Ruby testing for definition of a variable - ruby

I know there are other questions similar such as:
Ruby: how to check if variable exists within a hash definition
Checking if a variable is defined?
But the answers aren't fully satisfactory.
I have:
ruby-1.9.2-p290 :001 >
=> {}
ruby-1.9.2-p290 :002 > a['one']="hello"
=> "hello"
ruby-1.9.2-p290 :006 > defined?(a['one']['some']).nil?
=> false
ruby-1.9.2-p290 :007 > a['one']['some'].nil?
=> true
It seems like:
if a['one']['some'].nil?
would be sufficient. Is this correct? Would this be correct for any data type? Is defined? needed in this case?

You seem to be confusing two concepts. One is if a variable is defined, and another is if a Hash key is defined. Since a hash is, at some point, a variable, then it must be defined.
# => nil
a = { }
# => {}
# => "local-variable"
# => false
a['one'] = 'hello'
# => 'hello'
# => true
Something can be a key and nil at the same time, this is valid. There is no concept of defined or undefined for a Hash. It is all about if the key exists or not.
The only reason to test with .nil? is to distinguish between the two possible non-true values: nil and false. If you will never be using false in that context, then calling .nil? is unnecessarily verbose. In other words, if (x.nil?) is equivalent to if (x) provided x will never be literally false.
What you probably want to employ is the ||= pattern that will assign something if the existing value is nil or false:
# Assign an array to this Hash key if nothing is stored there
a['one']['hello'] ||= [ ]
Update: Edited according to remarks by Bruce.

I had to dig a number of pages deep into Google, but I eventually found this useful bit from the Ruby 1.9 spec:
"In all cases the test [defined?] is conducted without evaluating the operand."
So what's happening is that it looks at:
and says "that is sending the "operator []" message to the 'a' object - that is a method call!" and the result of defined? on that is "method".
Then when you check against nil?, the string "method" clearly isn't nil.

In addition to #tadmans answer, what you actually did in your example was to check, if the string "some" is included in the string "hello" which is stored in your hash at the position "one".
a = {}
a['one'] = 'hello'
a['one']['some'] # searches the string "some" in the hash at key "one"
A more simple example:
b = 'hello'
b['he'] # => 'he'
b['ha'] # => nil
That's why the defined? method did not return nil, as you expected, but "method".


Best way to test if a variable is nil or false implicitly

I was hoping someone could help me with identifying the most idiomatic way to test if a variable is nil or false implicitly for the sake of readability.
Here is my explicit example:
if somevar.nil? # explicitly checking for nil.
puts "Its nil."
Is it better to write:
if !somevar # implicit
puts "Var is nil or false."
I really like this way:
if not somevar # implicit
puts "Var is nil or false"
From what I am reading, testing for nil explicitly should be avoided to some extent as its generally not needed. Most examples suggest to take action only if a variable exists. However, I want to perform an action when a variable does not exist.
Main inspiration for ditching nil came from: ruby_idioms
def truthiness(value)
if value
puts "nil:", truthiness(nil) # falsy
puts "false:", truthiness(false) # falsy
puts "true:", truthiness(true) # truthy
puts "[]:", truthiness([]) # truthy
puts "{}:", truthiness({}) # truthy
puts "0:", truthiness(0) # truthy
I know you know Python, so I can say that:
In Python, None, False, and empty containers such as [], {}, and even 0 are all falsy.
In Ruby, nil and false are falsy, whereas most other things are truthy, even [], {}, and 0.
I think the most idiomatic way in ruby for testing whether something is false or nil is using unless:
unless somevar
puts "Var is nil or false."
From the ruby style guide
Favor unless over if for negative conditions (or control flow
# bad
do_something if !some_condition
# bad
do_something if not some_condition
# good
do_something unless some_condition
# another good option
some_condition || do_something
You can use defined? keyword :
defined? expression tests whether or not expression refers to anything recognizable (literal object, local variable that has been initialized, method name visible from the current scope, etc.). The return value is nil if the expression cannot be resolved. Otherwise, the return value provides information about the expression.
unless defined?(var)
#your code
Quick PRY to test, what the defined? returns when a variable is defined and when not :-
arup#linux-wzza:~/Ruby> pry
[1] pry(main)> defined?(x)
=> nil
[2] pry(main)> x = nil
=> nil
[3] pry(main)> defined? x
=> "local-variable"
[4] pry(main)>

Ruby: what's the difference between initializing a string using quotes vs colon?

