SCPlugin icons and menu - macos

I installed SCPlugin on my mac for subversion. It works fine but I don't see the icons show status of my files. And I don't have SCPlugin's options in my right click menu bar. Any idea how to fix these?

Well if you read the website carefully they say it will work but they dont have context menu(menu bar after right click) or badging (icons you are talking about).


Clicking on issue ellipsis link just shows a lightbulb, why?

Clicking on the ellipsis link next to the issue, e.g.
I get a little light-bulb icon with an x
in the lower right hand side of my window. If I click on a link for duplicated code I get a similar x icon. Why is this? How do I fix this?
This turned out to be a browser problem. I refreshed Firefox and the lightbulb icon now expands to a window showing the correct information. Refreshing Firefox also fixed a persistent "Still Working..." problem where no menus, etc. were available after I installed SonarQube on a new server.

Inspecting Element in Safari

I am using the latest iOS system for Mac, and have just finished completing all the updates.
I am trying to find the Developer Menu on the Mac, but I can't see it anywhere? Some have said if you just click Safari - Preferences there should be an option there, but I don't see it.
Any help would be hugely appreciated.
Thanks in advance
Open the preferences, select the "Advanced" tab and check the "Show Develop menu in menu bar" checkbox at the bottom.
try to minimize the screen of safari after that next to the APPLE logo you will see that file, edit, etc... also Develop tab in menu bar

Disable " Stay on top" features on photoshop CS2

Photoshop CS2 always stay on top, even when I click another app from the windows taskbar (right of the start button).
It's completly annoying me. Always need minimized, click the other app, reclick again on photoshop, re-reminimized.
I only have 1 screen at work so I can't let photoshop on one screen and work with the other app on the other screen.
I look in all photoshop menu, find nothing
I googled the problem, and find a adobe page explain this problem is a "feature".
I only want photoshop cs2 work all other app on windows and loose focus, let new app appear on top.
Thank you.
I had this problem and somehow solved it. But my solution may be just as fickle as why the problem occurs in the first place. But here's what I did:
On the layers palette (F7) I clicked on the small arrow just below the close "X" button, on the right. Then I selected "Pallete Options"
Didn't change any options but just clicked OK.
Now the entire window remained on top, not just the palettes. So I restarted Photoshop and it seemed to fix the issue.
I found that if you open up "edit > preferences > Memory & Image Cache" and set your memory usage up then it will fix it. I am on a Windows 10.
See this post:
Go to Edit > Preferences > File Handling > Uncheck Enable Version Cue Workgroup File Management
I literally JUST found this on accident and fixed it after having issues with all my toolbars being hidden behind stuff, and not being able to minimize without clicking on the PS window first etc. Seems to have worked!
Topmost Toggle will help you:
Works for CS2 even in Win8
Try Topmost Toggle. Works on Window 7, Window 8 and even Windows 8.1. I use it for disabling Photoshop CS2 and when Firefox bug out. Works like a charm and it's pretty easy to use:
Download and extract Topmost Toggle
Run the program - you will see that it minimize on tray
Ctr + Right click on your program and click
Big thanks to user2761076
I am having same issue with CS2 on Windows 7 64 bit. To work around, I hit tab on keyboard when photoshop window is active, that makes all pallets invisible, then I can switch to any window I need to work on.
As per this article there seem to be issue with Microsoft update

disable or change shortcut of fullscreen mode in Firefox 3.6 due to Firebug shortcut conflict

I am using Firebug with Firefox 3.6 on OSX 10.5.8. Since FF 3.6 there is a shortcut to activate fullscreen mode which is "shift" + "command" + "F". But it is the exact same shortcut of Firebug to launch "Display Element Information".
Since i never and don't really need fullscreen mode and use extensively the "Display Element Information" feature of firebug; i am trying to either change the firebug shortcut or disable the FF shortcut.
I tried finding something when accessing about:config but could not find anything relevant.
Does anybody has a solution or hack?
Change FireFox Shortcuts:
There is an extension called KeyConfig that allows you to change the keyboard shortcuts in FireFox. You can find it at the following URL:
Change FireBug Shortcuts*:
Open the FireBug Panel
Click the FireBug icon on the top left
Select "Customize Shortcuts"
Change the shortcuts you want then restart FireFox
I am using FireBug 1.5
I am not sure if the option you want is in the list of shortcuts you need to change.
Hope this helps.
I think the shortcut you are referring to is actually part of the Web Developer plugin, not Firebug. Firebug has a simliar "Inspect Element" function that uses Ctrl-I.
If you don't want to install yet another plugin, just to change one shortcut, then you will have to change the Web Developer shortcut to something else.
I've tried overriding this behaviour using the OSX System Preferences, creating an Application-only shortcut to the menu item: Tools->Web Developer->CSS->View Style Information, but no dice. This plug-in, while one of the most useful that I've found, has always seemed kind of shoddy. It's rarely updated, and bugs seem to live on forever. It breaks every time FF is updated. etc etc. But I still love it.
Not sure which extension is causing this for you. Just checked Web Developer Toolbar and don't see Cmd-Shift-F anywhere.
One newer feature in Firebug is the Customize Keyboard Shortcuts preferences panel on the Firebug menu. Open Firebug, click on the Firebug bug icon menu in the top left of the panel and select Customize Keyboard Shortcuts from the menu that shows up. You'll likely need a restart for these changes to take effect.
Well, now i feel very stupid !!!!
Indeed it is a shortcut from the Web Dev Toolbar and not firebug. I used these 2 so much during a day of work that i forgot they are 2 separate add-ons.
I was able to change the shortcut via the "Options" menu of the Web Dev Toolbar.
And just in case someone changes a shortcut, remember to restart FF for the changes to take effect.
mea culpa.
But thank you every one for helping.
Case closed !

Why do some menus open to the left of the cursor and others to the right?

In some applications (notably Visual Studio 2008, Windows Explorer, Internet Explorer) all of the menus open to the left of the cursor. In other apps (Firefox, ACDSee) they open to the right. Then there's Foxit Reader, where the ones in the menu bar open to the left and the context menu opens to the right.
This is very annoying. Is there a way to make everything open in the same direction? (preferably to the right) I'm running Vista Ultimate.
In the Control Panel go to "Tablet PC Settings" in the "Mobile PC" category and, in the General Tab, select "Left-handed" to make the menus appear on the right side.
Isn't because the cursor is at the rightmost of the screen that makes it appear on the left?
They all open to the right for me. Have you got your internationalization settings set for a right to left language somehow?
For IE7 / IE8 there has been much debate and criticism of MSFT's choice to make the Command bar (the one with home,page,tools etc. on it) be a Cascade-Menu-Left Toolbar.
In fact you can't even put it on the left side of the screen and have content on the same row after it... and even if you do, it still doesn't fix the menu cascade.
I'm not sure if this was your only issue or not, but I wouldn't take this applications usage of menus to be a "good" example.
