Radix sort not working in Lua - algorithm

Firstly I should mention I've not been coding very long at all, although that much is probably obvious from my code :P
I'm having two problems, firstly the sort isn't functioning correctly but does sort the numbers by their length. Any help here would be appreciated.
Secondly it's changing both the table it grabs and the table it returns (not sure why). How do I prevent it changing the table it grabs?
I'd prefer if people didn't post a fully optisimised premade code as I'm not going to learn or understand anything that way.
function radix_sort(x)
pass, bucket, maxstring = 0, x, 2
while true do
pass = pass + 1
queue = {}
for n=#bucket,1,-1 do
key_length = string.len(bucket[n])
key = bucket[n]
if pass == 1 and key_length > maxstring then
maxstring = key_length
if key_length == pass then
pool = string.sub(key, 1,1)
if queue[pool + 1] == nil then
queue[pool + 1] = {}
table.insert(queue[pool + 1], key)
table.remove(bucket, n)
for k,v in pairs(queue) do
for n=1,#v do
table.insert(bucket, v[n])
if pass == maxstring then
return bucket

There's a lot of changes I made to get this working, so hopefully you can look through and pickup on them. I tried to comment as best I could.
function radix_sort(x)
pass, maxstring = 0, 0
-- to avoid overwriting x, copy into bucket like this
-- it also gives the chance to init maxstring
for n=1,#x,1 do
-- since we can, convert all entries to strings for string functions below
key_length = string.len(bucket[n])
if key_length > maxstring then
maxstring = key_length
-- not a fan of "while true ... break" when we can set a condition here
while pass <= maxstring do
pass = pass + 1
-- init both queue and all queue entries so ipairs doesn't skip anything below
queue = {}
for n=1,10,1 do
queue[n] = {}
-- go through bucket entries in order for an LSD radix sort
for n=1,#bucket,1 do
key_length = string.len(bucket[n])
key = bucket[n]
-- for string.sub, start at end of string (LSD sort) with -pass
if key_length >= pass then
pool = tonumber(string.sub(key, pass*-1, pass*-1))
pool = 0
-- add to appropriate queue, but no need to remove from bucket, reset it below
table.insert(queue[pool + 1], key)
-- empty out the bucket and reset, use ipairs to call queues in order
for k,v in ipairs(queue) do
for n=1,#v do
table.insert(bucket, v[n])
return bucket
Here's a test run:
> input={55,2,123,1,42,9999,6,666,999,543,13}
> output=radix_sort(input)
> for k,v in pairs(output) do
> print (k , " = " , v)
> end
1 = 1
2 = 2
3 = 6
4 = 13
5 = 42
6 = 55
7 = 123
8 = 543
9 = 666
10 = 999
11 = 9999

pool = string.sub(key, 1,1)
always looks at the first character; perhaps you meant string.sub(key, pass, 1)


How to read by the number at each iteration of the loop in Ruby?

How to read by the number at each iteration of the loop? Dynamic work is important, (not once to read the entire line and convert to an array), at each iteration, take one number from the file string and work with it. How to do it right?
input.txt :
1 7 5 2 3
Work with 2nd line of the file.
fin = File.open("input.txt", "r")
fout = File.open("output.txt", "w")
n = fin.readline.to_i
heap_min = Heap.new(:min)
heap_max = Heap.new(:max)
for i in 1..n
a = fin.read.to_i #code here <--
if heap_max.size > heap_min.size
tmp = heap_max.top
if heap_min.size > heap_max.size
tmp = heap_min.top
if heap_max.size == heap_min.size
heap_max.top > heap_min.top ? median = heap_min.top : median = heap_max.top
median = heap_max.top
fout.print(median, " ")
If you're 100% sure that your file separate numbers by space you can try this :
a = fin.gets(' ', -1).to_i
Read the 2nd line of a file:
line2 = File.readlines('input.txt')[1]
Convert it to an array of integers:
array = line2.split(' ').map(&:to_i).compact

Redis Sorted Set: Bulk ZSCORE

How to get a list of members based on their ID from a sorted set instead of just one member?
I would like to build a subset with a set of IDs from the actual sorted set.
I am using a Ruby client for Redis and do not want to iterate one by one. Because there could more than 3000 members that I want to lookup.
Here is the issue tracker to a new command ZMSCORE to do bulk ZSCORE.
There is no variadic form for ZSCORE, yet - see the discussion at: https://github.com/antirez/redis/issues/2344
That said, and for the time being, what you could do is use a Lua script for that. For example:
local scores = {}
while #ARGV > 0 do
scores[#scores+1] = redis.call('ZSCORE', KEYS[1], table.remove(ARGV, 1))
return scores
Running this from the command line would look like:
$ redis-cli ZADD foo 1 a 2 b 3 c 4 d
(integer) 4
$ redis-cli --eval mzscore.lua foo , b d
1) "2"
2) "4"
EDIT: In Ruby, it would probably be something like the following, although you'd be better off using SCRIPT LOAD and EVALSHA and loading the script from an external file (instead of hardcoding it in the app):
require 'redis'
script = <<LUA
local scores = {}
while #ARGV > 0 do
scores[#scores+1] = redis.call('ZSCORE', KEYS[1], table.remove(ARGV, 1))
return scores
redis = ::Redis.new()
reply = redis.eval(script, ["foo"], ["b", "d"])
Lua script to get scores with member IDs:
local scores = {}
while #ARGV > 0 do
local member_id = table.remove(ARGV, 1)
local member_score = {}
member_score[1] = member_id
member_score[2] = redis.call('ZSCORE', KEYS[1], member_id)
scores[#scores + 1] = member_score
return scores