Whats' the difference between initializing a string using quotes vs preceding it with the colon? I.e "bobo" vs :bobo. When you inspect them they appear the same but when you compare them the result evaluates to false.
irb(main):006:0> r = "bobo"
=> "bobo"
irb(main):007:0> puts r
=> nil
irb(main):008:0> t = :bobo
=> :bobo
irb(main):009:0> puts t
=> nil
irb(main):010:0> puts r == t
=> nil
irb(main):011:0> s = "bobo"
=> "bobo"
irb(main):012:0> puts r == s
=> nil
"bobo" is a string whereas :bobo is a symbol.
:bobo.class # => Symbol
"bobo".class # => String
If obj is not a String, returns false. Otherwise, returns true if str <=> obj returns zero.
So according to the documentation "bobo" == :bobo # => false and "bobo" == "bobo" # => true. - This is expected.
puts :bobo
# >> bobo
:bobo.to_s # => "bobo"
This is because puts applying to_s on the Symbol object :bobo. See Symbol#to_s
Notice the following:
=> 70353007334300
=> 70353007354360
=> 413928
=> 413928
Symbols are cached (same object_id) whereas strings are instantiated every time. Keep this in mind for performance knowledge but also keep in mind garbage collector ;)
The String-like thing beginning with a colon is a Symbol:
# => Symbol
# => String
When you inspect them, they look different:
# => ":bobo"
# => "\"bobo\""
When you print them with puts they look the same, because puts calls to_s on its arguments, and :bobo.to_s returns "bobo":
# => "bobo"
:bobo.to_s == "bobo"
# => true
If you'd like to understand better the differences and how Symbols are used, perusing the documentation linked to above is a good place to start, as is any Ruby tutorial. This article is also worth reading: The Difference Between Ruby Symbols and Strings.
The "string with a colon" as you say, is a symbol. While they are similar to strings, symbols are immutable. Mutable objects can be changed after assignment. Immutable objects(:symbols) can not be changed after assignment. They can only be overwritten. Ruby is unique and is such a dynamic language, things can and often do change at runtime. Symbols are more rigid and won't be unexpectedly changed at runtime.
the main difference between symbol and string is memory allocation and mutability. strings can be altered anytime.
'prasad' << 'surase' => "prasadsurase"
:prasad << 'surase'
NoMethodError: undefined method `<<' for :prasad:Symbol
also two strings with same value(eg 'prasad' and 'prasad') have two different memory locations and have different object ids.
'prasad'.object_id => 102809450
'prasad'.object_id => 102894570
'prasad'.object_id => 103057580
whereas two same symbols are the same and have the same memory location since there is only a single object.
:prasad.object_id => 2358408
:prasad.object_id => 2358408
:prasad.object_id => 2358408
also, when string is created, it needs to be allocated memory n when not referred, it needs to be garbage collected but symbols stay in memory throughout the programs operation and are not garbage collected when not referred. this affects the performance of the program. u can collect all the declared symbols as
Symbol.all_symbols.include?(:prasad) => true

Set optional parameter put the others with a default value at nil

I face a weirb problem with optionals parameters in ruby.
This is my code :
def foo options={:test => true}
puts options[:test]
foo # => puts true
foo :lol => 42 # => puts nil
I can not figure out why the second call puts nil.
Is seems that putting an other parameter set :test to nil.
It happens because if it is a default parameter, passing a hash parameter will completely overwrite it (ie. it sets options = {:lol => 42}), so the options[:test] key no longer exists.
To give particular hash keys default values, try:
def foo options={}
options = {:test => true}.merge options
puts options[:test]
In this case, we merge a hash with default values for certain keys ({:test => true}), with another hash (containing the key=>values in the argument). If a key occurs in both hash objects, the value in the hash passed to the merge function will take precedence.

In Ruby why won't `foo = true unless defined?(foo)` make the assignment?

