C# MVC3 Facebook Integration, how to? - asp.net-mvc-3

I have to provide my app with a good library for Facebook integration. For now, a FB login is all I need, but in the future I'll need more features.
With a quick search in Google I realized that the most popular library is http://facebooksdk.codeplex.com/, however, I'm totally lost in how to make a login and get required information to my app. I followed the guidelines of this link but it doesn't make it really clear. In the Codeplex websites, the information seems to be out of date or missing some previous steps...
I also followed this Stack Overflow link that has a solution very similar to what I need and in a fast test, works. But I don't know if its the most elegant solution and the best for the future, when my app will have a lot of interaction, and not only login.
So, I'd like to know if someone can help me with:
A quick step-by-step guide on how to login with my Facebook account
A link with documentation to extend my app features, for example, how to post on Facebook programmatically.
My final question: using this SDK from Codeplex is really the best for my app?

You can download the latest source code and checkout the "Samples" folder which demonstrates the usage of login and other various requests to facebook.
All your scenarios are in the samples. http://facebooksdk.codeplex.com/SourceControl/list/changesets


How to automatically download all new images appearing on a newsfeed on Facebook

I am attempting to write a script or make a FB App to automatically download images from profiles on Facebook at a designated time during the day, and have it repeat each day. After this is accomplished I aim to implement the reverse of this to upload images within an album to a profile, but that will be for another day. These are going to be profiles that I am friends with, or public profiles.
Having some issues determining where to start as it seems this isn't done on a regular. Can anyone provide a direction for me to head in? I have looked into the Facebook Developers website, as well as on stack overflow and haven't seem to find any solution that is close. I have stumbled upon examples on how to autodownload from Reddit, but Facebook is another beast entirely it seems.
Is this something that can be accomplished via Java or Python, or should I actually go through the Facebook API? At a bit of a loss as to how to proceed.
ANY help would be appreciated as I am not a web developer. I mostly dabble with MATLAB and Java so this is a bit outside of my expertise.
Once again to summarize, I am seeking to auto download images from Facebook profiles either as they are posted or at selected times. Also this idea could be changed to download from Instagram if that is somehow easier.

Getting verification to use Google APIs via identity.lanchWebAuthFlow() for a Firefox addon

I'm currently having a lot of trouble with the google API support team and was wondering if anyone had figured out their process. I'm developing an extension that uses identity.launchWebAuthFlow() to authenticate with google for google drive access. Since July 2017, google has started requiring "Verification" for oauth. As I don't own my extension's domain {random}.extensions.allizom.org, I have no idea how to pass their verification requirements.
You can read about that process here: https://developers.google.com/apps-script/guides/client-verification
They've rejected me once saying my client id is deleted or invalid or does not need verification - I verified that the client exists, is still servicing requests, and still produces the unverified warning screen detailed in the link above.
When I reached out specifically to webstore support, the response said:
Dear Brandon,
Thank you for contacting Chrome Web Store Developer Support! I understand that you're having an issue regarding developing a web extension for both Chrome and Firefox using Google Drive API. As much as I'd love to assist you, unfortunately, our team cannot offer much support on this matter. My best advice is to ask the community on Stackoverflow, or create a bug report directly to the Chrome Browser/Extension experts using the Chromium Public Issue Tracker. The engineers are actively working on the reported problems on this list, so I'm sure that you'll be able to get the information that you're looking for.
I appreciate your understanding and cooperation. Please let me know if there's anything else I can do for you, I'm happy to assist. :)
Warm Regards,
Chrome Web Store Developer Support
Again the major problem here is that I cannot prove ownership of the identity.getRedirectUri() for my extension as the requirements state. I know other addons use google APIs, but I don't know if this verification process is a way to ban firefox developers from the google api ecosystem.
As a bit of question justification, I can find no documentation anywhere from July 18 2017 or later where developers have run into this, and I think this question will provide significant value to any Firefox addon developers who seek to use any of Google's APIs.

