Set optional parameter put the others with a default value at nil - ruby

I face a weirb problem with optionals parameters in ruby.
This is my code :
def foo options={:test => true}
puts options[:test]
foo # => puts true
foo :lol => 42 # => puts nil
I can not figure out why the second call puts nil.
Is seems that putting an other parameter set :test to nil.

It happens because if it is a default parameter, passing a hash parameter will completely overwrite it (ie. it sets options = {:lol => 42}), so the options[:test] key no longer exists.
To give particular hash keys default values, try:
def foo options={}
options = {:test => true}.merge options
puts options[:test]
In this case, we merge a hash with default values for certain keys ({:test => true}), with another hash (containing the key=>values in the argument). If a key occurs in both hash objects, the value in the hash passed to the merge function will take precedence.


How can I create a method that takes a hash (with or without an assigned value) as an argument?

So I am working through test first and am a little stuck. Here is my code so far:
class Dictionary
attr_accessor :entries, :keywords, :item
def initialize
#entries = {}
def add(item)
item.each do |words, definition|
#entries[words] = definition
def keywords
I am stuck at the rspec test right here:
it 'add keywords (without definition)' do
#d.entries.should == {'fish' => nil}
#d.keywords.should == ['fish']
How can I switch my add method around to take either a key/value pair, or just a key with the value set to nil? The first test specifies that the hash is empty when it is created so I cant give it default values there.
One might check the type of the parameter passed to the add method. Whether it’s not an Enumerable, which is apparently a mixin included in Arrays, Hashes etc., just assign it’s value to nil:
def add(item)
case item
when Enumerable
item.each do |words, definition|
#entries[words] = definition
#entries[item] = nil
Please note that case uses “case equality” to check argument type.
If you are always passing Strings to the method, you could just have a default value for the second string... Something like the following:
def add(word, definition = nil)
#entries[word] = definition
So your code might look something like this:
class Dictionary
attr_accessor :entries, :keywords, :item
def initialize
#entries = {}
def add(word, definition = nil)
#entries[word] = definition
def keywords
If you want multiple additions (i.e. add key: "word", with: "many", options: nil), that design might not work for you and you would need to create a solution that would work on the lines of what #mudasobwa suggested. Perhaps:
def add(word, definition = nil)
return #entries[word] = definition unless word.is_a?(Enumerable)
return #entries.update word if word.is_a?(Hash)
raise "What?!"
Update, as par request
I updated the method above to allow for words that aren't strings (as you pointed out).
When passing a hash to a method, it is considered as a single parameter.
Key => Value pairs are an implied hash, so when passing a hash to a method, the following are generally the same: key: :value{key: :value})
Consider the following:
def test(a,b = nil)
puts "a = #{a}"
puts "b = #{b}"
test "string"
# => a = string
# => b =
test "string", key: :value, key2: :value2
# => a = string
# => b = {:key=>:value, :key2=>:value2}
test key: :value, key2: :value2, "string"
# Wrong Ruby Syntax due to implied Hash, would raise exception:
# => SyntaxError: (irb):8: syntax error, unexpected '\n', expecting =>
test({key: :value, key2: :value2}, "string")
# correct syntax.
This is why, when you pass add 'fish' => 'aquatic', it's considered only one parameter, a hash - as opposed to add 'fish', 'aquatic' which passes two parameters to the method.
If your method must accept different types of parameters (strings, hashes, numerals, symbols, arrays), you will need to deal with each option in a different way.
This is why #mudasobwa suggested checking the first parameter's type. His solution is pretty decent.
My version is a bit shorter to code, but it runs on the same idea.
def add(word, definition = nil)
return #entries[word] = definition unless word.is_a?(Enumerable)
return #entries.update word if word.is_a?(Hash)
raise "What?!"

using an alias name for hash key value

I have some json data that I receive and that I JSON.parse to a hash. The hash key names are integer strings like data["0"], data["1"], data["2"], etc... where each value correspond to a state. Like 0 => START, 1 => STOP, 2 => RESTART.
I can't change the source json data to make the key more readable. Each hash will have 5 pairs that correspond to 5 different states.
I was wondering if there was a nice way for me to alias the numbers as meaningful names so when referencing the hash key value I don't have to use the number.
At the moment I'm using constants like below, but was thinking there might be a nicer, more Ruby way. Use another hash or struct so I can use data[STATES.start] or something?
data = JSON.parse value
puts data[STATE_START]
I think constants are fine. But if you want to rubify this code a bit, you can, for example, wrap the source hash in an object that will translate method names.
class MyHash
def initialize(hash)
#hash = hash
start: '0',
stop: '1',
restart: '2',
# dynamically define methods like
# def start
# #hash['0']
# end
# or you can use method_missing
MAPPING.each do |method_name, hash_key|
define_method method_name do
mh ={'0' => 'foo', '1' => 'bar'})
mh.start # => "foo"
mh.stop # => "bar"