What's going on here? What is the subtle difference between the two forms of "unless"?
> irb(main):001:0> foo = true unless defined?(foo)
=> nil
irb(main):002:0> unless defined?(fooo) ; fooo = false ; end
=> false
Apparently, ruby creates local variable at parse time setting them to nilso it is defined and this is done whether the code is executed or not.
When the code is evaluated at your first line, it doesn't execute the assignment part since foo is set to nil. In the second line, because fooo has not been parsed yet, defined?returns nil letting the code inside the block execute and assign fooo.
As an example you can try this:
if false
foo = 43
defined? foo
=> "local-variable"
This is taken from a forum post at ruby-forum.
Let's start with something simpler:
# z is not yet defined
irb(main):001:0> defined?(z)
=> nil
# Even though the assignment won't execute,
# the mere presence of the assignment statement
# causes z to come to life.
irb(main):002:0> z = 123 if false
=> nil
irb(main):003:0> defined?(z)
=> "local-variable"
irb(main):004:0> z
=> nil
Now we can figure out your first example.
foo = true unless defined?(foo)
Is foo defined? Before we press ENTER in irb, no. However, the presence of the assignment statement causes foo to come to life. That means the assignment statement won't be executed, leaving foo in existence but having nil as its value. And what is the last expression evaluated in the irb line? It is unless defined?(foo), which evaluates to nil.
For more info on how assignments (even those that do not get executed) cause variables to exist, see this discussion of Variable/Method Ambiguity.
In your second example, there is nothing mysterious at all: fooo is not defined, so the code in the block executes, setting fooo to false. That assignment is the last expression evaluated, so false is the return value of our block.
irb(main)> foo = true unless defined?(Integer)
=> nil
irb(main)> foo = true unless defined?(thisIsUndefined)
=> true
Your first block is returning nil because the way it's written leaves 2 options:
foo is not defined --> assign true
foo is defined --> do nothing
Here, foo must be defined when the line is evaluated. Thus, nothing happens and nil is returned.
irb(main)> unless defined?(Integer) ; fooo = false ; end
=> nil
irb(main)> unless defined?(thisIsUndefined) ; fooo = false ; end
=> false
Your second block operates the same way your first one does. If fooo is not defined, the block is entered and fooo is set to false. The result of the last line of the block is the return value of the block, thus the false you are seeing. If fooo does exist, then the block is skipped over and nothing happens, therefore there is nothing to return, therefore the nil.
Based on your code, I would say that foo was defined when this code was run and fooo was not (test code shown was generated in Ruby 1.8.6). If you did not define either of these before running this code, then you may have something called foo that is defined by default (do defined?(foo) by itself to check). Try using a different name and see if you get the same results.
irb(main)> defined?(bar)
=> nil
irb(main)> bar = true unless defined?(bar)
=> nil
irb(main)> defined?(bar)
=> "local-variable"
Apparently, defined?() is returning true since it has already seen bar (at the beginning of the line), even though you are still in the process of defining it.
in the first instance you call foo into existence in the assignment statement. Maybe this will clarify:
bar = if true
puts bar.class
puts "not reached"
=> nil
baz = if true
puts baz.class
puts "not reached"
=> 42
August, all look fine in 1.8.7:
$ irb
irb(main):001:0> unless defined?(fooo); fooo = true; end
=> true
irb(main):002:0> fooo
=> true
irb(main):003:0> `ruby --version`
=> "ruby 1.8.7 (2008-06-20 patchlevel 22) [i486-linux]\n"
Well.. One form is a block and one form isn't. The second part, the block, returns the last statement evaluated. The first one.. Hrm.. I don't know exactly what it's doing.
In Ruby 1.8.7:
foo = true unless defined?(foo)
p foo # => nil
unless defined?(fooo); fooo = true; end
p foo # => nil
I don't have an explanation for the behaviour you are seeing.

Checking if a variable is defined?

