Clicking on issue ellipsis link just shows a lightbulb, why? - sonarqube

Clicking on the ellipsis link next to the issue, e.g.
I get a little light-bulb icon with an x
in the lower right hand side of my window. If I click on a link for duplicated code I get a similar x icon. Why is this? How do I fix this?

This turned out to be a browser problem. I refreshed Firefox and the lightbulb icon now expands to a window showing the correct information. Refreshing Firefox also fixed a persistent "Still Working..." problem where no menus, etc. were available after I installed SonarQube on a new server.


File selection dialog popup underlays behind chrome extension popup window

In my browser extension, I am trying to upload a file from my computer. When I click on "select a file" option inside my browser (), the file selection dialog box underlays behind the popup window.
This appears only when the browser is in full screen mode and on MAC OS. Once I switch the tab or remove full screen mode it overlays as expected.
Can someone please provide a solution or workaround to this issue?
I encountered the same issue recently with a Chrome extension. How did the issue appear? I don't think I've changed anything, it seems to have appeared out of nowhere.
If you have any insights, I'm interested in collaborating with you to debug the issue with my own extension. Let me know!

How to view errors/toggle log window in pine script editor?

Maybe a stupid question. I'm new to TradingView and pine script, so please bear with me if there's some simple way to do this...
I figured out how to copy and modify a script from the library. At first, I could see a tiny edge of a window at the bottom of the script. When I saved or attempted to add the script to the chart, the window showed whether the script processed or had errors.
Now, though, I seem to have "lost" that window. How can I display that window? Also, once displayed, how can I make it larger?
Here's a screenshot of the bottom of my editor -
Right-clicking on the console (errors) window showed a little pop-up saying:
While my cursor is in the editor window, holding Ctrl (or Cmd on a Mac) plus the backtick key toggles the console window open and closed.
Now, I can see the console log window whether I have errors or not.
you can show/hide the pane with pine scripts with the "_" icon on the right side:
On the rigt side next to the "_" icon you can toggle/maximize the pine script window.
Add any error to your script and save the script.
In the lower left corner, you will see a small gray triangle.
Drag it up with the mouse.
The "Show console" was never visible in my browser. Only the "Toggle console", which did not do anything for me.
I tried a different browser and the console showed well. So I figure it was the browser I was using "Firefox".
So, I re-started Firefox, by going to Un-install Programs in Windows, clicking "Remove program", in front of the Firefox logo, which gave me the choice to restart Firefox. I did took that choice and this fixed the problem for me. I hope it helps others.
On Firefox, it may bug and never show it even with the shortcuts (because it becomes a tiny single-line that can't be dragged at the bottom of the page).
In order to fix it without uninstalling firefox: clean the site data for the domain.

Inspecting a browser's Developer Tools [duplicate]

