sublime text 2 portable update not sure how? - windows

I have just (finally) started using sublime text 2, and I am liking it so far (apart from lack of intellisense / autocompletion :(, though tried codeintel but its not what I expected), I am moving from netbeans (can't afford to use it because of memory eating nature :(). Anyway My current issue is I don't know how I can use latest update of sublime text 2 (portable on windows), it kept prompting me about update and once I listened to it and it downloaded new version but there was no step involved in actually updating the existing version to new one instead I have another portable version with newer files, and my issue is i have install several plugins in the old version and I don't know how I can use those in this new version :(.
Note: It just started saying me this version has expired so thats why I am seeking help so I can use new version but with my already installed plugins (emmet, js minifier etc etc :().
I have googled alot but found no windows based guide which helps me solve my issue :(.
Thanks in advance.

Assume that your old version is installed in Sublime.old, and the new version in Make sure Sublime Text 2 is closed, then move the\Data folder to someplace else (like your Desktop, for now), just in case anything breaks. Then, copy (don't move) the Sublime.old\Data folder to Fire up the program and check to see that everything is there, and works properly. Please note that this method will not work when upgrading from ST2 to ST3, as there are major differences in the way plugins are run.


corrupting golang file when saving in visual studio code

When I save a golang file in visual studio code, it ends up being corrupted -- characters are removed, not in any pattern I have discerned. This has occurred at various times in the past, but has just now recurred. For details, see my bug report, "corrupting file when saving in visual studio code #49465"1.
In the meantime, what I can do until it's fixed? Perhaps I could return to an older version of gopls, but I don't know how to do that.
Any suggestions welcome. I'm stuck until I can successfully save and run my go programs.
Please try running the following command
GO111MODULE=on go get
GO111MODULE=on go get
In order to make progress on my project, I've downloaded the prior version of go. At least on Windows, the downgrade installs like any upgrade, including offering to remove the existing version.
And I backed up gopls to its previous version using the facilities of VS Code:
ctrl+shift+X to access extensions
right-click on Go
select Install Another Version
when the list of versions finally appears, select the one you want (I went back a month)
So, the underlying problem still exists, but I'm back in business. I hope these instructions can help someone else battling with the disappearing character bug.

Neovim for windows not available on GitHub

I'm very new to vim. I just started today.
Neovim used to have 8 assets with 2 for windows called nvim-win32 and nvim-win64. They are not there anymore. Does anyone know what happened or when they will be back for download? Or will I need to work with the source file?
Thanks for the help.
The windows binaries are not included for every release. They are included in most of them, though, including the release tagged with "latest release".

Enabling auto-updates in RubyMine

Is there a way to enable autoupdating in RubyMine? According to this page, you can
Use this page [i.e. "File | Settings | Appearance and Behavior | System Settings | Updates"] to:
Enable automatic update of RubyMine and specify to which kind of release you want it updated.
However, when I actually look at that menu, all I see is this:
Further searching yields no results. Since the page is labelled as "RubyMine 7.1.0 Help", I'd assume that it's up-to-date for 7.1.2, so how can I enable autoupdates? Did they simply forget to update this little chunk of the help documentation?
All of my Google searches turned up absolutely nothing - all the results are about autocompletion or updates in general (i.e. the page I linked at the top) or updating manually or something entirely unrelated in a different IDE or... this question. Huh. Hi, Google!
Note: Yes, it is possible to manually update it from this menu, by clicking Check Now. I'm explicitly not looking for that. I want RubyMine to search for updates and install them on its own, preferably when it starts.
TL;DR version: RubyMine can and will check for updates very regularly, if you select the type of update you'd like.
As far as I know, it will not install it, without asking, but it will automatically check for an update upon starting the app.
Longer version:
First of all 7.1.2 is the most current version of RubyMine, so I wouldn't expect RubyMine to update.
As far as I understand the RubyMine versioning "New Major Releases" means a change in the first number of a version. With that setting you'd get an update information for version 8. If you prefer to get updates more frequently, try one of the other option the Update-Settings provide (see screenshot)
On my machine 7.1.2 installed upon starting RubyMine (but after asking whether I wanted the update to happen). So, it didn't autoinstall without asking for permission.
Currently, Rubymine is in version 2016.1.1b and full transparent auto-update isn't still implemented as far I could see in my Linux (Ubuntu-based distro).
Here, the auto-update is more a auto-detect updates feature, who will ask me to accept the update and let it installs and restart automatically.
Which isn't currently a straightforward method also, because I installed it on /opt and to have right permission to update and it notifies me, I have to call manually as root and then accept the update - sudo mine won't work.

Program updating does not works properly

I have a program which has several versions. In the last version I have a problem: when I'm trying to update previous version to new one, the installer of new version removes files from previous version, but don't installs new files.
Just installing works fine, but updating process has this problem.
What can be the reason of this problem ?
Upade: I'll try to describe more detail
I have VS project where I have a project of program and an installer of this project. Till present all were working fine, but after my last big update ,the installer start work incorrectly.
And another question:
How I can debug installation process ?
I dont know which program you have. Generally programs have problems because of multible versions, because programmers arrange this. For example ;
Lets consider Microsoft Framework. If you have 4.5 you cannot install 4.0, so that with similar idea you cannot update it.
Try to delete other versions and update them and install others. Or you can also stop services which you dont want to update.Then other one will be updated without any problem.

changed component guid in MSI and it's causing issues

I am working on the installer for a product (currently version 3). Between versions 1 and 2 (already released), the guid of a component was changed, but the keypath adn everything stayed the same (and needs to stay the same still). In version 3, I need to make a change to move RemoveExisitingProducts later in the install sequence. However, this is exposing a new bug causing the component that had its guid changed to not be installed if upgrading from version 1 to version 3. I'm trying to figure out a way around this bug. Repairing fixes the installation but I'd rather not have to repair. I think it'll probably take some kind of hack to fix it, but I haven't been successful. I tried going to HKLM/Microsoft/windows/currentversion/installer/user data/S-15-18/components/OLDPACKEDGUID and deleting it before running the new installer, but that seems to cause terrible issues and be much worse.
anyone know a solution to this issue, even if it's a big hack?
You can try to schedule RemoveExistingProducts earlier in the sequence so that during upgrade the previous product is completely uninstalled before installing the new product.
Also look at this WiX upgrade question. And another one may also be helpful.