How can I check whether a variable is defined in Ruby? Is there an isset-type method available?
Use the defined? keyword (documentation). It will return a String with the kind of the item, or nil if it doesn’t exist.
>> a = 1
=> 1
>> defined? a
=> "local-variable"
>> defined? b
=> nil
>> defined? nil
=> "nil"
>> defined? String
=> "constant"
>> defined? 1
=> "expression"
As skalee commented: "It is worth noting that variable which is set to nil is initialized."
>> n = nil
>> defined? n
=> "local-variable"
This is useful if you want to do nothing if it does exist but create it if it doesn't exist.
def get_var
#var ||=
This only creates the new instance once. After that it just keeps returning the var.
The correct syntax for the above statement is:
if (defined?(var)).nil? # will now return true or false
print "var is not defined\n".color(:red)
print "var is defined\n".color(:green)
substituting (var) with your variable. This syntax will return a true/false value for evaluation in the if statement.
defined?(your_var) will work. Depending on what you're doing you can also do something like your_var.nil?
Try "unless" instead of "if"
a = "apple"
# Note that b is not declared
c = nil
unless defined? a
puts "a is not defined"
unless defined? b
puts "b is not defined"
unless defined? c
puts "c is not defined"
WARNING Re: A Common Ruby Pattern
the defined? method is the answer. See the accepted answer above.
But watch out... consider this common ruby pattern:
def method1
#x ||= method2
def method2
method2 always returns nil.
The first time you call method1, the #x variable is not set - therefore method2 will be run. and
method2 will set #x to nil.
But what happens the second time you call method1?
Remember #x has already been set to nil. But method2 will still be run again!! If method2 is a costly undertaking this might not be something that you want.
Let the defined? method come to the rescue:
def method1
return #x if defined? #x
#x = method2
As with most things, the devil is in the implementation details.
Use defined? YourVariable
Keep it simple silly .. ;)
Here is some code, nothing rocket science but it works well enough
require 'rubygems'
require 'rainbow'
if defined?(var).nil? # .nil? is optional but might make for clearer intent.
print "var is not defined\n".color(:red)
print "car is defined\n".color(:green)
Clearly, the colouring code is not necessary, just a nice visualation in this toy example.
You can try:
unless defined?(var)
#ruby code goes here
=> true
Because it returns a boolean.
As many other examples show you don't actually need a boolean from a method to make logical choices in ruby. It would be a poor form to coerce everything to a boolean unless you actually need a boolean.
But if you absolutely need a boolean. Use !! (bang bang) or "falsy falsy reveals the truth".
› irb
>> a = nil
=> nil
>> defined?(a)
=> "local-variable"
>> defined?(b)
=> nil
>> !!defined?(a)
=> true
>> !!defined?(b)
=> false
Why it doesn't usually pay to coerce:
>> (!!defined?(a) ? "var is defined".colorize(:green) : "var is not defined".colorize(:red)) == (defined?(a) ? "var is defined".colorize(:green) : "var is not defined".colorize(:red))
=> true
Here's an example where it matters because it relies on the implicit coercion of the boolean value to its string representation.
>> puts "var is defined? #{!!defined?(a)} vs #{defined?(a)}"
var is defined? true vs local-variable
=> nil
It should be mentioned that using defined to check if a specific field is set in a hash might behave unexpected:
var = {}
if defined? var['unknown']
puts 'this is unexpected'
# will output "this is unexpected"
The syntax is correct here, but defined? var['unknown'] will be evaluated to the string "method", so the if block will be executed
edit: The correct notation for checking if a key exists in a hash would be:
if var.key?('unknown')
Please note the distinction between "defined" and "assigned".
$ ruby -e 'def f; if 1>2; x=99; end;p x, defined? x; end;f'
x is defined even though it is never assigned!
defined? is great, but if you are in a Rails environment you can also use try, especially in cases where you want to check a dynamic variable name:
foo = 1
my_foo = "foo"
my_bar = "bar"
try(:foo) # => 1
try(:bar) # => nil
try(my_foo) # => 1
try(my_bar) # => nil
Also, you can check if it's defined while in a string via interpolation, if you code:
puts "Is array1 defined and what type is it? #{defined?(#array1)}"
The system will tell you the type if it is defined.
If it is not defined it will just return a warning saying the variable is not initialized.
Hope this helps! :)
Leaving an incredibly simple example in case it helps.
When variable doesn't exist:
if defined? a then "hi" end
# => nil
When variable does exist:
a = 2
if defined? a then "hi" end
# => "hi"
