Writing dynamic LINQ queries as closure methods - linq

I'm trying to write a C# repository with atomic contexts and feel like this is a perfect situation for the usage of a closure, but I can't quite grok how to get it done in C#. I have this as a main method in my repository:
protected virtual IQueryable<T> AsQueryable()
return _context.ObjectSet<T>().AsQueryable();
Meanwhile, I have derived classes with methods like:
public IQueryable<Arc> ByRun(Run run)
IQueryable<Arc> query = from o in AsQueryable()
from r in o.Runs
where r.Id == run.Id
select o;
return query;
and I want to change my query method to return IEnumerable and to dispose quickly of the context, so want to use (something like) this:
protected virtual IEnumerable<T> AsEnumerable()
using (IContextUnitOfWork unitOfWork = new EFUnitOfWork())
return unitOfWork.ObjectSet<T>().ToList();
The problem, of course, is that once the context is disposed, calling LINQ on the resulting IEnumerable set will fail. Thus, my thought is that I should bundle up the ByRun() method and pass it to AsEnumerable() to be used as a closure.
While not my original language style, I learned closures in Ruby. There, what I'm trying to do would look something like this mixed up pseudo-code:
ByRun(Run run)
AsEnumerable do |query|
from o in query
from r in o.Runs
where r.Id == run.Id
select o;
where the AsEnumerable method would open the context, perform the operation that was passed in, and return. I'm sure I can do this once I understand the syntax, so I'm looking for my desired AsEnumerable and ByRun methods implemented this way.

If I understand the question correctly, you want to have a wrapper on any query to ensure that AsEnumerable is called at the end and context is disposed just after the query?
If so (assuming that your base class is generic with T parameter), try this:
protected virtual IEnumerable<T> AsEnumerable(Func<ObjectSet<T>, IQueryable<T>> query)
using (IContextUnitOfWork unitOfWork = new EFUnitOfWork())
return query(unitOfWork.ObjectSet<T>()).AsEnumerable();
And usage example:
public IEnumerable<Arc> ByRun(Run run)
return AsEnumerable(query => from o in query
from r in o.Runs
where r.Id == run.Id
select o);
The parameter of AsEnumerable here is the lambda expression containing any delegate that takes ObjectSet<T> as the only parameter and returns IQueryable<T>. So it's logically equivalent to have the following code in the derived class:
public IEnumerable<Arc> ByRun(Run run)
using (IContextUnitOfWork unitOfWork = new EFUnitOfWork())
return (from o in unitOfWork.ObjectSet<T>()
from r in o.Runs
where r.Id == run.Id
select o).AsEnumerable();


Joins in Linq 2 SQL using IDataContext

I've an interface for my dbContext class as follows
public interface IDataContext : IDisposable, IUnitOfWork
IQueryable<T> Query<T>() where T : class ;
.... Other methods
and my implementation of this is like this
public IQueryable<T> Query<T>() where T : class
return Set<T>();
Now when I do query like this
var menus = (from s in _dbContext.Query<SiteMenu>()
from r in _dbContext.Query<RoleMenu>()
where r.Role.Name == rolename
select s).ToList();
I got the following error
LINQ to Entities does not recognize the method 'System.Linq.IQueryable`1[G.Domain.Models.Models.RoleMenu] Query[RoleMenu] ()' method, and this method cannot be translated into a store expression.
I've to make explicit join to make this work, Can you explain this ?
Even though you have a perfect looking LINQ query like this:
var menus = (from s in _dbContext.Query<SiteMenu>()
from r in _dbContext.Query<RoleMenu>()
where r.Role.Name == rolename
select s).ToList();
If the Query method calls some custom method inside of it, it will be embedded into the logic trying to convert this LINQ query into SQL, and attempt to convert any method calls into an appropriate SQL method. There is limited method support in LINQ, and as such it finds the method "QueryRoleMenu" that it can't convert to SQL, and throws this exception.