Creating a wrapper for Google Play/Apple app

I have created an app using AppSheet and I am looking for information on how to create a wrapper that will turn my AppSheet into an app that can be purchased/downloaded in the Google Play or Apple stores.
I have checked with AppSheet, they don't have anything in place at the moment to do this through them but they also said that there is nothing in their user agreement that prevents someone from doing what I am looking for.
I'm just new to app development, I've done websites, just not apps and am looking for a little help.
AppSheet now supports white-label apps. Please see What is a White Label Native App?
Also, most support for AppSheet questions happens via http://community.appsheet.com so that's the best place to get questions answered.

How I apply review to get publish_actions permission for a Windows application written in Win API/C++?

I created and used application softwares(exe file written in C++ with Win SDK) of Windows OS(Win7) which has a function to upload(post) user photos to Facebook. They were working fine but now it is not possible to post photos to Facebook and I got to know I need get my application reviewd for public_actions permission. I tried to do it but could not find way to submit since there's no category for Windows application. How can I do it? I think the reviewers need to 'run' the app and it looks OK for andriod, iOS, Win8 apps, and Web site since reviewers can access to them by codes or URL for the apps but I have no idea how to make it for my Windows application. It is big size application with lots of images over 1Gbytes. Will it be OK to use an FTP account for the reviewers to download and review it?
In your review notes you can explicitly mention that this is a Windows application. You will need to provide as much screenshots as possible or preferably, a screencast where you show how you use the Facebook integration.
To get all the required fields, you can fill in the website for your application (if you have one) or an other website. Just make sure to mention that in your reviewer notes.
That should work with getting your app reviews.
ps: this question actually is not appropriate for Stackoverflow. I suggested using the Facebook Developer Community group for these kind of questions (non-technical).

Developers' Social Networking

I am new here, and interested in collaboration and social networking sites. I wonder if any of the available social networks falls down under the "Developers' Social Networks" umbrella, if there are any.
And what makes us believe that they are developer's SNs ? How do developers use them?
I would consider github the ultimate social network for developers (... though you can fork me even if you don't know me).
Stackoverflow could be considered a developers social network as well. We unwittingly group ourselves under the tags we answer questions under and ask questions under, and a very visible heirarchy emerges thanks to the the karma system.
Yep... Stackoverflow is a socialnetwork, and Jon Skeet is /root .
What about
Open Social is Google’s new collection
of application programme interfaces
(APIs). APIs are used to develop
nearly all social network sites. At
OpenSocial you can browse the
application gallery and get started
creating or modifying your own APIs.
It provides a forum for professionals
involved in all aspects of programming
and Web development to share ideas,
tips, and resources.
As a programmer, you can contribute to
the site by submitting idea or code
for an application or widget.
and read an article by Scott Hanselman
Social Networking for Developers
I think the social networking features of stack overflow are fantastic.
However, while stackoverflow is great for getting answers to highly specific questions, there is still a lot of really useful information on the web in the form of blogs. Often these blog posts are more general in nature and will answer questions you will have needed to ask in the future but will never have to. (a kind of prevention vs cure)
The comments people add to blog posts often add much value. I've noticed some tech/developer blogs with 'post comment using facebook profile' features. This feature is good in that you would be using the same username for every blog that you post a comment to. It also means all of your blog comments all over the web can be aggregrated to a single place (facebook). However, I would be very hestitant in using my facebook profile to post a comment on a public blog because I wouldn't want my tech comments being posted in my friends news feed as they would be completely irrelevant to 95% of my friends (and people might think I'm a total bore!)
Ideally there would be a version of facebook that is purely for developers. It would have a a feature similar to 'facebook connect' and every tech blog would implement this 'facebook connect' feature.
I'm sorry i've gone against the grain of stackoverlow and not actually answered the question that was posted. But the overall problem is highlighted in that I'm not sure where the best place is for this kind of discussion.
My opinions are a bit different. They are not social networking sites but I suggest that a developer should play more on these sites than Orkut, Facebook etc. I don't think there can be one single option for this answer. If you are a die hard developer then you have lots of choices.
Stack Overflow (Obviously)
It has all the features of a social networking site (most importantly, it is almost addictive).
I consider it a platform for developer collaboration. Most important aspect of CodePlex (and Sourceforge) is that they have very little noise.
I love its lounge.
Note: I visit Facebook and Orkut just to see what they are doing technically because they are almost masterpieces of work. I can get a lot of ideas and inspiration from these sites.
