefer to keep my views really simple with just conditionals and iterators at most. There may be an argument for having it in a helper, but I'd still stick with the model.