Linq Parsing Error when trying to create seperation of concerns

I am in the middle of a refactoring cycle where I converted some extension methods that used to look like this:
public static IQueryable<Family> FilterOnRoute(this IQueryable<Family> families, WicRoute route)
return families.Where(fam => fam.PODs
.Any(pod => pod.Route.RouteID == route.RouteID));
to a more fluent implementation like this:
public class SimplifiedFamilyLinqBuilder
private IQueryable<Family> _families;
public SimplifiedFamilyLinqBuilder Load(IQueryable<Family> families)
_families = families;
return this;
public SimplifiedFamilyLinqBuilder OnRoute(WicRoute route)
_families = _families.Where(fam => fam.PODs
.Any(pod => pod.Route.RouteID == route.RouteID));
return this;
public IQueryable<Family> AsQueryable()
return _families;
which I can call like this: (note this is using Linq-to-Nhibernate)
var families =
new SimplifiedFamilyLinqBuilder()
.OnRoute(new WicRoute() {RouteID = 1})
this produces the following SQL which is fine with me at the moment: (of note is that the above Linq is being translated to a SQL Query)
select ... from "Family" family0_
where exists (select pods1_.PODID from "POD" pods1_
inner join Route wicroute2_ on pods1_.RouteID=wicroute2_.RouteID
where family0_.FamilyID=pods1_.FamilyID
and wicroute2_.RouteID=#p0);
#p0 = 1
my next effort in refactoring is to move the query part that deals with the child to another class like this:
public class SimplifiedPODLinqBuilder
private IQueryable<POD> _pods;
public SimplifiedPODLinqBuilder Load(IQueryable<POD> pods)
_pods = pods;
return this;
public SimplifiedPODLinqBuilder OnRoute(WicRoute route)
_pods = _pods.Where(pod => pod.Route.RouteID == route.RouteID);
return this;
public IQueryable<POD> AsQueryable()
return _pods;
with SimplifiedFamilyLinqBuilder changing to this:
public SimplifiedFamilyLinqBuilder OnRoute(WicRoute route)
_families = _families.Where(fam =>
return this;
only I now get this error:
Remotion.Linq.Parsing.ParserException : Cannot parse expression 'value(Wic.DataTests.LinqBuilders.SimplifiedPODLinqBuilder)' as it has an unsupported type. Only query sources (that is, expressions that implement IEnumerable) and query operators can be parsed.
I started to implement IQueryable on SimplifiedPODLinqBuilder(as that seemed more logical than implementing IEnumberable) and thought I would be clever by doing this:
public class SimplifiedPODLinqBuilder : IQueryable
private IQueryable<POD> _pods;
public IEnumerator GetEnumerator()
return _pods.GetEnumerator();
public Expression Expression
get { return _pods.Expression; }
public Type ElementType
get { return _pods.ElementType; }
public IQueryProvider Provider
get { return _pods.Provider; }
only to get this exception (apparently Load is not being called and _pods is null):
System.NullReferenceException : Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
is there a way for me to refactor this code out that will parse properly into an expression that will go to SQL?
The part fam => _podLinqBuilder.Load(fam.PODs.AsQueryable() is never going to work, because the linq provider will try to parse this into SQL and for that it needs mapped members of Family after the =>, or maybe a mapped user-defined function but I don't know if Linq-to-Nhibernate supports that (I never really worked with it, because I still doubt if it is production-ready).
So, what can you do?
To be honest, I like the extension methods much better. You switched to a stateful approach, which doesn't mix well with the stateless paradigm of linq. So you may consider to retrace your steps.
Another option: the expression in .Any(pod => pod.Route.RouteID == route.RouteID)); could be paremeterized (.Any(podExpression), with
OnRoute(WicRoute route, Expression<Func<POD,bool>> podExpression)
Hope this makes any sense.
You need to separate methods you intend to call from expressions you intend to translate.
This is great, you want each of those methods to run. They return an instance that implements IQueryable<Family> and operate on that instance.
var families = new SimplifiedFamilyLinqBuilder()
.OnRoute(new WicRoute() {RouteID = 1})
This is no good. you don't want Queryable.Where to get called, you want it to be an expression tree which can be translated to SQL. But PodLinqBuilder.Load is a node in that expression tree which can't be translated to SQL!
families = _families
.Where(fam => _podLinqBuilder.Load(fam.PODs.AsQueryable())
You can't call .Load inside the Where expression (it won't translate to sql).
You can't call .Load outside the Where expression (you don't have the fam parameter).
In the name of "separation of concerns", you are mixing query construction methods with query definition expressions. LINQ, by its Integrated nature, encourages you to attempt this thing which will not work.
Consider making expression construction methods instead of query construction methods.
public static Expression<Func<Pod, bool>> GetOnRouteExpr(WicRoute route)
int routeId = route.RouteID;
Expression<Func<Pod, bool>> result = pod => pod.Route.RouteID == route.RouteID;
return result;
called by:
Expression<Func<Pod, bool>> onRoute = GetOnRouteExpr(route);
families = _families.Where(fam => fam.PODs.Any(onRoute));
With this approach, the question is now - how do I fluidly hang my ornaments from the expression tree?