Ruby - How to subtract numbers of two files and save the result in one of them on a specified position?

I have 2 txt files with different strings and numbers in them splitted with ;
Now I need to subtract the
((number on position 2 in file1) - (number on position 25 in file2)) = result
Now I want to replace the (number on position 2 in file1) with the result.
I tried my code below but it only appends the number in the end of the file and its not the result of the calculation which got appended.
def calc
f1 = File.open("./file1.txt", File::RDWR)
f2 = File.open("./file2.txt", File::RDWR)
f1.each.zip(f2.each).each do |line, line2|
bg = line.split(";").compact.collect(&:strip)
bd = line2.split(";").compact.collect(&:strip)
n = bd[2].to_i - bg[25].to_i
f2.print bd[2] << n
#puts "#{n}" Only for testing
f1.close && f2.close
Use something like this:
lines1 = File.readlines('file1.txt').map(&:to_i)
lines2 = File.readlines('file2.txt').map(&:to_i)
result = lines1.zip(lines2).map do |value1, value2| value1 - value2 }
File.write('file1.txt', result.join(?\n))
This code load all files in memory, then calculate result and write it to first file.
FYI: If you want to use your code just save result to other file (i.e. result.txt) and at the end copy it to original file.

Better way to map multiple values (inject)

Please suggest a better (Ruby-ish) way to summarise mutiple entries in one go given the code below:
def summary_totals
pay_paid, pay_unpaid = 0, 0
rec_paid, rec_unpaid = 0, 0
net_paid, net_unpaid = 0, 0
summary_entries.each do |proj_summary|
pay_paid += proj_summary.payable.paid || 0
pay_unpaid += proj_summary.payable.unpaid || 0
rec_paid += proj_summary.receivable.paid || 0
rec_unpaid += proj_summary.receivable.unpaid || 0
net_paid += proj_summary.net.paid || 0
net_unpaid += proj_summary.net.unpaid || 0
pay = PaidUnpaidEntry.new(pay_paid, pay_unpaid)
rec = PaidUnpaidEntry.new(rec_paid, rec_unpaid)
net = PaidUnpaidEntry.new(net_paid, net_unpaid)
ProjectPaymentsSummary.new(pay, rec, net)
Update: All you need to do is to rewrite the each loop (which sums up 6 variables) in a better Ruby style.
"Better" could be subjective, but I guess you want to use inject to do the summing. The symbol argument to inject can be used to make it nice and concise. If you pass the result directly to your constructors, there's no need for the local variables, eg:
pay = PaidUnpaidEntry.new(
summary_entries.map { |e| e.payable.paid }.inject(:+),
summary_entries.map { |e| e.payable.unpaid }.inject(:+)
# etc

Ruby driver tests failing for credit card with luhn algorithm

I worked up a working code to check if a credit card is valid using luhn algorithm:
class CreditCard
def initialize(num)
##num_arr = num.to_s.split("")
raise ArgumentError.new("Please enter exactly 16 digits for the credit card number.")
if ##num_arr.length != 16
#num = num
def check_card
final_ans = 0
i = 0
while i < ##num_arr.length
(i % 2 == 0) ? ans = (##num_arr[i].to_i * 2) : ans = ##num_arr[i].to_i
if ans > 9
tens = ans / 10
ones = ans % 10
ans = tens + ones
final_ans += ans
i += 1
final_ans % 10 == 0 ? true : false
However, when I create driver test codes to check for it, it doesn't work:
card_1 = CreditCard.new(4563960122001999)
card_2 = CreditCard.new(4563960122001991)
p card_1.check_card
p card_2.check_card
I've been playing around with the code, and I noticed that the driver code works if I do this:
card_1 = CreditCard.new(4563960122001999)
p card_1.check_card
card_2 = CreditCard.new(4563960122001991)
p card_2.check_card
I tried to research before posting on why this is happening. Logically, I don't see why the first driver codes wouldn't work. Can someone please assist me as to why this is happening?
Thanks in advance!!!
You are using a class variable that starts with ##, which is shared among all instances of CreditCard as well as the class (and other related classes). Therefore, the value will be overwritten every time you create a new instance or apply check_card to some instance. In your first example, the class variable will hold the result for the last application of the method, and hence will reflect the result for the last instance (card_2).