Ruby testing for definition of a variable

I know there are other questions similar such as:
Ruby: how to check if variable exists within a hash definition
Checking if a variable is defined?
But the answers aren't fully satisfactory.
I have:
ruby-1.9.2-p290 :001 >
=> {}
ruby-1.9.2-p290 :002 > a['one']="hello"
=> "hello"
ruby-1.9.2-p290 :006 > defined?(a['one']['some']).nil?
=> false
ruby-1.9.2-p290 :007 > a['one']['some'].nil?
=> true
It seems like:
if a['one']['some'].nil?
would be sufficient. Is this correct? Would this be correct for any data type? Is defined? needed in this case?
You seem to be confusing two concepts. One is if a variable is defined, and another is if a Hash key is defined. Since a hash is, at some point, a variable, then it must be defined.
# => nil
a = { }
# => {}
# => "local-variable"
# => false
a['one'] = 'hello'
# => 'hello'
# => true
Something can be a key and nil at the same time, this is valid. There is no concept of defined or undefined for a Hash. It is all about if the key exists or not.
The only reason to test with .nil? is to distinguish between the two possible non-true values: nil and false. If you will never be using false in that context, then calling .nil? is unnecessarily verbose. In other words, if (x.nil?) is equivalent to if (x) provided x will never be literally false.
What you probably want to employ is the ||= pattern that will assign something if the existing value is nil or false:
# Assign an array to this Hash key if nothing is stored there
a['one']['hello'] ||= [ ]
Update: Edited according to remarks by Bruce.
I had to dig a number of pages deep into Google, but I eventually found this useful bit from the Ruby 1.9 spec:
"In all cases the test [defined?] is conducted without evaluating the operand."
So what's happening is that it looks at:
and says "that is sending the "operator []" message to the 'a' object - that is a method call!" and the result of defined? on that is "method".
Then when you check against nil?, the string "method" clearly isn't nil.
In addition to #tadmans answer, what you actually did in your example was to check, if the string "some" is included in the string "hello" which is stored in your hash at the position "one".
a = {}
a['one'] = 'hello'
a['one']['some'] # searches the string "some" in the hash at key "one"
A more simple example:
b = 'hello'
b['he'] # => 'he'
b['ha'] # => nil
That's why the defined? method did not return nil, as you expected, but "method".

Ruby multiple named arguments

I'm very new to ruby and I'm trying to write a web application using the rails framework. Through reading I've seen methods being called like this:
some_method "first argument", :other_arg => "value1", :other_arg2 => "value2"
Where you can pass an unlimited number of arguments.
How do you create a method in ruby that can be used in this way?
Thanks for the help.
That works because Ruby assumes the values are a Hash if you call the method that way.
Here is how you would define one:
def my_method( value, hash = {})
# value is requred
# hash can really contain any number of key/value pairs
And you could call it like this:
my_method('nice', {:first => true, :second => false})
my_method('nice', :first => true, :second => false )
This is actually just a method that has a hash as an argument, below is a code example.
def funcUsingHash(input)
input.each { |k,v|
puts "%s=%s" % [k, v]
funcUsingHash :a => 1, :b => 2, :c => 3
Find out more about hashes here
Maybe that *args can help you?
def meh(a, *args)
puts a
args.each {|x| y x}
Result of this method is
irb(main):005:0> meh(1,2,3,4)
--- 2
--- 3
--- 4
=> [2, 3, 4]
But i prefer this method in my scripts.
You can make the last argument be an optional hash to achieve that:
def some_method(x, options = {})
# access options[:other_arg], etc.
However, in Ruby 2.0.0, it is generally better to use a new feature called keyword arguments:
def some_method(x, other_arg: "value1", other_arg2: "value2")
# access other_arg, etc.
The advantages of using the new syntax instead of using a hash are:
It is less typing to access the optional arguments (e.g. other_arg instead of options[:other_arg]).
It is easy to specify a default value for the optional arguments.
Ruby will automatically detect if an invalid argument name was used by the caller and throw an exception.
One disadvantage of the new syntax is that you cannot (as far as I know) easily send all of the keyword arguments to some other method, because you don't have a hash object that represents them.
Thankfully, the syntax for calling these two types of methods is the same, so you can change from one to the other without breaking good code.

Is there an idiomatic way to specify default values for optional parameters in Ruby?

Is there a more concise and idiomatic way to write the following code, which is used to specify default values for optional parameters (in the params/options hash) to a method?
def initialize(params={})
if params.has_key? :verbose
#verbose = params[:verbose]
#verbose = true # this is the default value
I would love to simplify it to something like this:
def initialize(params={})
#verbose = params[:verbose] or true
which almost works, except that you really need to use has_key? :verbose as the condition, instead of just evaluating params[:verbose], in order to cover cases when you want to specify a value of 'false' (i.e. if you want to pass :verbose => false as the argument in this example).
I realize that in this simple example I could easily do:
def initialize(verbose=false)
#verbose = verbose
but, in my real code I actually have a bunch of optional parameters (in addition to a few required ones) and I'd like to put the optional ones in the params hash so that I can easily only specify (by name) the few that I want, rather than having to list them all in order (and potentially having to list ones I don't actually want).
A common pattern is to use
def foo(options = {})
options = { :default => :value }.merge(options)
You’ll end up with options being a hash containing the passed in values, with the options from your defaults hash as any that weren’t provided.
Ruby 2.0.0 has a new feature keyword arguments
Previously you had to write such code:
def foo(options = {})
options = {bar: 'bar'}.merge(options)
puts "#{options[:bar]} #{options[:buz]}"
foo(buz: 'buz') # => 'bar buz'
Now this is much cleaner:
def foo(bar: 'bar', **options)
puts "#{bar}, #{options}"
foo(buz: 'buz') # => 'bar buz'
I think you're looking for this
params = { :verbose => true }.merge(params)
Another way to write this, more succinctly, would be
def foo(options = {})
options.reverse_merge! value1: true, value2: 100
This set options[:value1] to true (default value) unless options passed in already
contains the key :value1. Same for :value2