Nhibernate 3.0 LINQ: Problem returning to IQueryable (non generic version) - doesn't allow ToList()

I am using the latest Nhibernate and i have a linq query to return just 1 column. so I can't use for example IQueryable as there is no entity class - i am returning only 1 column. But return to IQueryable Non Generic version doesn't provide the ToList method
Here is the method
public IQueryable GetCode()
using (ITransaction transaction = _session.BeginTransaction())
var results = (from c in _session.Query<Client>()
select new
Group = c.Code
Of course if i do this (see below) i get the ToList method on my IQueryable
public IQueryable<Client> GetCode()
using (ITransaction transaction = _session.BeginTransaction())
var results = (from c in _session.Query<Client>()
select c;
The problem being is that i need to do DISTINCT and use only 1 column.
Any ideas, i am at a loss
Thanks in advance
When i look at the type that is returned via IQueryable it is
and looking under the base class of what is returned i see an exception
Expression type 10005 is not supported by this SelectClauseVisitor.
Wouldn't the following work?
public IQueryable<X> GetCode() // X = the type of Client.Code
using (ITransaction transaction = _session.BeginTransaction())
var results = (from c in _session.Query<Client>()
select c.Code).Distinct();
The problem here is not just that you can't call ToList on a non-generic IQueryable, but that the entire result is untyped, so you cannot read the Code property of each element either. (This can be worked around with C# 4's dynamic type, but that's not really what you want here.)
In your case, I don't see why you really need to construct an anonymous type just to return a distinct sequence of Code values renamed as Group. Returning the field's value should be sufficient.
If you'd need to return more than just one column, you should create an explicit type, rather than using an anonymous type, so you can say
public IQueryable<ClientGroupAndSomething> GetCode()
using (ITransaction transaction = _session.BeginTransaction())
var results = (from c in _session.Query<Client>()
select new ClientGroupAndSomething
Group = c.Code,

