I've just realized, that some of my TextMate bundles would probably profit from updating.
The problem is, that some of them are pre-packaged with TextMate under /Applications/TextMate.app/Contents/SharedSupport/Bundles and others are manually installed by me under ~/Library/Application Support/TextMate/Bundles.
Now the question is, if I for example wanted to update the Ruby on Rails bundle, which is under /Applications/TextMate.app/Contents/SharedSupport/Bundles/Ruby on Rails.tmbundle, should I just delete it, and manually download from github into the ~/Library folder?
Won't I break something if I delete preinstalled bundles and replace them with newest version from GitHub?
And second question, is there any simple way to tell TextMate to just load all of the newest versions of installed bundles?
I recommend using GetBundles, you can get it from the bundle SVN as described here - it's kind of a "package manager" for TM bundles, and will handle updating the builtin ones correctly too. (I also recommend the other two plugins from that blog post, but that's unrelated.)
My company has strict rules about which versions we can use of open source software like CKEditor. Right now we are on 4.4.7.
I want to start using the online CKBuilder to bundle everything in a single ckeditor.js file. But it seems like the online builder at http://ckeditor.com/builder only deals with the latest version.
Is there a way to run the online CKBuilder against a prior release of CKEditor?
I don't think that you can change the way the online CKBuilder works, but you can run it locally with whatever version you want: http://docs.ckeditor.com/#!/guide/dev_build
I wanted to know why AsseticBundle has been removed from all the versions of Symfony.
I looked everywhere and I don't found any site talking about this news that began for some weeks.
Initially, I thought they deleted this Bundle because there is a security flaw that will take a few days to be repaired.
This Bundle is indisponsable for including javascript and css file type from an external folder and I wanted to be sure if this Bundle wille be replaced by an another in Symfony or I should add this Bundle manually.
The AsseticBundle is not compatible/maintained with the new version of the framework (2.8/3.x).
See the tweet of Fabpot that asking: Honest question: is #Assetic still relevant for #Symfony 3.0?
And the PR remove AsseticBundle (you can find good discussion about for and against the removal of Assetic).
Check also this great article on Symfony and Asset Management that clarify and riassume all the discussion around.
Hope this help
Although Symfony does not support assetic from versions 2.8 upwards, you can still install it by running:
composer require symfony/assetic-bundle
and then enable the bundle in your AppKernel.php like so:
new Symfony\Bundle\AsseticBundle\AsseticBundle()
I have just (finally) started using sublime text 2, and I am liking it so far (apart from lack of intellisense / autocompletion :(, though tried codeintel but its not what I expected), I am moving from netbeans (can't afford to use it because of memory eating nature :(). Anyway My current issue is I don't know how I can use latest update of sublime text 2 (portable on windows), it kept prompting me about update and once I listened to it and it downloaded new version but there was no step involved in actually updating the existing version to new one instead I have another portable version with newer files, and my issue is i have install several plugins in the old version and I don't know how I can use those in this new version :(.
Note: It just started saying me this version has expired so thats why I am seeking help so I can use new version but with my already installed plugins (emmet, js minifier etc etc :().
I have googled alot but found no windows based guide which helps me solve my issue :(.
Thanks in advance.
Assume that your old version is installed in Sublime.old, and the new version in Sublime.new. Make sure Sublime Text 2 is closed, then move the Sublime.new\Data folder to someplace else (like your Desktop, for now), just in case anything breaks. Then, copy (don't move) the Sublime.old\Data folder to Sublime.new. Fire up the program and check to see that everything is there, and works properly. Please note that this method will not work when upgrading from ST2 to ST3, as there are major differences in the way plugins are run.
I already searched on the net a way to update the SQLITE3 version of Xcode, but I didn't found any working way. It is a way to do it?
If you want to use your own version of sqlite3, perhaps because you want to use newer features only provided by a later version, then probably the best thing to do would be to create an Xcode static library project to build sqlite3 and then include that library with your app (statically linked). This will avoid using the system version.
This should be fairly trivial, given the number of source files that make-up sqlite3.
You could probably make a dynamic library version, but that's slightly more complicated, though certainly possible.
My install of Xcode 3.2.3 created a project with different template files than those of my classmates. We all created a navigation-based app that used core data.
I suspect that my templates are somehow left over from previous installs, whereas my classmates all have current templates.
Anyone else experienced this? Any suggestions for making sure I have the current templates?
If there are copies or customized versions in
~/Library/Application Support/Developer/Shared/Xcode/
they will be preferred over global (updated) versions, see e.g. this question.