According to Google this can be accomplished by visiting "chrome-devtools://devtools/devtools.html" in Chrome but now visiting that page in the stable version of Chrome (or Canary), just shows a 99% stripped version of the inspector.
To reiterate my "title" this is in reference to "inspecting" the inspector. Not just inspecting a normal webpage.
And while I don't think it's necessary to know to resolve the issue, I"m inspecting the inspector so I can style it as discussed by Paul Irish and here:
Follow these easy steps!
Press Command+Option+i (Ctrl+Shift+i on Windows) to open DevTools.
Make sure that the developer tools are undocked into a new window. You may have to undock from the menu:
Press Command+Option+i again on this new window.
That will open the DevTools on the DevTools.
You can redock the page's DevTools if you want.
If it's not already, select Elements — it's the first icon at the top of the inspector.
A little beyond the scope of your question, but still valid in understanding why you're experiencing your problem can be found by understanding how Chrome Developer Tools: Remote Debugging works.
Open chrome://inspect
Open the inspector on that page (cmd + alt + i)
Scroll to the bottom of the page, under the Other section click the inspect link
The URL in the Other section should look something like this:
EDIT: they've fancied up the chrome:inspect page so you have to click the Other header on the left to get this to work now.
I just got this to work. The key is that you have to start up chrome in 'Remote Debugging' mode.
on OSX, open an terminal window and execute the following:
/Applications/Google\\ Chrome --remote-debugging-port=9222
On windows, Its
chrome.exe --remote-debugging-port=9222
(better windows instructions can be found here:
This will start up an instance of chrome, that will send debugging messages to a local webserver on port 9222.
If you access that web service, it will give you the ability to use the inspector to inspect any chrome window that is running. Since we want to inspect the inspector, we need to start an inspector window first (As above Use the shortcut keys; for Mac it's Command+option+i.)
Now, go ahead and navigate to
It will present you with a list of windows to display in the debugger. Select the window that starts with "Developer Tools" and you'll be able to inspect the css for the inspector.
Its hard to see in the image below, but on the left I have my chrome window pointing at the remote debugger, highlighting one of the toolbar labels. On the right you see it lit up with the tooltip just as if we were debugging a web page.
A few weeks ago somebody pointed this out in stackoverflow's "javscript" chatroom. First, and very importantly, make sure the inspector is undocked from your browser window. Then it's just a matter of opening a inspector window and then inspecting that window. In windows it's CtrlShiftI (Edit: I said, CtrlShiftI but that brings up the console inspecting the console... you should be able to navigate back and forth.) for the keyboard shortcut. (Other keyboard combos for other options and OSes here and here.) Just do that twice and you're good.
Edit: ok, you're probably confused as to undock the window. This is what you'd click if it's docked..
Edit II: I'm not quite sure why you can't inspect. JDavis's answer is consistent with the Google Docs for Apple computers. If you're using Linux it appears to be the same as Windows. You supposed to hit the inspector key combination while the focus is over the inspector window.

Why Is Xcode's Documentation Window Not Working?

When I option click an iOS symbol in Xcode's editor I get a popup summary. Near the bottom there is a link (such as "Class Reference") which should take me to the Documentation for that item. When I click it I am indeed taken to the Documentation Window but the contents of the window do not change - i.e. it continues to display whatever was being displayed before I clicked. In the past these documentation links worked properly. I am not certain if the errant behavior began when I upgraded to Xcode 9. Any help?

How to dock Firebug in browser window?

How to dock Firebug in browser window after I opened in a new window? With Firefox 3.0.8 and Firebug 1.3 on Mac OS X 10.5 I can't get it docked in the browser window back. :(
How to fix the problem
Background: firefox 10.0.10
Close Firebug if you have it open -> Go to Firefox menu -> select the "Web developer" option -> select "Firebug" from all the options listed -> Select "Firebug UI location" from all the options -> Choose Top, Button, Left or Right depending on your preference.
This should fix your problem. The "Firebug UI location" in the detached Firebug window doesn't work.
Normally you just close the window. When you open Firebug again, it will be docked.
While I was trying to figure this out, I clicked on the bug in the top left corner, while Firebug was open and docked, and selected "Always Open In New Window." Then I had the same problem.
To disable that option while Firebug is open as a Window, select View (in the OS X menu at the top of the screen while the Firebug window is in the foreground) > Options > Always Open In New Window.
Click on the Firebug icon , Choose Firebug UI Location and then choose bottom , it worked for me
I had the same problem. Resolved by following this:
Right click firebug icon in status bar. Select "On for all web pages"
I Couldn’t dock the firebug window back to the Browser-window. Neither via buttons, nor via menu.
Reseting the firebug-settings solved the problem for me. Luckily, I didn’t changed them ever.
Just close the firebug window and click the firebug icon again. It will once again be "docked".
None of these solutions worked for me. Somehow, one of my firebug settings was being stored in my Firefox profile, and I couldn't figure out how to revert it. So, I took the nuclear option and deleted and then recreated my Firebug profile, following these instructions from Mozilla:
WARNING: This should only be a last resort, as it will remove all of your previous saved settings, add-ons etc. This was not a big deal for me, because I use Chrome as my default browser and only user Firefox for debugging websites using Firebug. But for others, I suspect this might be throwing the baby out with the bathwater, so just wanted to make it clear that there are tradeoffs.
You can click on the small superimposed double rectangle icon on the far right of the firebug window, and dock and undock the firebug widget.
You can click on the small superimposed double rectangle icon on the far right of the firebug window, and dock and undock the firebug widget.
It worked for me in Windows