IEqualityComparer exception

I am using Entity Framework 4.0 and trying to use the "Contains" function of one the object sets in my context object. to do so i coded a Comparer class:
public class RatingInfoComparer : IEqualityComparer<RatingInfo>
public bool Equals(RatingInfo x, RatingInfo y)
var a = new {x.PlugInID,x.RatingInfoUserIP};
var b = new {y.PlugInID,y.RatingInfoUserIP};
if(a.PlugInID == b.PlugInID && a.RatingInfoUserIP.Equals(b.RatingInfoUserIP))
return true;
return false;
public int GetHashCode(RatingInfo obj)
var a = new { obj.PlugInID, obj.RatingInfoUserIP };
if (Object.ReferenceEquals(obj, null))
return 0;
return a.GetHashCode();
when i try to use the comparer with this code:
public void SaveRatingInfo2(int plugInId, string userInfo)
RatingInfo ri = new RatingInfo()
PlugInID = plugInId,
RatingInfoUser = userInfo,
RatingInfoUserIP = ""
//This is where i get the execption
if (!context.RatingInfoes.Contains<RatingInfo>(ri, new RatingInfoComparer()))
//my Entity Framework context object
i get an execption:
"LINQ to Entities does not recognize the method 'Boolean Contains[RatingInfo](System.Linq.IQueryable1[OlafCMSLibrary.Models.RatingInfo], OlafCMSLibrary.Models.RatingInfo,
System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer1[OlafCMSLibrary.Models.RatingInfo])' method, and his method cannot be translated into a store expression."
Since i am not proficient with linQ and Entity Framework i might be making a mistake with my use of the "var" either in the "GetHashCode" function or in general.
If my mistake is clear to you do tell me :) it does not stop my project! but it is essential for me to understand why a simple comparer doesnt work.
LINQ to Entities works by converting an expression tree into queries against an object model through the IQueryable interface. This means than you can only put things into the expression tree which LINQ to Entities understands.
It doesn't understand the Contains method you are using, so it throws the exception you see. Here is a list of methods which it understands.
Under the Set Methods section header, it lists Contains using an item as supported, but it lists Contains with an IEqualityComparer as not supported. This is presumably because it would have to be able to work out how to convert your IEqualityComparer into a query against the object model, which would be difficult. You might be able to do what you want using multiple Where clauses, see which ones are supported further up the document.

Using an IEqualityComparer with a LINQ to Entities Except clause

I have an entity that I'd like to compare with a subset and determine to select all except the subset.
So, my query looks like this:
Products.Except(ProductsToRemove(), new ProductComparer())
The ProductsToRemove() method returns a List<Product> after it performs a few tasks. So in it's simplest form it's the above.
The ProductComparer() class looks like this:
public class ProductComparer : IEqualityComparer<Product>
public bool Equals(Product a, Product b)
if (ReferenceEquals(a, b)) return true;
if (ReferenceEquals(a, null) || ReferenceEquals(b, null))
return false;
return a.Id == b.Id;
public int GetHashCode(Product product)
if (ReferenceEquals(product, null)) return 0;
var hashProductId = product.Id.GetHashCode();
return hashProductId;
However, I continually receive the following exception:
LINQ to Entities does not recognize
the method
method, and this method cannot be
translated into a store expression.
Linq to Entities isn't actually executing your query, it is interpreting your code, converting it to TSQL, then executing that on the server.
Under the covers, it is coded with the knowledge of how operators and common functions operate and how those relate to TSQL. The problem is that the developers of L2E have no idea how exactly you are implementing IEqualityComparer. Therefore they cannot figure out that when you say Class A == Class B you mean (for example) "Where Person.FirstName == FirstName AND Person.LastName == LastName".
So, when the L2E interpreter hits a method it doesn't recognize, it throws this exception.
There are two ways you can work around this. First, develop a Where() that satisfies your equality requirements but that doesn't rely on any custom method. In other words, test for equality of properties of the instance rather than an Equals method defined on the class.
Second, you can trigger the execution of the query and then do your comparisons in memory. For instance:
var notThisItem = new Item{Id = "HurrDurr"};
var items = Db.Items.ToArray(); // Sql query executed here
var except = items.Except(notThisItem); // performed in memory
Obviously this will bring much more data across the wire and be more memory intensive. The first option is usually the best.
You're trying to convert the Except call with your custom IEqualityComparer into Entity SQL.
Obviously, your class cannot be converted into SQL.
You need to write Products.AsEnumerable().Except(ProductsToRemove(), new ProductComparer()) to force it to execute on the client. Note that this will download all of the products from the server.
By the way, your ProductComparer class should be a singleton, like this:
public class ProductComparer : IEqualityComparer<Product> {
private ProductComparer() { }
public static ProductComparer Instance = new ProductComparer();
The IEqualityComparer<T> can only be executed locally, it can't be translated to a SQL command, hence the error
